limejuice Oct 17, 2011 just saw your post in the Raphael thread. :) I guess it's too late for me to make a thread now it got locked lol!
just saw your post in the Raphael thread. :) I guess it's too late for me to make a thread now it got locked lol!
REPROBEAN_CHILD Oct 16, 2011 Hey, would you mid I had some SCIV matches with you on PSN? I'd like to play a few more players from this site.
Hey, would you mid I had some SCIV matches with you on PSN? I'd like to play a few more players from this site.
REPROBEAN_CHILD Oct 16, 2011 Yeah, that's the one. Don't take it as an insult; I'm not implying that you're an "emotional doormat" or anything.
Yeah, that's the one. Don't take it as an insult; I'm not implying that you're an "emotional doormat" or anything.
REPROBEAN_CHILD Oct 16, 2011 Anyone ever tell you that you look a lot like Sammi Giancola from "that show?" You know, the one that's been corrupting American youths?
Anyone ever tell you that you look a lot like Sammi Giancola from "that show?" You know, the one that's been corrupting American youths?
DontTestMePish Sep 18, 2011 New: Patroklos, Pyrrha, Natsu, Leixia, ZWEI, Viola, tell me if I'm forgetting anyone
DontTestMePish Sep 18, 2011 Returning: Hilde Ivy Siegfried Mitsurugi Voldo Astaroth Maxi Tira Nightmare (thing?)
DontTestMePish Sep 12, 2011 New character reveals soon for SCV. (TGS Thurs [15] to Sun [18]) PUMPED!!!!!!!