FSAK Official Results/Props Thread

@ Sporko- I'm not at all quiet, we just didn't speak to each other that much. But i'll be sure to share some convo with you next time maybe even chill so you can see how "quiet" I really am.

@ Lmao at Swordlord, I did walk in the room on Sat night and saw him and Krayzie in the bed together I lol'd and walked off, I should have taken a picture.

@DK- You don't have to worry about the sign languange I JUST GOT ME SOME NEW HEARING AIDS!!!!! :D

Mick was the best player there IMO, Malek Woahhzz Oof Pond DK have been playing for years non-stop. Mick JUST started playing SCIV and did as well as he did. Malek has way more experience and character knowledge over Mick and Malek still could not beat Mick in sets. Mick may not look it but he's hella smart and with that said I propose a bet no one can beat Mick in an ft10 50$ bet. If anybody can defeat him I will give them an extra 50$... I loved how people straight underestimated him before fsak saying he's all SC2 and SC3, not only did he resurface and in such a short period of time dominated some of the best players in the world and defeated THE best player in the world but he also changed the face of the community inspiring a lot of people to pick up Xia who was rendered a mid tier character. Now nearly the entirety of the SC community knows of him and how dangerous he is, he's put fear in peoples heart from just watching him play through a stream. To seal my ideal of him I dare Beliel, the rugi player whom I admire whole heartedly for his character knowledge and indept skill with rugi, to come out of retirement and accept my ft10 50$ challenge vs Mick at NEC11. If he accepts, he and only he, shall be rewarded double totalling 100$ from Shinji (me). A possibly 150$ for a mere ft10 match!

What will Beliel's answer be?

P.C. I'm in agreeance with BelovedChildren
but when anyone OUTSIDE OF MICK starts to say "he's a bogus top player", It goes from being funny to being retarded. Did you beat SU 5-0? Can you even beat him in a FT5? Did you out place SU in the tournament? Did you EVER beat him? The guys a very skilled Kilik who has consistantly placed in tournies, talk shit by all means, but when you start to suggest he's a "fake ass top player".......it starts to get stupid.
By far the best post of the thread. SU talks shit and usually backs it up. One time he doesn't and people jump on the bandwagon. And what's funny is more than half of these people don't realize mick enjoys being the villain more than the hero. If he has to talk shit to every single person on this site to keep the scene alive, he will do it:)
SU is good...very good. top player? well he won one tournament.

well it is mini props time...more to come later.

sporko...you, sir, are the man. you irish bastard. much love to all the "out back crew" and thanks for splitting that awesome fifth with me. hopefully you now see the light that is knob creek greatness.

KDZ...FoTD is broke yo...

krayzie/hates/shenrei...always good to see the norcal guys. krayzie we missed out on 2 things...playing casuals and going out for drinks to talk shit to people. next time, sir. next time.

jaxel...good shit in sc2! thanks, also, for holding down the stream. none of this shit would have happened of succeeded at all were it not for your efforts. now stop sabotaging the community!

woahhzz...you are soooooooo adorable. next time i am bagging you up to bring home with me.

DK/ramon...oh. my. god. you guyth are thoooooooo mean.

idlemind....what more can i say? you kicked full on ass and made a great weekend for so many of us. go to cambridge house and get that IPA. then get 7 more. you deserve them.

xephykins/destinizizizish...great to see you guys again. dest i miss having someone to play casuals with. xeph, i felt unfulfilled by those abs. next time i expect to break a nail on them.

nightblade...OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE MAN. when liquor stores close at 11 o'clock, you might as well just shoot yourself or move. unless you are near this guy. you are THE MAN. i spent a good 10 minutes crying to jian about shitty laws, only to find top fucking notch scotch waiting for me. there is nothing in my power that can repay this to you. next time we meet we are spooning hardcore.

thuggish...you rotten rat bastard. we had three days for you to show me the DEV bathroom video and still i am not familiar. thanks for being the guy up chilling when everyone else had long since bitched out. <3

shinji...next time, sir. next time. B==D

hawkeye...omg i am soooooooooo sad we didn't kick it more.

wavedashinloli...sorry my shit talking skills were not up to par...every time we chilled i was like "omg i need sleep soooooooo bad." next time.

mick...stop being such a dick to the noobs. :P also that x is garbage and you owe me a chess match.

bibulus...cool mofo...thanks for keeping me in line. we have lots and lots of more whiskey to drink in the future, sir. i think i may have FINALLY found a worthy drunken MM adversary.

bubsy...DUDE...i feel like such a dick. sorry we didn't play i was just soooooooo sick of sc4, drunk, and pumped on the maple syrup prospect that i couldn't do it.

goofus/justkill...you guys are both still huge fucking scrubs. not just because you are terrible at calibur...but because i had to leave on sunday without getting a taste of that NE sticky icky. W. T. F.

S-U...good shit on keeping it real. being just as loud and stupid in real life as you are online is a huge accomplishment in and of itself.

jerry...i don't know who you are but props on bringing the parental units. props also on surprising me with a fun tira to play against.

teflon...you, sir, are the man. HUGE props on showing up in the face of everyone (myself included) calling bullshit and saying you wouldn't be there. sorry i played you like a total ass. in all honesty, though, that was the funnest match i had all weekend. hope that i continue to see you travel around.

antics..."hey lobo how's shinji doing?"...ROFL. get some, nigga!

scha/neooutlaw...my smoking and drinking pals...good shit. hope to see you guys again in the future. sc4 rocks?

KIT...sorry we only got a few shots in. next time we gotta do it proper!

y-disciple/kikaleek/hajime...fuck yoshi. y-disciple ROFL suicide...kikaleek...you got lucky son....hajime...we didn't get to play :( it is ok though i'll own you in the future :P

kritten...sooooo glad we got to meet! feel better next time, ok? i can't spoon uneasily if i think i may get vomited on.

malek...so what they say about the french is true?...interesting...by that i mean you are great sc4 players...

jer...sooo sorry we never got our sc2 MM. NEXT TIME LETS DO THIS!

rigel...your wardrobe isn't as brutally gay as i imagined. maybe next time we'll actually get to play.

greatone...always a pleasure to see you. glad we got to play...even if i was still sleeping!

GO's TO...thanks for waking me up for a single match, asshole. you know how long it took to get a good spot and pass out? sheesh....

canadians...apprentice is broke. vader is broke. nightmare is broke. poutine is fucking disgusting. BUT, you guys have trailer park boys so i can't hate you entirely.

RTD...no hat = no win. you should know this. why the fuck did i never find myself at a bar picking up random people with you? looks like we still have unfinished business.

ok well time for some porno and rest. more props to come later. yes, i forgot lots of you. yes, i will get around to it...maybe...


u gaiz kno NEC11 will have lik 20 ppl, u kno right?

If this level of serious was here two years ago, we would've stood a chance and I would still be here.

Shout outs to everyone who knows I love them, I refuse to shout of individual people.
Assassins 3aa is fucked up, I played exactly like Vincent, he would've been proud.
Congrats to everyone who placed and had fun and came to a tournament for the first time.
Old school, new school, killers, wannabe's, talent and failure were all present.

Instantly breaking my rule to shout out Idlemind and Alicia, cause they accepted me into their home like I was family, as per usual. Much love always.
Regardless if that's the case I will take the MM for NEC11 then to take back the lost I incurred there.

This is the money you could be saving if you didn't money match Mick.

I feel bad, I forgot somebody very important. New Jersey's favorite douchebag, Jaxel. Without him running the stream, everybody who didn't attend would have been deprived of the glory of FSAK. Jaxel, you always run an incredible stream and you have my thanks.
I had the best time ever at this tournament. After this I don't want to sit around and wait for SC5, whether or not it ever comes, I want to try and actually master this game to the best of my ability.

Idle - you made this happen and for that you are the man and will forever have my respect. This event was truly one of the greatest things to happen to this game.

Also props to everyone who helped run this.

sWoRD_LoRD - Loved our match, we should have found time to play more. You're all around a cool guy and I hope to see you at future events.

Jian - it was too bad you couldn't make it on sunday think you would have done great overall, you're definitely one of the most solid players. Always great to play you, I look forward to giving you a better match next time we meet.

Kikaleek - always love playing casuals with you, thanks for always dropping some knowledge, always learn a bunch when I play you.

SU - always great playing you, great job in the tournament, I will see about making the tournament you're hosting, if not hopefully I'll see you at future events.

I probably forgot some names but it was a total blast being at this event. Props to everyone that played, making it through all those matches was tough.
Just to clear some things up:

I dropped out of the tourney due to controller problems the whole time. Wasn't too bad during my match with Ramon thankfully.

Camera was found and I will up things when I get back to Seattle.

Guess I can do shoutouts.

Jaxelbear - Nice to finally meet you. Slowly I am taking over the site...

Dullyanna - That pep talk saved me big time. I owe you more than you know.

Top Talim - You are just ossome. Keep on grabbing Amy. Swear my breaking got 60% better lol.

Woahhzz - Ossome hair and enjoyed being your TO

Dman - WTF you're black? Yea I'm black too. Crazy!

M'lord - I know you're disappointed in me but if I kept going with those controllers I was gonna break something. I'll see you soon :)

Partisex - OMG I touched the hair

Surione - You are so nice and entertaining. We need to play.

Krit - Sucks we didn't play but like I said I'm training you now. No I wasn't kidding.

FSAK showed me I don't like tournaments but I'll give it one more shot. Will add more later.
Okay Mick is DEF a Top Player.

But who the fuck is riding his nnuts saying "he just camt out of nowhere/played for one month/doesnt know character matchups"

Dude came 3rd at SB3 out of 87 people. Dude doesnt forget the game, even when he is not playing. Mick is as experienced as any of the Rest of Us Top Players. So don't get it twisted like he "came out of nowhere and shocked everyone".

BTW, X has ALWAYS BEEN REALLY GOOD!! Its only noobs on this site that can't see past the text and make up decisions for themselves that think she sucks.

Those same people though Voldo and Ivy were mid-tier.

And....Vints has travelled to just about every STATE, every COUNTRY, and has played their BEST PLAYERS, beating 99% of them. just ask how Texas got raped....and the rest of the USA for that matter. So he has the right to talk shyt about anyone he wants.
@mikosu maybe you need to play more instead of doubting yourself and trying to help out so much. All the fun in tourneys come from playing people not helping them.

@dino- stfu, mick is top player nigga he played sc3 and placed top 3 wtf and he placed top 3 when sc4 first came out. He went to the army nigga he aint know shit about any character when he came back except for ivy mits and amy nigga you dont know what you talking about saying he has just as much character knowledge is a lie or else he wouldnt have lost to oof. Who the fuck do you think you are dino? You aint good nigga wtf, stay in a child place son.
My favorite part about skilled players is they will always have a fanboy who is far more inferior to everyone else, and talks shit as if he were the one who got top 3. Why this happens? No one will never really know, but what we have concluded is that their use of the English language is almost as atrocious as their playstyle.
PROPS to everyone I played in the long tourney which was fun as hell. Individual props later! I have something to address..

Malcolm - U suck, u should really learn how to play this game =P PS - Nice shades, Terminator ;-)
Wow dude I'm not going to talk about "U" like u want me to. I will just state the facts.
1. Thanks for the compliment dude.
2. I chose not to play this game with Amy as my main because I wanted a challenge.
3. I know how to play the game very well. My character makes my victory a little difficult.
4. Now U are bashing me in a props thread? Lame
5. Taki was always known to be your main. Yet u switched to Amy to win. Sad:(
6. U say that I suck yet u switched characters so u could win easily. Clearly, That makes u suck. U should learn to be more innovative with Taki like Hawkeye did kid is a beast. Ask Malik. U should know winning isn't everything, it is the unique nature in which u win. If I make it out to Nec I will show u who sucks, Yes your scary ass Amy running away from My Setsuka. I will keep on throwing your ass because your options to stop it is not good I mean it sucks!:)
You all are hilarious. Gotta go out for a goddamn week, but I really want to finish my props! Guess it'll wait until i get back. Either way, I can feel Mick on the Army thing. And, on top of that, I told him already, but I only think, even with his lack of some character knowledge, only a few people currently in the SC community would be able to beat him in a longer set.