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  • Since you got a BYE in your first round you started in Round 2. So you actually still have until the round 2 deadline, which is Friday morning.

    Also if you attempted to contact him, and he didn't contact you back, then it won't be a coin toss, you'll just move on.
    Yo zcooter ill be on all day after 5 pm eastern time so hit me up around that time or we could rearrange a time or whateves
    Hey, Uhm ._. If you can do the match earlier that'd be great... I woke up at 1Am for some reason so I don't know if I'll be up.
    If I'm awake, my sleep cycle got destroyed. I should be on though... I have nothing else to do.
    My controllers are like really acting up sadly so apparently 236kk = 2k and A+G = A and Slide Bk = 3B
    no prob but that is the last time guys just rush me and swing away I will have the secret to what stops that but good match and I hope you advance
    hey there zcooter.
    I'm currently online from now until about 6. and then ill be gone until 10 and at 10 ill wait until 12. Good luck see you online
    (i sent a friend request to zcooter but it said the gamertag did not exist. My tag is saleamreborn)
    Im in anything Soul Cal I just wish I could find a way to just keep his spacing rt with distance Im nice real nice but getting guys to just stay away man I struggle but I'm fixing that
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