Boycott Chick-fil-A with me!

I had a weird dream last night. Basically my father came proclaimed that he was giving up Mormonism... all I could think was "You're a mormon?"

Either way, just because a few people in a religion are bigots, doesn't make everyone in the religion a bigot. Just because these few people in the religion are leaders of the religion, doesn't mean anything; every leader of a religion is a bigot... it's how they became leaders, through polarizing words and charisma. For that matter, everyone who is Muslim is a terrorist, everyone who is Christian is a Nazi, and every Jew killed Jesus Christ.

That being said, there must be a semblance of reality. As a leader of your religion/sect/organization, EVERYTHING you do is reflective of your organization. Hell, the same thing goes for being a MEMBER. If you're Muslim, and a terrorist, and claiming to do terroristic acts in the name of Moslem, its only natural that people who know of you, will relate Muslims to terrorism. So if you're Mormon, and a gay-bashing bigot, and giving millions of dollars to fund gay-bashing groups in the name of Mormonism...
The faith is generally fine despite differences, but it's how they attempt integrate it into society that's the issue. I don't ask for people to hide their faith, that would be hypocritical as the people in fear of them are forced to do that as is. The solution is simply creating protective laws that stops allowing religion to have ANY say or benefits from the government. It's fine if you want to pray in school, it's not fine if you demand special treatment for it or force people to say "God" in the pledge...etc. Allow people to do as they want so long as it does not directly affect someone else's life or be brought to a point of harassment.You may not be the Hitler of the anti-gay revolution, but if you wield your opinion in favor of a law that supports it or even a social setting that looks down upon it, you are part of the problem. Simply treating others as a second class citizen has been most of the problem and the people doing it feel they're not doing anything wrong and it's merely an opinion and not hate...well it is hate.

The issue with gays in government is purely a religious one. There is not a single rational reason to be opposed to gays that doesn't fall under promoting a faith that is wrong or fearing the backlash of voters of that faith. Science and logic has weeded all other reasoning as asinine.

California will eventually fold and repeal prop 8, it's a matter for when. The more educated people become the more liberal they become, our generation is still affected by previous ones.

As for anti-gay in the religion. Only a FEW religions are anti gay, most being branches of Judaism (Christianity, Catholicism, Mormonism, etc...). Yet even within these it can be argued. Often people misinterpret the passages or overlook possible translations. Sodomy is a severely dynamic term and can mean anything from oral to homosexuality to beastiality to ANYTHING regarded as sexually illegal. It is NEVER specified in the book. When saying certain acts were "unnatural" in a lesbian scenario and thus a sin...this was referring to orgies...often ones with animals in the mix. But the big one people love to pull up "He slept with man as though he were woman and God was scornful" (translation differs per book). People feel this is the nail in the coffin as far as stance...yet it can easily and more logically be assumed, given the context of the whole, that this unmarried gay couple was not exempt of being adulterers simply because it was not male and female intercourse. Often many of the sins of gay people in the bible are crimes of another nature and they just so happen to be gay.

The more ya know...
If they were supporting some crazy crap like Westboro baptist church or something I'd care, but as it is I don't so there's no way im boycotting (though I almost never eat chick-fil-a anyway)
I dont think we have Chikfila in california cuz ive never heard of it. We have popeyes and church's. But regardless, I dont like any of those places anyways, so fuck em!! Ill bet church's and chickfila are the same company just different names. I got your back holmes!!!

again mormonism is not anti-gay. We are taught to love anyone even if we do not like the sin. The mormon church teaches love and compassion but carry a strong moral belief in marriage being between a man and a woman. To turn around call a church that practices and preaches its own beliefs as oppressive or anti-gay is moronic. its a difference in perception and opinion from 2 different groups of people.
The more you know...
And please don't consider this a derailment. I see a negative jab at my religion and I just react. No more from me.
I for one am fine with say Christians, but when I see them applying their faith to political practice and voting power I am deeply offended by the abuse of power.

Yeah you can have ideals but don't vote on them or act on them and you damn well better keep them a secret! That's what I call liberty.
Yeah you can have ideals but don't vote on them or act on them and you damn well better keep them a secret! That's what I call liberty.
Have to agree, in all honesty guys biased voting(the suggested abuse of power) occurs from every group and class of people. Nobody has the right to point at religion and say thats the worst of type. I also have to say let groups practice what they please. I remember in middle school Christian students got in school suspension for "insubordination" when they refused to wash ash from their forehead on a religious holiday.

By all means believe and practice your beliefs, however if someone takes this to mean feel free to criticise my lqck of belief you're crossong a line, more sk when a grohp of people are denied basic freedoms because your particular beliefs say its a no-no(this you/your isnt actually to anyone).
No because the system is intended to be fair to all faiths and religion is a personal practice not national one. It's fine to be outspoken about it, but attempting to weave it into government and government backed things such as public school is the issue, at the same time they should be given freedom to practice in more situations that don't directly affect others. There are often many rules which are unfair to religion and then others that give it unfair advantage. Context is everything.

Sephalump has a good example of when it's unfair to religion. The ash has no real affect on anyone else and demands no special attention or alterations to let simply be. A public school should be very diverse and allow practice, but not necessarily promote it. EX: a school doesn't need to support Bible or gay clubs, but they should have rules that demand tolerance for the groups.

So no, I dont ask that they hide their voice, but implement it appropriately. Push for things that allow your practice, but don't weave your practice into law. If ANYTHING that should be obvious IN the bible. The whole book preaches 2 very key factors that are over looked:

  • We are given free will to decide right and wrong, and if you take away the concept of choice you both deny what is cherished about our humanity and your act of accepting and following faith are invalid as the drive to follow is based on alternative motives (fear, acceptance of others, law, ignorance, etc...).
  • You are NOT supposed to be judge. God gets PISSED when someone does his job. If you disagree and no one's raining bullets on your family, your options are let God sort it out in the end or preach his message. Turning his voice into law is a VERY obvious over stepping of bounds within the religion, not just politics. It's not humanities job to interpret THEN apply outwardly and then go a step further and assign punishments for the act.
You know it's just people, you can point to whatever doctrine you want...the bottom line is your dealing with people.

At the core of it, Religion doesn't give a shit about others. It's you and your God and nothing else. What others do is none of your business.
It's not written for you to change anyone or anything. As far as God is concerned the world is perfect, exactly as intended.

The flawed cannot judge the flawed.
No because the system is intended to be fair to all faiths and religion is a personal practice not national one. It's fine to be outspoken about it, but attempting to weave it into government and government backed things such as public school is the issue, at the same time they should be given freedom to practice in more situations that don't directly affect others. There are often many rules which are unfair to religion and then others that give it unfair advantage. Context is everything.

Sephalump has a good example of when it's unfair to religion. The ash has no real affect on anyone else and demands no special attention or alterations to let simply be. A public school should be very diverse and allow practice, but not necessarily promote it. EX: a school doesn't need to support Bible or gay clubs, but they should have rules that demand tolerance for the groups.

So no, I dont ask that they hide their voice, but implement it appropriately. Push for things that allow your practice, but don't weave your practice into law. If ANYTHING that should be obvious IN the bible. The whole book preaches 2 very key factors that are over looked:

  • We are given free will to decide right and wrong, and if you take away the concept of choice you both deny what is cherished about our humanity and your act of accepting and following faith are invalid as the drive to follow is based on alternative motives (fear, acceptance of others, law, ignorance, etc...).
  • You are NOT supposed to be judge. God gets PISSED when someone does his job. If you disagree and no one's raining bullets on your family, your options are let God sort it out in the end or preach his message. Turning his voice into law is a VERY obvious over stepping of bounds within the religion, not just politics. It's not humanities job to interpret THEN apply outwardly and then go a step further and assign punishments for the act.

No you're wrong. You can't have beliefs and not act on them. And that's not an abuse of power. That's just a part of the democratic process. Lots of groups with common interests form voting blocks, from political parties to industries, unions and rotary clubs. To say they can vote on their ideals and not Christians because of some private bias of your own is prejudice. You think gay rights are a necessity, you'll vote on that. They think they're corrupting our moral fabric, they'll vote on that. Both of you are simply voting in what you think are the best interests. I'm not saying they're right. What I am saying though is despite the resolution between church and state people are going to vote on their religious convictions. That divide was never intended for people's hearts or minds. You don't beat those people by trying to block them from voting or decrying that what they do is unfair. You beat them by mobilizing like minded people to vote and by spreading reason and the truth. What they're doing is wrong, from a moral and ethical standpoint, they're not even the best christains imo, but there's nothing that says they can't or shouldn't take it to the polls. If you're expecting them to keep a part of themselves at home that makes you no better than they are.
We're not a democracy as people believe we are for a reason. We are a republic for the intention to protect the minority from the tyranny of the masses. There are certain things that fall under a zone of human rights that negates the need for vote. Gay rights easily falls within them and yet we still must put it through vote because of religious groups, which is defying the entire concept and yet somehow is still tolerated

If you really believe that, you believe that slavery, oppression towards race, and other past sins of our country were fully justified because a majority felt they could vote on human rights.

Our constitution states a divide between church and state for these very reasons, but it is constantly found that there are things that constantly cross this line. So no, my stating for them to withhold voting for personal gain of their faith at the direct expense of the quality of life of others beyond the simple allowance to practice as an individual, is not prejudice based on my bias. There are rules to what can and can not be voted upon and these are in direct violation and is why we are beginning to see lawmakers creating a fuss over currently in effect rules that disregard these policies.

The world would be hell in a true democracy, as it would stamp out minorities and create instant oppression given any conservative strain be in control at any given time. Most people are not educated enough to even vote on things they want because they dont understand the actual process and may vote on something that harms what they wanted in the first place. For this reason we elect officials that do understand and can translate the need for people and filter out ignorant view points. The uneducated vastly out weigh the educated and reasonable in numbers.
People voting based on their religious beliefs is just the same as voting based on any other other conditioned notion, really. A society is just the inertia of it's age, and its culture.

An idealist would say "if we didn't have religion, we wouldn't have these difference", but the idealist is blind, because we'd just find equally polarizing things to hate each other for, like for example, chikfila not giving me enough polynesian sauce. Those bigots.

People voting based on their religious beliefs is just the same as voting based on any other other conditioned notion, really. A society is just the inertia of it's age, and its culture.
That's what I tried saying but you keep more on the point and worded way better so thank you.

before i looked at the link and saw it was a youtube link.. i thought it was going to be this:
It's about to get controversial up in hea!

I can't eat at Chick-fil-a anyways, so I support this.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Unless you're a woman... or black...