Cervantes top 10 moves.

I would def put aB as his number 1 move and iGDR 2nd if the order mattters. Other moves I think that belong in anyone's top 10 are 4A/4A,B and bK. I think 1B,B is a top 10 too.
My Opinion on the Top 10 Moves for Cervantes

[66B] Quick poke used to counterattack the opponent and catch linear step. Scores a throw usually with RO capability.

[aB] Outstanding i11 punisher along with being a mid-range poke and minor stepkill. Great as a "Get Back" move against short range opponents.

[1A:B] Close range mix-up of choice thanks to the invisible low and the powerful combo on CH.

[3B] My go to launcher for quick, powerful, and efficient comboes. Also commonly used as an ender to comboes that leave an opponent grounded.

[iGDR] The move that strikes fear and terror in Cervantes' opponents. Massive damage potential in comboes thanks to the launch and quick enough to be a very effective mid-range whiff punisher.

[4B BE] My mid-range pressure tool and substitute whiff punisher. Like iGDR, it contributes to great damage in many comboes.

[3A] A great close range stepkill with enough speed to interrupt some attacks. Beware of its short range.

[6B+K] My long range poke and linear stepkill.

[88K] An effective close or mid-range sidestep poke.

[33B] My tech-catching move of choice. Outstanding damage, range and pressure to the guard gauge.

Honourable Mentions:

11K, WR B, 1BB, 66A, 33A, 44A+B, CE, and B+G
if you aren't spamming bK you should be...it's very good.

my top 10 would be...

1. aB
2. 3b
3. throws (all of them)
4. 1a:b
5. bK
6. 33a
7. aa
8. 4b be
9. ws b
10. ce

he's got a lot of good moves with sort of specific uses, but i feel like you can play an effective cervantes with those moves, 2a, igdr, 2 a+b and 2k.
if you aren't spamming bK you should be...it's very good.

I was thinking of adding bK, but I've noticed that I haven't been using it as much since it got nerfed after the first patch. It doesn't pressure the guard gauge as much and can't break it anymore. I see myself poking with 6A, BB and 1A:B more. With a little space, I throw in a 4B BE to pressure the opponent if they're not obviously sidestepping around (then I'd use 66A instead).
I was thinking of adding bK, but I've noticed that I haven't been using it as much since it got nerfed after the first patch. It doesn't pressure the guard gauge as much and can't break it anymore. I see myself poking with 6A, BB and 1A:B more. With a little space, I throw in a 4B BE to pressure the opponent if they're not obviously sidestepping around (then I'd use 66A instead).
I agree along with the fact that it randomly whiffs and has no tracking whatsoever
it has some tracking to one side, it's best to start offense outside 1ab/throw range.

the +1 is really good...aB becomes (nearly) uninterruptible, so you can do multiple bK's or throws.
It's like a typical standard UB cancel right? Like 41236B~G for Natsu or 4B+K~G for Pyrrha for instance? It's effective with 95% of characters.
It's like a typical standard UB cancel right? Like 41236B~G for Natsu or 4B+K~G for Pyrrha for instance? It's effective with 95% of characters.

Nope it gives you access to BT B+K which is -3 on block, mid, 100 DMG NH Combo. So it gives you more or less a free throw attempt etc, on block reverse mixups. One of his best setups imo.
Interesting. You have to input the B+K pretty quickly I presume. Completely different to 9[B+K] ~ BT B+K for instance. I'll try this out in the lab.
also bK rings out and wallsplats...careful not to ring yourself out.

bK hit, run up throw catches tech in ALL directions. play with that...lol.
I thought it was 1b+kA+B+G. Am I doing it wrong? Because if A+B+K works it'd be a helluva lot easier.

Oh lol sorry typo of course.

BUT to make this a bit constructive. To safely attempt the 3K:BT B+K and the 4KK:BT B+K Just Frames you can use A+B+K. This way if you fail you wont do B+K and be open to punishemt.

Waaaaait... You're saying that to cancel 1B+K into a BT B+K you use A+B+K???

I'm a bit confused. I thought that to cancel 1B+K into a BT B+K you first hit 1B+K, and then quickly hit B+K+G. I see how the A+B+K option helps when your trying to get at BT B+K from 3K and from 44K, but what does it do from 1B+K? How would it even give you a BT B+K from 1B+K?

Sorry if I'm missing something completely obvious (I feel like I am). I'm just confuse as hell now, is all.
Waaaaait... You're saying that to cancel 1B+K into a BT B+K you use A+B+K???

I'm a bit confused. I thought that to cancel 1B+K into a BT B+K you first hit 1B+K, and then quickly hit B+K+G. I see how the A+B+K option helps when your trying to get at BT B+K from 3K and from 44K, but what does it do from 1B+K? How would it even give you a BT B+K from 1B+K?

Sorry if I'm missing something completely obvious (I feel like I am). I'm just confuse as hell now, is all.

OMG im sorry, wtf. You are right of course. You hit 1B+K then you mash the shit out of B+K+G, if you hit A in addition you will do the BE throw.
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