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  • Yo. Don't mean to bug you at all, but I wanted to hear your opinion on all the SCV QQs going on right now with the lack of community support etc; especially since the recent commentary kinda bugged me. You seem to remain solid so I was wondering what you thought on all this; is it justifyable, all that shit. Nice games btw. Looking forward to seeing you NEC if you're going.
    I dont even play the game at all . I would if there was a scene and ttt2 didnt come out. I won that tourny with no practice besides playing in a tourny a month earlier in iowa. I havent played since a few weeks before ttt2 came out. Game is basically dead which sucks.
    need rematch from my last defeat from ya grr
    Alright. I wont be around till later this week. I havent played in 2 weeks either.
    dam hit me up though. me and u play almost alike! our cervantes was GOING at it bro!
    UFGT 8 is a huge joke. First they make it the only major to play on xbox. Now they are saying to rent converters its 20$ a day plus 60$ dep.
    thanks id like to play you again too i was terrible last time i played you with lapedo
    wow, you actually FELT the need to pm me over some tekken bs? lol i didn't know it was THAT serious.

    two words completely nullify whatever argument you might have had: 'jab launcher'. until you can explain that, u have no argument
    Well I asked to play against your other characters and you said I had no Idea - like I'm supposed to know what that means - There was no whining - why are ppl quick to call conversation whining?
    Ah. You're luckboxdunk2. GGs last night. Asta on-line is a beast. I'm glad I at least got some decent games in, considering I actually got bored enough to go on-line.

    Wish Yoshi were better on-line. Sadly, iMCF can't be hit checked at all.
    Yep, how ironic. I should be on a little bit tonight and quite a bit on Monday. Maybe wanna stick around after I lose (which I probably will) and play a few rounds for practice?
    Guess it's you and me first round (XBL) I'm free the rest of tonight and tomorrow (Monday) so just let me know when a good time is for you.
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