Aluminum Foil Hat Time! Conspiracy Theories?

Alright Senzait time for the burner... God came out of nowhere... how can you possibly believe in him? or that he did? or that he was just here in whatever void.... Then decided hey let me create the ever expanding universe and within this huge universe I will put life on this one tiny planet.

Face it dude... its like I said, we are that 1 in 1 trillion chance that all those things you mentioned plus more could come together in harmony to create what we call earth and life as we know it...

If God created this, Someone had to create God and so on... if not then none of this makes sense...

Its all random, it all cannot be explained why it was created, what started it, when will it end, what our purpose in all this is.

You gotta admit, that's a lot to accept, and perhaps too much for a lot of people. Using the classic, overused comparison of the pocket watch, how every gear is positioned perfectly, and everything relies on each other in order to exist - yes, there's that miniscule chance that it was by chance, but you honestly don't think that it all seems too perfect? (note, I'm not saying there are imperfections in the universe, of course there are. Like naked mole rats, those things are goddamn scary...). If you don't, then I kinda envy you for that.

I'll admit, I do feel that people are naturally idealistic, and automatically think they've come into being for a reason, and have a purpose for living (which goes hand in hand with religion...)
You gotta admit, that's a lot to accept, and perhaps too much for a lot of people. Using the classic, overused comparison of the pocket watch, how every gear is positioned perfectly, and everything relies on each other in order to exist - yes, there's that miniscule chance that it was by chance, but you honestly don't think that it all seems too perfect? (note, I'm not saying there are imperfections in the universe, of course there are. Like naked mole rats, those things are goddamn scary...). If you don't, then I kinda envy you for that.

I'll admit, I do feel that people are naturally idealistic, and automatically think they've come into being for a reason, and have a purpose for living (which goes hand in hand with religion...)

I think our purpose is to destroy earth. Which we seem to be pretty good at.

Also no its not alot to accept. What makes you believe all this shit is in harmony? do you not see how chaotic the universe is around us? Like I said we are just that one planet thats got it made... out of how big the universe is Id say its very likely there is another one out there like us... we just will never find/see it.
I think you are misreading my statement somehow senzait. People (you too it seems) assume that the creation of our universe is impossible without a god, but then at the SAME TIME they completely accept the non-falsibiable statement that its created by an almighty god. Thats not what i really call common sense, but im not here to attack anybody in their religious thoughts. Im just wondering why they dont ask the same questions to themselves as they do to atheists etc...

There is no scientific way in proving religious wrong, thats the whole joke about it. Its waterproof and some religious people have the guts to ask for evidence for other theories which is amazing imo, since they support a theory which is absolutely impossible to prove right or wrong. They dont even try to, they just expect scientist to give an answer for the whole universe. Whereas the simple answer is WE CANT ANSWER, YET.

And Where did i say Big Bang comes out of nowhere? I used to work at The Large Hadron Collider :P I know a bit about physics :)
What?!?.... how religious people believe atheists act? ... that's a pathetic generalization.
Ok, maybe you're right, but I've seen some pretty disgusting beliefs about atheism.

I think you missed his point. The probability that 9 billion years after an explosion of astronomical proportions an exact ratio of elements comes together to create certain amino acids, fatty acids, basic sugars and nucleotides that then are put together into extremely complex polymers (DNA and proteins) which THEN have to be put together into larger molecules which finally make up the single cell are unrealistically small. For all these to happen conditions have to be perfect. Its about the same as a blind-fold monkey typing randomly and having a grammatically perfect Macbeth as a product. That is where god comes in. AT LEAST IMO of course :).
Let's not get into biology too much here, but the way I see it is if the conditions for our existence were not perfect we would not be here to observe them. ;) Consciousness can only exist in places which are able to sustain life.
I do not think it's a coincidence that in all of time and all of space there's a planet that can sustain life. You might think so and I'm willing to disagree over that.

People have to stop thinking that if one has faith then they lack complete common sense and acceptance of scientific evidence. Just because I ( A Roman Catholic) believe god created the universe doesn't mean I don't believe in the Big Bang.
He said "What we can't imagine..." Am I wrong here? I thought he was speaking specifically for religious people who can not imagine the big bang happened.

Plus how can you possibly believe something comes out of nowhere?
I'm not so sure anyone said they did believe something comes out of nowhere. :X
But same question back to you. Why can god come out of nowhere?
Well I'm not trying to attack anyone's beliefs either, though you'd almost think I'd launched a full offensive or something...

Only thing I'll say about atheists then is this, they denounce religion, that is, that God exists. They then go out and preach this to people, in some vain attempt to do what I can only percieve is be smug about it. Personally, I'm not religious, and I'm not atheist, I suppose that makes me agnostic, but I dislike labels, and I consider preaching a form of conditioning.

I'm speechless dude. You couldn't even spell Fascism correctly for me?

Did you even read what I said? I said they do NOT need to be conditioned with that sort of mentality.

Your selective nitpicking is amusing, but pointless... I think the scientologists beat you to starting a religion against religion (In principle anyway), I guess you could join them, I hear they're rich and secretly trying to clone their great founder L. Ron Hubbard.

And the cake is not a lie, that cake kept me going *sniff*
Since there is no way to prove it either way and "we cant answer yet" than believing the universe was created by a god is the same as having any other theory about how the universe was created, it being scientific or not. Except just because there is no scientific reasoning behind belief in religious belief, it is oversimplified, criticized and ridiculed all the time. You might not have meant to attack anyone's religious thoughts but by generalizing religion and religious people its hard not to.

If you don't believe there is something bigger than ourselves, and nothing in this universe has given you any evidence that matter can be created from no matter at all than how can you possibly justify believing that our universe came out of nowhere?

And I believe god is a form of energy, so "it's" always been there :)

Anyway I've discussed my point enough ^_^ NO WAY any side of the argument will every convince the other but its interesting talk!!
Well I'm not trying to attack anyone's beliefs either, though you'd almost think I'd launched a full offensive or something...
You've said some pretty trolly stuff dude and you don't even try to back it up.

I consider preaching a form of conditioning.
Fascism too apparently.

Your selective nitpicking is amusing, but pointless...
How was Stargate?

Anyway I've discussed my point enough ^_^ NO WAY any side of the argument will every convince the other but its interesting talk!!
I don't think the important thing is convincing the other. It's knowing why the other one can justify believing something. But I agree, interesting talk.
Since there is no way to prove it either way and "we cant answer yet" than believing the universe was created by a god is the same as having any other theory about how the universe was created, it being scientific or not. Except just because there is no scientific reasoning behind belief in religious belief, it is oversimplified, criticized and ridiculed all the time. You might not have meant to attack anyone's religious thoughts but by generalizing religion and religious people its hard not to.

If you don't believe there is something bigger than ourselves, and nothing in this universe has given you any evidence that matter can be created from no matter at all than how can you possibly justify believing that our universe came out of nowhere?

And I believe god is a form of energy, so "it's" always been there :)

Anyway I've discussed my point enough ^_^ NO WAY any side of the argument will every convince the other but its interesting talk!!

You still did not answer my question... What put that energy here?
You still did not answer my question... What put that energy here?
Saying something once wasn't and now is involves the concept of time. Which started with the Big Bang (In theory). This "energy" I believe was there before the concept of time, hence it has always been there.
Saying something once wasn't and now is involves the concept of time. Which started with the Big Bang (In theory). This "energy" I believe was there before the concept of time, hence it has always been there.

Hmm Ill just take that as you cant answer it... Nothings "Always" been there... thats a concept of time too... forever.
How does one come to think that forces outside of space and time is at play like it's just so obvious? Allowing yourself to assume that something outside of nature (and therefore something unmeasurable) answers the question of existence is so lazy, lol.

docvizzo said exactly what TheAmazingAtheist said about unfalsifiable statements because it's true. You can't just make a statement that is impossible to prove/disprove and then expect others to feel wrong because they don't buy into your made-up rules. In the end all you've got going translates to, "in order to believe in god, you have to believe in god." And that's just so convincing, right? lolzzzz
Hmm Ill just take that as you cant answer it... Nothings "Always" been there... thats a concept of time too... forever.
Of course I cant answer it Lol. If I could then I would be a little bit richer and more famous than I am now.

Lol at people not understanding that the concept of creationism is in itself an impossible concept to answer. Thus the only explanation of such is one which is impossible to prove. You find flaws in the spiritual beliefs, I challenge you to find a more valid answer for most of the things we've been talking about.
So how were the pyramids that have over 2 million blocks and each single one weighing over 2 tons built, and why? Just want to see people's opinions.
People, even scientists, who claim there's no way ancient man could have moved huge multi-ton stone slabs without machinery have simply lived too long with the comforts of technology and truly underestimate both human ingenuity and the power of basic physics.

There's a guy, I believe he lives in Canada, who is in the middle of building a replica stone henge on his property, by hand, with no tools. I even saw a video of him moving and erecting the first two ton slab by himself without aid of machinery. He used small stones to pivot the stone on its axis to move it horizontally across the land to where he wanted to put it, and then over the course of several hours, he slowly raised the stone by placing alternating wedges of wood beneath each side, slowly raising it it to an incline where the stone then slid under its own weight into a waiting hole that had been dug to house it.

It took the guy I think 8 to 10 hours to move the one stone into place and erect it, but he was a single guy, doing it by himself, without tools or machinery.

It can be done.
As long as you don't scream Allah akbar! when bombing someone with Taki, you should be fine.
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