[Northern California] Norcal Crab Shack

Anyways, gathering starts at 4, but frankly everybody's gonna come late so if you wish, do the same. If you wanna come at 4 though to check out the guide or test stuff feel free.
That get together in Davis was alright. I seen only two SC5 players but there may have been more earlier in the day, Im not sure I came late. A lot of UMVC3 though.
so yeah you all are gonna hate me but it turns out i wont be able to make it tomorrow...funds are tighter than expected and cant really afford the train ride at the moment.
Guys, go to the NCI tourney if you can. Gotta support the scene as much as you can.

I, however, won't be making the tourney after all. :(
I wanna play to. Ive played many japanese players and had an excellent connection.

GT is HotRodDave619.....krayzie, hajime im looking at you
NCI is too early for me, i just barely woke up and i need time to not feel like shit. If the tournament started at like 3 I would be down.
Yeah man, too damn early to be leaving the house now.

Baskets, HRD, Hajime: I don't have an xbox. On PSN I'm KrayzieCD
I think we played each other last night (I was the Leixia player). GG's :) Hopefully more people will show up for SCV...

I know I'll be playing SCV there for sure every week. I think if we make sure to keep it consistent more people will start showing up. It was a bummer we had to scrap the tournament and just play casuals, maybe we can change that next week with more people.

For anyone interested in coming through, check out my earlier post about UC Davis or just shoot me a PM