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  • Thanks! Been lurking the site for the majority of IV's lifespan. Though with V and the return of the Namu I thought I had better get more involved!
    Well, I'm glad you decided to. :) I'm glad to see Yosh return, as well. It just wouldn't be the same without him.
    Hey there, I dimly remember you saying that Raph and Tal was two of your favs and the fact that you were one of the first peeps to welcome me to 8wayrun makes me have a really good impression of you :D I feel like following u ok?
    Haha, sure. :) Nice new avatar, by the way.
    After playing more Street Fighter lately (and getting into MUGEN), I've decided that I'm really amped for seeing how supers work in SC. :D
    After playing SC II, III, and IV in one day (just because), I've decided that I want them to restore Raphael's SC II moveset.
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    Reactions: Ecervele
    Or at least adapt some of his old moves back into his style. I don't know why they felt the need to change him so much every game, it made it hard to relearn him every game. Then again, it did make it more interesting to relearn his style each game. Honestly, I'll just be happy if he makes it. On a side note, I hope they put in his P1 outfit from SC II. Still my favorite.
    indeed. i like the sidestep prep out of all 4 preps
    Is Raphael your favorite char? Because then were even more best pals than before. ;P

    By the way, I uploaded my custom weapon design. I could PM you if you'd like to see it.
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    Reactions: Habast
    Indeed he is. What gave it away? Lol

    Hoping he's back in 5, but it's starting to look unlikely.

    Yeah, you can send it :)
    Going camping for the weekend. It'll be good to get out of the 110+ average here XD Hopefully more SC5 news will await me when I return, lol
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    Reactions: ATIKC_MASTEX
    Or Dynasty Warrior news, =3
    Or maybe a little of both :D

    Though sadly, neither D: haha

    Ah well, it was a good time.
    At least you enjoyed it :)
    Hahaha! Quail before the darkness, tremble, in fear!

    - Lu Bu, Dynasty Warrior.
    Okay, I've got to go take a test. That's enough procrastinating. XD
    I got an A on the test, in case you lovely folks were wondering.
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