Soul Calibur 5 Guest/Bonus/CAS Character Discussion

I still don't know why everyone is already headshotting lightning into the mix. I still think it's going to be a curveball character, don't know who it is though because you couldn't have paid me a million dollars to believe that they were putting Star Wars characters in SCIV. If it is something like Mass Effect, you can guaran-damn-tee that SCV will sell like no tomorrow, ME is crazy popular here in the west.

I don't think it'll be Final Fantasy, though I think it could be cool. I would prefer someone like Basch over Cloud and Sephiroth, though.

Prince of Persia would be awesome! Somehow, I never really thought of that... Jack Sparrow could work as well. With Barbosa, though. Please no Davy Jones!
I don't think it'll be Final Fantasy, though I think it could be cool. I would prefer someone like Basch over Cloud and Sephiroth, though.

Prince of Persia would be awesome! Somehow, I never really thought of that... Jack Sparrow could work as well. With Barbosa, though. Please no Davy Jones!

Square E have already been confirmed as the guest partner and xiii2 is out around then.

Emmm its going to be Lightning, I ll eat my whiskey drenched hat if its not. And besides I want lightning, shes cool, the one aspect of xiii that did'nt grate flesh from my being with its crap. Oh and the fighting system was cool, like silly gears on a car, vrooom to accelerate, accelerate to rape-tastic! fun.
Okay I remember reading in a producer interview that they had already a deal with squeee but I can't find it now. I retract for now... but temporarily, I smell cover up!

Maybe that was that "exclusivity deal" Daishi was talking about on his Twitter...
Hell, if MK9 can add that motherfricka Freddy Krueger then anything is possible for SCV.
Bayo would be pretty sweet cause Platinum did a horrible job with the graphics, SCV graphics would be the bomb for her.
I've always been a die hard FFVII fan, so I can't get mad if they go that route.
FFXIII guest character.... meh.
My curveball guess character would be the new Dante from the new DmC.
....Always liked Necird/Spawn because they were comic characters, but not generic ones like Superman or Batman. They made the game demonic, almost...and much more awesome. Maybe if they put in someone not from a videogame? Like, idk, King Leonidas? I mean, if Kratos can get in, why not another Greek God?
Percy Jackson and Luke. NOT the movie versions. Or, on that note, Eragon and Murtag (also not the movie versions).
I still want Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru, They already ARE in that age of japan and use swords of demonic lore.
Possible reasoning?
- Inuyasha wasnts to become a full demon with it.
- Naraku gets a hold of Soul edge's energy clashing with the shikon jewl's.
- The small green guy finds Soul edge for Sesshoumaru because it is rumored a power demon once bared it, (nightmare) so he could kill Naraku with it.

I think they should only add characters that would fit the theme of the game, not random generic ones just because they're popular.
No offense TypicalEvil, but they added Star Wars characters to Soul Calibur think about that for a second... Star Wars characters... for Soul Calibur, that didn't fit SC at all, as a matter of fact no character other than Kratos has fit the SC theme. I'm" sorry but at this point if Soul managed to throw Vader and Yoda in this series; they can throw Kirby in this game and that'll somehow make more sense to me than Star Wars.

But then again, what is really the theme of this game other than chasing a sword because the medieval aspect of the game died a long time ago.
No offense TypicalEvil, but they added Star Wars characters to Soul Calibur think about that for a second... Star Wars characters... for Soul Calibur, that didn't fit SC at all, as a matter of fact no character other than Kratos has fit the SC theme. I'm" sorry but at this point if Soul managed to throw Vader and Yoda in this series; they can throw Kirby in this game and that'll somehow make more sense to me than Star Wars.
Fucking holy win

Stylistically SW trash is the lowest point ever touched

Said that still hope for something that fit like Ezio Auditore or Gabriel Belmont (taking recent games), something that add quality to the cast,not just trash
No offense TypicalEvil, but they added Star Wars characters to Soul Calibur think about that for a second... Star Wars characters... for Soul Calibur, that didn't fit SC at all, as a matter of fact no character other than Kratos has fit the SC theme. I'm" sorry but at this point if Soul managed to throw Vader and Yoda in this series; they can throw Kirby in this game and that'll somehow make more sense to me than Star Wars.

But then again, what is really the theme of this game other than chasing a sword because the medieval aspect of the game died a long time ago.
Your edicate is refreshing Sithis says... anyway, I think Namco is aware that Star wars warped SC and it's own subculture mixing 2 far too different genres of fighting themes. However Inuyasha is in ancient Japan (Mitsurugi's era) if you recall. This series needs to keep the Medieval feel to it, this is the soul root of SC and Seigfried fighting (Knightmare) adding characters with guns or modern weapons just puts too much of a gap and fails to keep people from seeing this as a serious story based game. I say they should only consider characters that would fit the time period, no Wolverine, no Sentenal. If anything Task master but no one that would take too much attention away from the cast and onto themselves like Vader and Michael Scofield did in SC4.
The only franchise that fits the Soul Calibur world is Berserk. That would be the best choice, the smart choice and since this is Namco we'll never see it happen.

I can only hope the guest character would be from a Tales game, not because I like their designs but because it would be the less harmful option. Add the blonde girl from the new Tales, give her Raph or Amy stance and lets call it a day.
Fucking holy win

Stylistically SW trash is the lowest point ever touched

Said that still hope for something that fit like Ezio Auditore or Gabriel Belmont (taking recent games), something that add quality to the cast,not just trash
Hahaha. Gatsu, I sincerely like a lot of your posts, but your caustic loathing of Star Wars (and all things science fiction, judging from previous comments) grows wearying. We get it, you don’t want it tainting your SoulCalibur; since most everyone already agrees that it was an utterly nonsensical choice for inclusion in SCIV, do you think you could refrain from casting aspersions on it every chance you get? I strongly suspect that many people here, even seemingly intelligent people of apparently good taste, actually (gasp!) like Star Wars and/or scifi in general (not, mind you, that I think Star Wars is necessarily the most representative work of what science fiction has to offer from either an aesthetic or a philosophical perspective).

+1 on the Belmont or Ezio option, as I’ve said before. Have to keep this post OT somehow, right?
The only franchise that fits the Soul Calibur world is Berserk. That would be the best choice, the smart choice and since this is Namco we'll never see it happen.

I can only hope the guest character would be from a Tales game, not because I like their designs but because it would be the less harmful option. Add the blonde girl from the new Tales, give her Raph or Amy stance and lets call it a day.
Hahaha. Gatsu, I sincerely like a lot of your posts, but your caustic loathing of Star Wars (and all things science fiction, judging from previous comments) grows wearying. We get it, you don’t want it tainting your SoulCalibur; since most everyone already agrees that it was an utterly nonsensical choice for inclusion in SCIV, do you think you could refrain from casting aspersions on it every chance you get? I strongly suspect that many people here, even seemingly intelligent people of apparently good taste, actually (gasp!) like Star Wars and/or scifi in general (not, mind you, that I think Star Wars is necessarily the most representative work of what science fiction has to offer from either an aesthetic or a philosophical perspective).

+1 on the Belmont or Ezio option, as I’ve said before. Have to keep this post OT somehow, right?
The fun thing is that i even like SW itself (Han Solo ftw) :D
I hate have it in my SC,everything have his place and context
In SC they're trash,they break the atmosphere
Like all i love my parents, but this don't mean that i want them in the same room when i fuck my girl :D
...Now that I think about it, I am wondering why Namco is even considering the likes of Final Fantasy (the million dollar franchise of their JRPG rivals, Squeenix), over their own almost-as-good-but-not-quite-there franchise, Tales.