The Inevitability of Trolling

Picture this scenario, someone recently purchased Soul Calibur 5. He went all the way through story mode and spent a few minutes in practice mode. He's starting to feel fairly good about his skills and decides to try his luck at ranked mode. His first match is against someone called "Coolguy97" who happens to have a score of 97 wins and 3 losses. "Man this guy must be good" he thinks to himself.

When the match starts he notices that Coolguys Mitsurugi custom is nothing but a naked dude with a cat head. As the match progresses the newcomer is trying his best but repeatedly gets hit by this move where misturgi lunges backwards really far then comes in with a stab. After every round Coolguy decides to hold guard and move up and down on the newcomers dead body. The newbie knows from experience that this is what people call "tea bagging" and he is furious. He decides to confront Coolguy through messages only to get madder through each response that Coolguy sends back. Coolguy is doing what we call trolling.


Random Mitsurugi picture

Trolling exists in many forms, not just within ranked mode but within 8wayrun and any other online medium. There was even a former mod who wanted a strict no trolling policy. Trolling is something that can never fully stopped, nor should it be anyone's goal to stop it. Trolling within the fighting game community is inevitable. Why is this? you ask? First and foremost, fighting games are competitive. No matter how you look at the game, someone wins the match and someone loses the match. This is a core structure of fighting games. Competition is something that occurs naturally throughout all living organisms. More importantly, it's the opposite of cooperation. A very typical example of a hobby that displays cooperation would be river rafting. Everyone on the raft needs to work together towards the same exact goal. Lots of businesses commonly use rafting as a team building exercise to create cooperation throughout the entire business.


an example of two animals competing in nature.

Since fighting games are the opposite of something like rafting, it holds some positive and negative aspects. Since it's a competition, both sides want to win. Through adaptation, each player will find a new way to use the game to their advantage and a set of skills being to appear. These set of skills appear through a desire to win and to do what will accomplish winning the most effectively. There is a very technical aspect of fighting games that is driven through competition. This tends to make playing at high levels very rewarding since each player is essentially trying to out play and out smart each other. Going back to the example of Coolguy97, he ultimately beat the newcomer in my story by spamming Mitsurugi's 4b. Which by now, most people know is a very good move. If the newbie I mentioned decided to keep playing and had a strong urge to get better and beat Coolguy. He might come under the idea of stepping the 4b spam and then attacking him. This would nullify Coolguy's strategy and he would have to adapt or he would end up losing. This would make Coolguy's trolling a motivation to ultimately get better. It also creates a scenario where if the new player got better and beat Coolguy. Coolguy's defeat would be more rewarding than if Coolguy didn't troll.


Picture of Fenris Zero, well known 8wayrun troll

Once people start figuring out how to play the game. There becomes forums like this one where ideas and strategies are passed around in hopes to get better. This actually forms a different kind of competition within the community. Since people form opinions on what character they think is better and how certain characters should be played. People will start to identify with certain ways of thinking and sometimes get angry if their beliefs are challenged. Ego's start to build and drama ensues. To laugh at this drama or to enjoy it, is actually a fairly reasonable response. Since if someone were to take things said on the forums too seriously, it will only end up hurting their own enjoyment of the forums. TITANSQUAD420SWAG are a good example of people who have learned to laugh and poke fun at drama. If you haven't seen any of their videos, I would recommend checking them out *shameless plug*. So next time someone like Fenris tells you, "you suck" or a character moves up and down on your T.V. See it for what it is, it's a fairly harmless jest in the grand scheme of things. We should enjoy the game and try to lighten up as a whole.
Trolling happens alot in sc5 cause the game is scrub friendly. You dont need any skill to spam one move thats hard to block online. Movement delay = block delay = getting caught up in moves you would usually dodge.

A person who trolls is no better then a super online try hard who just spams 50 50 mix ups.

Why dont we see trolling offline? Cause it doesnt work, with out frame delay trolling doesnt exist. When you troll both players end up not getting better at the game.

Only reason i see to troll is to try to mentally throw your opponent off. Its actually a strategy. You say its something to make you laugh. But its actually a lag tactic you use to win.
Trolling happens alot in sc5 cause the game is scrub friendly. You dont need any skill to spam one move thats hard to block online. Movement delay = block delay = getting caught up in moves you would usually dodge.

A person who trolls is no better then a super online try hard who just spams 50 50 mix ups.

Why dont we see trolling offline? Cause it doesnt work, with out frame delay trolling doesnt exist. When you troll both players end up not getting better at the game.

Only reason i see to troll is to try to mentally throw your opponent off. Its actually a strategy. You say its something to make you laugh. But its actually a lag tactic you use to win.

We see trolling offline all the time. In game and out of the game. Shen Yuan vs Nofacekiller at Evo was a perfect example of in game trolling. Shen Yuan was doing some of the stupidest things with Siegfried and still won. There was one point where he ran up to Noface who was ready to block an attack and Yuan decided to mash the guard button instead. Totally messing with Noface in the game.

Verbal trolling also exists, are you saying no one shit talks in person? Shit talk has been a staple of fighting games before online mode even existed. Norcal gets pretty loud when we play. Same with areas like ATL and Texas. There was this Law player in Final Round recently. Everytime he won, he got up and pretended to be Bruce Lee. The rage on the other players face was kind of priceless.

I'm not sure you're getting the ideal that I'm conveying here. Just because we're competing in opposition does not mean we're enemies. There doesn't need to be any emnity. But that doesn't mean things have to be mushy, either. I don't say GG after *every* game, usually just when the set's over. I don't want to have my efforts shit on through constant trash talk or teabagging, but that doesn't mean I want constant reassurance that I'm doing alright, although it may seem otherwise. (If I've spent all day getting shit on by douchers who like to lord their superiority over me, don't be surprised if I want to be reassured that anything I'm doing is working out at all.) I don't like to smack talk, that's just me. Like... I'm just looking to enjoy the game together. Watch the video of me getting "exposed" by Sluch. I went into that match knowing that I was going to get bodied, and at the end when he just waited for me to slam into his CE, that shit cracked me up (the video doesn't show me laughing like a doofus after the match).

Like, you call it "extra rainbow carebear stuff", and I kind of find that insulting. I just don't like competition to have such a cutthroat "win or stfu and gtfo" attitude. It may be a locality thing. Everyone in Cincinnati's nice. You're not gonna have anyone treat you like shit just for losing a match, unless you start shit.

In regards to what I know you're calling me out on... it was a particularly bad night. I do apologize for that.
Wow. I've been gone for too long.

I see you, Alex J. You started from the bottom (a regular troll), now you're here (a supreme, front page poster troll). This calls for a haiku:

TROLLS! They fuckin' suck.
They make us so mad sometimes...
But they can help us.


First up, I will apologize. That night when I posted my only excuse was I was emotionally vulnerable. I thought of only negative things like when you went on a long ass emo rant on Leixia sucks and she could never be good after I just beat you with Yoshi. Which I still feel hurt from when I wanted to help you on that day.

Despite that being under the bridge, I don't like when things get too emotional. I understand where you're coming from, however I rather hear a simple gentlemen saying how he wants a runback no matter what.

Whenever I play SCV I sometimes feel very bitter. All I want to hear is I will crush you and have peeps come at my throat until we've exhausted ourselves and chill out. What my ramble was supposed convey was "shut up and let's chill through brawls." Lately, I sometimes get tons of people who get very emo on me. One of the 2 major causes that made me snap at you was that.

The other cause(and perhaps the most stressful one of all time), is sitting at home and praying for my mother's return from the hospital. Recently she struggled to say "I want to go home", and I felt torn up and wished I had powers to suddenly make her better.

She's been there since November of 2012. My family and I are just going through a crisis that she's great one day and the next she just terrible and repeat. Sometimes when I play SC, I just want to blow off some steam to improve at it, help certain peeps who desire to get better at SCV and/or direct to the best CAS section, and troll about.

Take heed though, I'm not great at these silly long winded posts. I'm doing my best to say what's on my mind. So take it however you want.
Play Calibur in Norcal again dude. Be sure to check the facebook page out. Beginning of next month we are having some event at Milpitas Golfland.
I'm actually doing just that, man. I recently got online for the first time and played some matches with that Bunny guy (Dylan). I plan on getting back into the swing of things. We need to play some matches.
I don't know if I was reaally trolling vs NFK... in that match i just felt i was in a really good tactical position and wanted to dance around in it to break him.... and so it was done.

I know the feeling man, like me vs NFK at NCR. Something about that guy makes people want to dance around in their tactical positions. Me yelling at him was just for fun though.
Hidden for mental wellbeing
My eyes are fucking bleeding. Oh my god they are like rivers.

Trolling works offline ITT it exists because of skill gaps. You better believe I'll use maxi 4BBK 50x in a row in tournament if they don't know to duck it.
Ask anyone I've played offline I do the same silly shit offline.
Of course this was SC4 and I was never good enough at SCV to troll anyone but myself.

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