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  • This is a good reason why I should come here more often, because I see you on Xbox live all the time.
    Didn't know you were on here, but I should have guessed. Always ggs when I see you online man. Crazy strong Maxi.
    check that FT10 thread I challenged ur sweet ass.

    Dont be offended by ANYTHING I post. Its all just for hype. I totally expect you to win

    That feature is only available to people with premium memberships, which I believe is $20 a year or $2 a month, or you get it free if you win a bi-weekly online tourney. Once you're a premium member you can permanently have an image in your sig.

    By the way, you should come to the next Toronto tournament, on September 5th. There will be two tournaments on that day, one for SC4, and the other for the PSP version. All the info is here: http://www.8wayrun.com/f2/small-09-05-2009-torontos-first-broken-destiny-t4615/
    Dude you have to come to our tournaments. you're like on of our better players and you don't even come out. HOLLA BACK!!
    looks like were up next in the semis...ill send you a friend request this afternoon, but ill be on Wednesday from 6 and on. let me know what works.

    May the best player win and GoodLuck!
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