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  • I have more free time than last year, its mostly about whether my brother will take me, and if he has enough for gas and entry to Battle Grounds.
    lol naw I`m not living in CT, I went up there to visit a girl. trsut me I would of hit you and the rest of your crew up if I did
    my sieg videos are gonna be in soon . my NM was horrible that night and so was my sieg . i needed a bit warming up , if you can criticize my sieg that would be nice . ;D and tell me what i'm doing wrong . i kept 22_88kA and A+K mixups going , and i haven't implemented the SCH 22_88B+K stepping or the thing where you told me that WR B was superior to 3B up close into my game . so , maybe later i'll send them to you and we'll see if you go to AB '10 , so we can have our unfinished fight . thanks , and hope to see your there , brock ! xD
    sorry to bother you but i have a question for you..do you know if goofus is on right now?
    i must face you again ;o

    i've gotten much better since i've last seen you .
    hope to see you at anime boston '10 , or some other convention .
    sadly i only play on xbl and not psn =[
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