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  • Don't sweat it. Glad it doesn't bother you too much to have lost the thread, but it's just the nature of the forum when certain discussions become "too old"
    I cannot find that thread either , so if you link to me maybe I can tell you about it. It's likely some mod carelessly (or used their judgement) to do a mass cleansing and the thread was lost in the process. Otherwise, maybe read this in the meantime : http://8wayrun.com/threads/list-of-clean-hit-moves.9168/
    Oh my God! I'm so sorry I completely forgot to answer or anything. I hope it didn't bother you. Google seems to have deleted their cache of the thread, so I suppose it will be lost for ever. Doesn't matter that much, don't think I would be interested in that now. Thank you for the answer anyway.
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