The Official NEC9 Results Thread!

1 loss in Philly means nothin', we'll be in the playoffs. Enjoy that win while you can. :P

LOL Tom Brady's ACL is mad stiff! I'm gonna laugh my ass off if the Dolphins AND Jets make the playoffs and leave bitch ass Randy Moss cryin at home. He's all straight cash homie? Well playoffs = tournament and WHAT HAPPENED IN THE TOURNAMENT NEW ENGLAND? YOU LOST!
Wow Good times.

I went to this Tourney and I think I RECOGNIZED more SC faces than I didnt recognize.

We need like a 10 TV setup....AND WINDOWS!!!

sword lord, something unique, ATL everyone - I hope you guys know online its just shit talk but in person its all respect....and shit talk!!!

Huda - Sorry but the CDNs gave Sow some anti-raph before your guys match. I was lucky to have been in Practice with Voldo that same week.

justkill - I will get that belt back without SHENANIGANS. I disapprove of how Oof won it from you

orionics - you sure did scare us. i thought that van was a transformer for a second

Random voice "Canada?!"

D.I.N.O. : hehehe, yea..after numerous players/friends mentioned to me DON'T allow for star wars in the title match, i guess in all the madness i just let it go and allow , though with the training i have been going through..i don't think between the single's/main tourney i didn't once get to plat the characters i train against
at all!..yes while i and OOF played i mumbled "shenannigans!", and yes, i also believe i had a GREAT chance of still holding the belt if it weren't for vader( i learned i lil about him from the beginning, but not enough to secure solid wins..YEA!! i got a win then OOF with a slight grin..character select please!, lol

NeoRussell: yes poor yoshi*sighs* are correct sir, i dont play against vader so i wouldn't know too much..i know he is linear but, i don't know nor do i play against ANY vaders let alone apprentice in my playing area.. so i will soon be taking trips, that means something along the lines of making a trip(s) to wherever these characters/players are at.. including Canada(Toronto)...yea i know online is an easy route for that.. but i want the REAL LIFE DEAL!!

OOF: you forgot about us and the belt match(s)!!?..or just to simply put it maybe it wasn't important enough for you to remember? heheh, anyways, like mentioned if it wasn't either vader/apprentice, i had a GREAT chance at keeping the belt if i only knew more about those 2 characters..i know who you use other than them, and yes we did play once in singles tourney which just wasn't enough for me..if i can beat vicious play as Liz, and vicious can beat your Liz..what im getting at is i want ANOTHER title shot..i know there might be some people wanting this too, but maybe you will accept my challenge for the belt..NO STAR WARS?a nice non-shenannigans match!?..well, no SW no

And for the friggin' record... I WAS and still AM a GTM title champion belt holder!!..current status: back to competition player status.. the belt was stolen from me with the force!!..but don't give up on good ol' JustKill.. this game is still new im still in THE GAME!!!!

STD: i guess i didn't practice enough against amy..alot of her stuff that can allow +frames on block can be stuffed with yoshi flash on reaction...can we get some games in via online?..same with OOF/Neo and a few others to get some games goin'? at least until i make my trip out to Toronto...yup.

all in love/respect ladies and germs, thats it for now, but i wanna get some more shouts out there because there are a lot more people that i got to meet at NEC and would like to say and puts some shouts to them..more to come!.
sword lord - man its funny cuz in person your the quietest thing! i bet you did have money...just didnt wanna lose it! next time if you dont have money, ill MM you for your shoes...they cant cost more than 5 bucks!.

Tag - i do post often enough...just never where you post!!! good stuff and your bf has something wrong with him in the head to do all that shit he does in tourney!

wing_zero - great MM! final round action FTL! your AWSOME to play against and Really fucking solid, i look forward to playing you in the future!

SoW - that ivy was going Gorrilla biscuits on me! lol you need to tell me what to do against that bitch!

Feardadonkey - FINALLY BEAT YOUR X!!! YESS BITCH!!! you

something-unique - soon enough you will be a top notch player...but your still a puppy bitch! good stuff beating the shit outta me in tourney tho...remember if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it!

Oofmatic - OOOOFFF FUCKING MATIC!!! buy me some shoes now that u got like 800 bucks! size 12...purple... congrats man! almost lost my voice in the grand finals!

ATL - good seeing y'all but you gotta know that all of us rooting for oof isnt cuz we hate yall, but we have seen oof time after time! dedicated to the game and we all wanted to see him win a major (i think this was his 1st)

so yes i was the man in purple just in case!

if you like it then you should put a ring on it!
Jaxel - I know we both made eye contact with each other and on some points I wanted to introduce myself but at first I felt a bit intimidated [don't ask why],and then the other times you were just to busy talking to others and handling the tournament,I didn't want to be a bother. ^_^;
But good job on handling the tournament like you did,it was hella fun. =]

Lol... why is everyone always intimidated by me? I'm a short, fat, asian, hobbit...

btw it so funny how many people i think are white but then it turns out they are not white
Critical Finished in the third round... damn. Either I was asleep or very hungry because your Raphael shouldn't have been very unfamiliar to me yet you do play Raph extremely well.

I've seen that rush down with Raph before when Thuggish plays me head to head. Maybe he was going to easy on me, you were out to kill LOL.
Thank you. I had a bye in the first round and was anxious to play, and since it's a major I had to make sure I start off on the right track. I got quite a few CF's throughout the evening if I recall correctly, can't complain.

Hudathan: awesome raph match. Thanks for the cf too, that was the first I had since the patch lol. great talking to you
It's always good seeing you. I was expecting Maxi but Sophie experience is always good. I have a 1A with your name on it next time.

hudathan: Mr Model with all the females. You should seriously look into a modeling (NO HOMO) but you will make a good male model (NO HOMO!) rofl! wow playing you and having your people in the back ground is very frustrating. Ever time you won they clap so hard that my head phones did not block the sounds. ahah But great stuffs in the tournament. Your Ralph is a beast and is probably the only Ralph that is played PROPERLY! I look forward to a next match with you when we meet again.
Modeling seems like a vicious world, I don't know if I have what it takes. My MD peeps can always be counted on to get hyped whenever one of us plays, and they were cracking me up with the stuff they were coming up with during our match. I'm still working hard on my raph and I still have a lot to improve on generally, but I'm glad I'm on the right track. You Canadians are good people, looking forward to next time.

Huda - Sorry but the CDNs gave Sow some anti-raph before your guys match. I was lucky to have been in Practice with Voldo that same week.
I take back what I said about you Canadians, you all suck.

Hudathan(?) - Nice meeting ya, sad we couldn't play but maybe another time. I saw your match against Tom Brady and thought you had him but he worked his magic (as usual). Your Raph is quite deceiving so I'm a lil sad i didn't get to fight him lol
The lucky man speaks! It's always dangerous betting against Tom Brady in the 4th quarter, it can get unpredictable. But it was nice meeting you and it should be interesting to run into you in tournament one day.

Millionz and Hudathan - Raphs are a rare breed. I didn't think another one would be there, and yet I saw 2.
You have a different solid raph, keep it up.

Hudathan - *0* j00 is so much hotter offline! J_K,but seriously,you're fucken awesome. Teach me the way of the vampire!!! I'm super glad I met ya. ^_^
To bad we didn't get as much casuals as I would've liked to. :\
Once you're in beverly hills,hit me up so I can try and find a gathering to take you to!
The vampire has his moments doesn't he, he puts on a good show if nothing else. For those that didn't go, Cindy is cuter in person than you could ever guess. We'll get our games in once I get to LA, can't wait to have something to do when I get there. If you take me out for games, I'll give raph secrets!
Yo this JTO, first oof i would like 2 say good shit 2everyone at the tournament and gg's.
i think its safe 2 say me and wing zero are tied 4 2nd becuz we didnt play eachother becuz we thought it would be better for him 2 play oof.
kilik can fight apprentice way better than cass anyway and i knew oof wouldnt pick him on wing,not knockin u oof cuz ur a trill ass player but if it wasnt for apprentice man we all know atl would have won it.

why apprentice should be banned is becuz,oh,OH...1st off if i duck any of his grabs and shied he can block right after that junk!
i would have 2 grab this man 3 MORE times extra becuz of the force meter,which means i would have 2 work EXTRA hard!
...but im just saying...
good shit oof.

yo ice put me down on that clint vs. tom match! lol!

STD-man i do not know how i learn how fight amys in this tournament.
good shit tho man AND STOP HATE'N ME!lol!
and tell yo bro he cant have my gurlfriend dammit!!!!!!
i know she fine ass!

THUG!-nice match but u should be mad at std...


WingZero,Clint,Killa 6 and BIGBOI-itz all thanks 2 u guyz that we are soooooooo trill!!!!!

and 2 the rest...ATL...HO!
OOF: you forgot about us and the belt match(s)!!?..or just to simply put it maybe it wasn't important enough for you to remember? heheh, anyways, like mentioned if it wasn't either vader/apprentice, i had a GREAT chance at keeping the belt if i only knew more about those 2 characters..i know who you use other than them, and yes we did play once in singles tourney which just wasn't enough for me..if i can beat vicious play as Liz, and vicious can beat your Liz..what im getting at is i want ANOTHER title shot..i know there might be some people wanting this too, but maybe you will accept my challenge for the belt..NO STAR WARS?a nice non-shenannigans match!?..well, no SW no
lol, sorry man, was tired when I was posting the shout outs and I knew I was forgetting something. But yeah you should definitely come to Canada, we'll give you all the experience you need vs alot of different characters! Btw the comment about Vicious' Liz was pretty funny. =P

JTO: After the team tourney I was thinking about your unique play style alot, and what the best way to fight it would be. I knew Apprentice would be the key, especially because if it came down to turtling, he can do it best (aside from Algol). I wouldn't go as far as to say you would have beat me 100% if I didn't use him, because you've only fought my Talim, who knows how it would have gone if I used Lizzy or someone else. I guess we'll just have to wait for another time to find out.
Pretty accurate description of me. lol.
Sure we can MM or play.
I didnt make much conversation with you though, because I didnt think you played.
I jus thought you were there to record ATL matches and nothing else.
But its good to know you do play tho. I'm interested in playing most if not all of you. Lets hope I make it to FR tho. Not set in stone, but I'm trying.
Oh and c'mon I was obviously joking around the entire day. lol. Bigboi was the doing the same so I figured I'd play along. ^_^

Sword Lord - I would have loved nothing more.

Ninja - I dont think you had any Taki experience at all. Thats why the match looked pretty bad. We can talk on AIM or PM for any tips, but your execution is Top fucking notch and your definitely solid. GG's.

I ment no disrespect homie, I just come come from the Marvel community... "Where Drama Happens" and hearing people talk as much ish as I did, I didn't know how to take it lmao.
I haven't been solid in SC since #2 but I picked up three due to more balance and the Marvel community dying here in GA.

Some say I don't know what I'am getting into...
Which I think is true but I want this battle and many more so thanks for accepting my challenge.

Jaxel, If you are coming to Final Round in March (Which I hope you are) I have many more idea's too make SC4 more interesting, also more money involved as well, I wanted to collab a bit with the ideas then go to Larry (Shinblanka) with the finishing touches and see where we can settle, you are well respected in your community, I would rather see you or someone close to you run the ideas I have if you are interested, the other person who has done it in the past I do not trust worth ish!!
NEC9 was my first SC tournament, it was great to meet everyone. State College will not be 2 and out next time, I promise we'll be slightly better.

Hudathan: This is Zhao, I don't know why I registered with my real name. It was very nice to meet you. Definitely the best Raph I've played with, too bad our casual got cut off by the power outage. Maybe we'll come down to MD one of these days for your bimonthly gatherings.

Promethius: Nightmare was well represented on camera this time, and you were doing very well despite missing some combos. We'll have to have a mirror match next time, and you gotta teach me how to play GGXX.

OOFMATIC: Great playing with you. I didn't expect to go up against a top tier tourney player on the first match of my first tourney. I got a little over my head when I beat your Vader, but your Lizzy thrashdown definitely threw me back into reality.

Jaxel: it must be the half German thing, because you do not look Asian.

Rico, thanks for the ride, and Jer it was nice to meet you too. State College will have to practice a lot more before regionals.