Future CAS DLC

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I think those people have made a huge mistake. By revealing the image, they're revealing that players have hacked into the game, which will likely mean LESS of a chance we'll get them.
I think those people have made a huge mistake. By revealing the image, they're revealing that players have hacked into the game, which will likely mean LESS of a chance we'll get them.
Unless like it matters to them anyways if they (like D.O.) said this is their last DLC release, but who else is to judge anyways, I would have thought that EVO would have gotten SCV more hype and release more content, but nope...Just another short end of the stick I guess...
If they wanted to know why we didn't get more character costumes, all they had to do was ask him asked why were some costumes released and others weren't. Posting that picture explicitly tells Daishi that the game has been modded (that's the only way to obtain those pictures). I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to directly tell a game director that their game has been hacked. I don't want him to get the idea that this site has been making discussions on hacking. I hope they take down that post (it seemed to be made to trigger a response from Daishi and his response to it might not be what we want).

I have but no reply as of yet, it just dosent make sense for then not to release it
Dude, do you know how often developers in general announce to release content, but somewhere along the line something happens and then it gets canceled? This isn't something that only happened to SCV; it happened throughout this gen. It costs money to make certain content and chances are they're cutting back on costs. For example, Heavy Rain (new episodes), Saints Row 3 (The Dominatrix), and Dragon Age 2 (Exalted March) were all major dlc that had been cancelled. Besides, these are just Character Creation parts and nothing big like new modes, characters, or stages.
I would hardly consider 32 years old to be 'getting up there in age'.

For a woman traipsing around dressed the way she does, she's a bit too old for that kind of stuff. Her SCV outfits did show that she at least grew a little modesty at about 47 years old. I know Namco used the BS no-aging excuse, but she would've at least matured mentally.
Well guys, it's been a fun run here in this thread, but unless we get some good news from Daishi, it looks like the future of CAS DLC is over. If something changes, I'll reopen the thread, but for now, I guess this is goodbye. Feel free to continue discussing character creation in the Cepheus Store thread.
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