Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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1. Do they plan on adding bonus "Souls" (movesets) for Character Creation again? If so, would characters they don't have plans on adding to the launch roster or as DLC wind up getting in this way? For instance, because of the timeline, both versions of Patroklos and Pyrrha's movesets could be included this way.
2. Do they have any plans for bringing back any of the SCIII bonus movesets, like the the Dual Wave Sword (Curved Blades) and Grieve Edge (Bladed Shoes) in particular in any capacity? Because those two had the most potential and were the best out of those to keep around.
I'm still surprised they didn't create new characters to carry on the use of those weapons.
4. This is more of an observation that becomes a question, but for years now, the weapons/movesets I see people online ask for consistently and probably the most at this point that has yet to be included in the Soul series is a Kusarigama, ball and chain, and ball and chain styled flail.

1.) I indescribably strongly hope so. I favor SC3 most in part because of this factor. Also, I can re-appreciate the factors in 3’s CaS of there being various fighting styles for your character to use; being able to unlock others; having a specific and separate mode in which to unlock those other styles (with another benefit of its own storyline and interesting, unorthodox use of the war-game strategy mechanic combined with actual fights); and the reward of unlocking “actual” character styles for your class. That took up a lot of time. (Without issue for me. In all the 10+ years I’ve played SC3 and more than enough run-throughs of CotS, I have not once had data corrupted or erased from a memory card. I’m sorry for everyone else.) Though i honestly don’t care if Pat/Pyr styles come back.

2.) This is a great idea although over the two styles you mentioned, I’d even more so prefer (and I believe I’ve said this twice but hey) if they remodeled the tessen style and brought it back, or to a new character. The fan size needed to either be the actual size of a war fan (and thus probably dual-wielded), or Temari-style (about 4.5-ft tall that can double as a club when closed). Demuth was a wreck and both the weapon size and style were 90% awkward.
If they expanded of the Grieve Edge style especially, they certainly need to take from Katarina of T7, and also from Anna Williams, as her Chaos Judgement stance would fit extremely well into the style (and/or serve as the new guard stance, IDK that mess from 3), and had nice kicks that would leave her in the stance, as well as transition her from the stance into a neo-AS or a forward roll (which both covered more space and was also a stance with kicks itself).

4.) Bro I’m still waiting for us to be given a Gogo-Yubari-style, exaggeratedly modified meteor-hammer character. The stance should just be consistently swinging the ball. (Preferably to one side, not overhead) I loved the choreography given to her in her primary scene.
The style would be so interesting, as I especially love the manner of kicking the chain and even using her neck.
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So if Soul Calibur 6 is a reboot/retelling up to III it will probably go something like this

Sophitia and Taki beat Cervantes-> Sieg finds the remanents of Soul Edge->Becomes Nightmare-> Joined by Ivy and Astaroth->Beaten by Xia, Kilik and Maxi->Nightmare reclaims Sieg's consciousness-> Is freed by fighting Raphael, even tho Raphael loses->Soul Embrace starts and Zas starts to manipulate people so he can claim the swords..

A few questions for you I'd appreciate any answers you can give.

1. Do you know anything about "new guy's parent" style that you can tell us?
Is his weapon and style completely different to "new guys" style?

2. The way they said to you that some SCIII-V characters likely to come as DLC. Do you think that's their suttle way of saying they is gonna be a SCV style in or two and at least as DLC. (Really sliming it down to Viola and ZWEI.)

3. So with that information you got about Hlide do you reckon she is confirmed as at least as DLC.

4. How many DLC characters do you think we gonna have?

5. And my final question even before sc6 reveal you said they was 2 characters that's obvious characters for roster and that they were introduced in different games. Since then has those 2 characters aleady been Leaked now?
1. Nothing that I can say yet, sadly. But it is new and not meant to "replace" another character/style. So yes, both newcomers are adding completely new movesets/weapon styles to the game.

2. Probably. I would say that it most likely speaks well to Viola and ZWEI coming back though no matter what. I guess Natsu could as well if they declone and reboot her, which would not surprise me if they did.

3. It seems like it's more likely that Hilde's DLC than launch, what with how the roster is being structured and the games being covered, plus them telling me in particular that she namely is likely to be DLC at that.

4. That I don't know. If the roster is really only 20, or low 20s, then with DLC, it should be closer to 30 that means when you consider who would then have to be DLC. So.... 6 to 8 DLC characters I guess that would mean? Something like that. At most 9 or 10. But I would say that it most likely sounds like 6 to 8. But they did say "a lot," so upwards of 10 would obviously qualify and be the more literal interpretation.

5. Yeah, those were Nightmare and Tira.
I really don't know how Viola would play. I was actually hoping for a more claw based style if she is in as viola.

I've been waiting to play as Hwang again since 2006. At this point I would settle for a port of the Arcade Soul Calibur III for consoles or pc but I doubt it will ever happen.

When you wait over 12 years for a character to return, and then 6 years for just a new game there's really little to no hope of your character returning.

The "little" hope I have is that SCVI apparently uses the SCI timeline as a base but the small roster throws a wrench into that hope.

I just want him confirmed to be not included in the game so I can stop getting my hopes up and just enjoy the game for what it is, rather than what I hope it will be.
Excited that Cassandra may be returning! I'm going to go listen to Unwavering Resolve! :sc2cas1:

EDIT: I wonder if those dotted lines between the characters, on the character select screen, are to show how they are linked to each other story-wise?
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I've been waiting to play as Hwang again since 2006. At this point I would settle for a port of the Arcade Soul Calibur III for consoles or pc but I doubt it will ever happen.

When you wait over 12 years for a character to return, and then 6 years for just a new game there's really little to no hope of your character returning.

The "little" hope I have is that SCVI apparently uses the SCI timeline as a base but the small roster throws a wrench into that hope.

I just want him confirmed to be not included in the game so I can stop getting my hopes up and just enjoy the game for what it is, rather than what I hope it will be.
I have noticed and realized, that even with the rebooted nature and aspect of the story, plus covering the first four games in the series to some extent(s) like SCVI is apparently doing like I was told.... Hwang has always pretty much been a non-factor in the grand scheme of things.
Seong Mi-Na as well to a lesser extent. And Yun-Seong's most notable "arc" being his kind of shipping with Talim on SCIII.
It's kind of weird, but when you actually think about it, the three Korean characters haven't ever really.... done.... much of anything in the scope of the full story. They're just kind of there. And when I think about that, I guess I can actually start to see why they don't see them as such a priority.
Of course, they could always give them (any of them if not all) more important and direct things to do in the story that matter. But they never did.
And now they have a chance to in a reboot, and my faith in them actually doing it is still pretty low.
If anything, we'd be better off having them introduce a brand new Korean character entirely. I'd have more faith in that than hoping they bring any of the Koreans back and giving them worthwhile relevance.
I honestly wouldn't mind Patroklos and Pyrrha coming back in a future game if they get revamped in a few ways. Say, for example, the new timeline has Tira not kidnap Pyrrha, and Sophitia doesn't die. In this case, both of them would be raised by Sophitia and she (and possibly Cass) would train them to fight. Their re-entry into the series could instead be at the ages of 15 and 16, with something of a style switch. Patroklos' style being the more inexperienced one (but more energetic than scared) and Pyrrha's essentially being a more feminine take on Patroklos' original style, with some influence from mom and auntie. Their personalities and dynamic would also be significantly different, I imagine.
I dunno, I'm just rambling lol

Aside from the apparent loss of Mina from the main roster, as I always had fun playing as her, I'm generally pretty pleased with what the launch roster could end up like. Not sure how I feel about them keeping Amy as Viola though and I have no idea how that'd work unless they just remove Amy from Raph's storyline and introduce 20-something Viola. Which would be kind of a strange choice. Though I would like more claw focus as well. I've always thought it would be interesting if she had clawed gloves on both hands and the orb was just used in a few attacks. But that may look too Freddy Kruger-ish. It'd be an interesting contrast to Voldo, who is the closest to a claw fighter that we have, in the sense that her fighting style would probably be more graceful and elegant than creepy.
I have mixed feelings about Viola, but between her or Amy original style in VI I rather Amy's

Mina and Setsuka scream DLC bait to be honest, or at the very least pre-order bait.
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