Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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You know I wasn't sure if I liked going back in time at first but this has a chance of preventing characters I dislike getting in so:

Addendum: I finally get to use my folder of about 500 gifs for something.
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Currently listening to the Soul Calibur 1 soundtrack since there's bound to be remixes!

Well, Mitsurugi's theme is there. And Sophitia's too, when they showcase the new character, you can hear the chorus (ahhh ahhhh ahhhhhh... ahh ahhh ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh) that correspond to both, Sophitia's SC1 theme and If There Were Any Other Way... ;)
Well, Mitsurugi's theme is there. And Sophitia's too, when they showcase the new character, you can hear the chorus (ahhh ahhhh ahhhhhh... ahh ahhh ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhh) that correspond to both, Sophitia's SC1 theme and If There Were Any Other Way... ;)
Oh shit, I didn't even realize that was a remix of Duelists!! If every single remix they do sounds that amazing I'm literally going to die.
The company provided details on a brand new game mechanic in Soul Calibur 6 - Reversal Edge. "Reversal Edge enables characters to clash against each other and follow-up with powerful counterattacks based on their opponent’s actions," says the press release.

Long-time fans of the series will be happy to hear that the fluid 8-way run and ring out mechanic are also making a return.

that's what I got from eventhubs btw guys that new mechanic is called (reversal edge)
Due to how this game takes place in the 16th century again, that will likely mean none of the newcomers from SCV at all except for ZWEI and possibly Viola have a chance to return unless they intentionally utilize time skipping and travel/distortion.
ZWEI's age was listed as unknown. Viola's was never fully revealed either (she is "24 tricolor stars"), and they can do whatever they want in regards to her real identity now if they did not want to utilize the Amy thing.

I prefer it this way to be honest, I like both Amy and Viola and would like to see them again, really fun characters to play with ^^ I only ask for Cervantes Raph Amy and Viola, and i'm fine :p
not trying to be a party pooper but...

Does anyone else think the graphics look really bad and cartoonish? It looks a lot like Street Fighter 4, a game from 2008. The trailer looks like a last-gen game. I guess the gameplay's all that really matters, but I really hope Soulcalibur doesn't go down the cartoonish road.
You really need to go back and look at SF4.


Compare that to SCVI


Backgrounds aside, which are far more complex and feature better lighting, you have far better cloth+physics on the character models, the character models are much higher poly as well. Also rocking PBR on the materials.

In terms of art style, they don't seem all that cartoonish especially compared to SFIV. They seem in line with a refined SCV look except with younger characters in a brightly lit environment.
Why you guys are comparing SF4 to SC6 in the first place? lol They don't even have the same artstyle.

SC6 looks already great imo, & will look probably even better when it will be close to release, i wouldn't be too worry that much about this aspect tbh especially with what we got atm, even SCV still looks beautiful graphic wise nowadays, my only problem that i had with this game is as i said before, CaS that sometimes was damaging the aesthetic appeal of the game imo.
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