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  • Yo, old man! Haven't seen or heard from you in a while. How are things with the job/house/wife?
    Hey Y'all,

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Jian, I hope to have another session sometime in Oct., Hopefully you'll be able to make it then. It was a hell of a time but it would have been better to have more people. I'll see you at FSAK.
    JR, I won't be able to attend your gathering as I gotta be in Baltimore that weekend. I hope people can make it, if not, have a bitchin' weekend anyway =)
    I've been lurking for a while, I decided to reach out to some peeps. I'm doing ok, trying to get ready for the Kogas on 8/29 but I'm not doing a very good job. I've been getting scooled every night online. I wish I could find some locals to practice with offline. How you doin'? It's been a few since last we clashed.
    Randomly saw that it was your birthday at the bottom of the home page, so happy birthday!
    Hello, I'm in Orange County. Washingtonville to be exact. I know, not really upstate like Albany, Syracuse or Elmira but I grew up in Manhattan, so anywhere north is upstate to me. And you?
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