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  • Woahhzz, what controller do you use for Soul Calibur 5? I was wondering where I could get one since my controllers are wearing out, haha. C:
    Thanks Woahhzz. Do you have any tips on buffering JF Twister too? I find it that I have execute 214 3aB really really fast, but sometimes it works with a slower input
    2143 can be buffered at any speed, the timing of your twister coming out during your combo is when you press a
    I also wondering about the Xiba matchups, what can I do to punish Xiba players better since I know most of them love to mash.
    my Mechanics = trash :(
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    Reactions: ZeroEffect317
    Says the master of just-frames. lol. Wanted to ask. The secret to just frames? Just do it? Or is there any principle, law, rule to know?
    just frames are only part of the mechanics. i still miss many.
    execution is a matter of practice and technique
    Wohhazz are you training to participate in FR 2013?
    i haven't been playing much, as for fr 2013, im not sure if i can go.
    Woahhzz I need everything you know about aPat. A complete and comprehensive write up would be much appreciated. Lol! Sorry but you're the only guy I know who plays him well and LP has failed me. Basically what would you tell a new guy who was learning him to look out for? Act like you have a little brother who you want to get really really good with aPat. What would you tell him to do, look for, and keep in mind.
    Robot with a heart of gold! :P it was fun playing with you at Summer Jam! Hope you'll still go to tournaments!
    Just wanted to say love watching you fight. Was wondering if you ever played SC on arcade stick? People say aPat easier on pad but I don't agree. I just started practicing aPat and I'm hitting JFT 90% both sides already. I know with your execution it'd be even better. Just curious
    i play on pad~ and that's amazing if u can hit it that often already. apat is your character :)
    Woahhzz, lol you got a picture of Ivy when you don't use her. I am envious though, scan that picture and send me the link. Anyway congrats at being in top 8 at evo. Scrub
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