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  • Exitwound 3 Streams: Main: twitch.tv/dopedojo Sub: twitch.tv/norcalibur Currently running SC2 tournament on Main
    r u still located at the daly city bart area if so is it posible for us to meet up and go to the minna gallery event next tues im new to the Sf area and im not tryin to get lost in this city LOL
    For me, I may or may not be running a little later than the other guys since I'm going with my girlfriend. Remind me again the day before and I'll let you know. You should also talk to panda too, he wanted to go via BART at daly city.
    Hello Nyawu, first I'd like to say thanks for your post about the streaming devices you wrote. (I'm interested in streaming and I saw both your post and Jaxel's article.). My question is : will it be possible to encode/stream via component when my screen only got VGA/DVI/HDMI inputs ?
    So that's what i was saying before, where you need to use avermedia's software to first display the video feed on your monitor, THEN use a screen cap to record what's on your screen, and then use the screen capture's feed onto your streaming program. Think of the screen cap as a middleman to make aver/haupp work nice with the programs.
    The downside to such a workaround is the quality will be less than a direct feed. But since you said you don't mind it, it's not that big of a deal. Just know you have to sorta play with it yourself to really understand why someone would dislike it, lol.
    I see, thanks a lot for your help.
    sorry for missing the gathering, homecoming committee bullshit came up. I'm going to be more free in october though so if there are any gatherings on any day pm me :) or I'll read it on the forum when i check!
    You came through for a lot of us, thanks for supplying us and riding down to Socal and repping hard ; Gotta keep training!

    I'm mysteriously craving Korean BBQ atm... can't understand why... :D
    Hey Nyawu, if you guys are actually holding a gathering tomorrow (Dec 18th) we may be able to make it. I get off work at 5 p.m.ish, so I do wanna drop by for a few hours and play some SC. University Park South. (30 Serrano Dr) is the place right? No guarantees but we hope to be there.
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