SC5 Good Games Thread

GGs to Wandrian yesterday...along with other random peoples. And GGs to MorsCodeStutter and Intimidating :D
GG's to those I got to play before the wife took over. Future good games to those I didn't get to play this weekend. Wish I had more time! Keep those invites coming!
GGs to MarKOed and all the others who were in the same room~ The conversations were quite lovely :DD

almost as lovely as my 14 win streak >8D
My wife recently discoverd that she loves playing CoD black ops 2, domination. I think my SCV time just got cut in half!!
GGs to xXPyrrusXx and Sir Vance, SirJames(I think that was his name) and the rest! Haven't had a fun full room in a long time xD and the chats were very lovely :P
GGs to Alf, Mibu, Donut, HeeeeeeeeeeeeeeresJonny, Leet, Slick Rick, Pyrrus, Wabbit, and Bastrd.

EDIT: And my apologies if any of my trash talking seemed sincere. Dunno why, but I was having such an unusually good time and I just couldn't keep myself in check :D