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  • Having too much problems with copy and paste for my fanfic. The text is not readable for some strange reason.
    I never had this problem before when I posted the first 9 chapters. It's just wierd. But my best option is to just provide a link to fanfiction, where the rest of my chapters are posted. I'm just better off this way. So I got the shorter end of the stick. I guess I'll just have to deal with it and move on. ^^
    No need to complain what's beyond my control. Other people may not have this problem at all, but oh well. It is what it is. I can't copy and paste because the text keeps coming out as very difficult to read. So be it. There's more than one way to skin a cat. I just have to improvise as I always do.
    There is something wrong with this copy and paste process. I can't get my fanfic to post right! What the hell is going on with it?!!
    Nope...that didn't work either. I right clicked but the window never opened at all. And this was after I copied. Even before then, I right click just to see the options, and the window never opened. It's wierd cause I used to open it just fine, whenever I right click by mistake. I'll try again on another lap top later on. Maybe it's just this lap top.
    That's weird.
    Yeah very wierd, and I can't figure out why. It's not the first time things like this has happened. Maybe I'll have someone copy and paste for me. It seems to work fine for everyone else. This sort of thing could drive me crazy so I try not to think about it too much.
    Your Avatar... is that a CaS from the classic SCIII!? good times. :D
    Oh yeah. That's my first CAS from SC3. I was so excited when they first introduced this feature. It's like I can make myself meet my favorite characters and even stand next to hot babes like Taki, Setsuka, and Ivy. Probably as close to a hot character as it will ever get for me. XD A man can dream. XD
    I was even inspired to write my own fanfiction with my CAS. I actually have it posted here, if you ever want to check it out. Reading fanfiction can be time consuming, so I rarely ever advertise this. I just hope everyone finds it to be worth the read. I'm pretty confident of my work. ^^
    Trying to add more chapters to my fanfic, but this stupid laptop is giving me such a hard time doing it. I hate technology. XD
    I'll just leave it for another day. I get this problem where every machine I touch starts acting up on me. There's a name for that but I don't know what's it called. Certainly not bad luck, that's for sure.
    First time anyone has ever rage quit on me. A little mixup to even the odds and the guy left in the middle of my final blow.
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    People would send hatemails over a match? I had no idea it could go that far. XD I could imagine my reply to hate mails. I would write, "Regardless of what you think of me, I still kicked your a$$. XD bye." and block the guy. XD But that would be my last resort if I should fail to reason with the person. I always try to extend an invitation for friendship first.
    Well said man. wish more gamers thought more like you. *brofist*
    Thanks so much! ^^ The Soul Calibur online experience is supposed to be fun. It gives us an opportunity to show off our skills and also learn and be inspired from one another. Every gamer I meet, I always count it a pleasure to have had a match with. We may not know eachother personally, but we share one thing in common and that's the love of the game. ^^
    With so much lag last night, I just have to know when to call it a night and hope to play a better match next time.
    Happy to post my fanfiction here for all to enjoy. Of coarse I'll enjoy reading other's fanfic as well. ^^
    Last night I wanted to attempt rank match, but my connection had an error. I'll have to figure out what's wrong tomorrow. Darn...
    PSN SCV was like that for everyone. It's not your end that's the problem.
    Oh, ok. Guess I'll just give it another go next time around. Thanks for the head's up. ^^
    My first time online in a long while, I did pretty good, despite lag. I was excited to find out that I can view replay, that's so cool! ^^
    In practice mode under lag before I go online, cause sometimes I feel like I'm fighting both opponents at the same time.
    It's been awhile...but I'm technically still inactive until I can afford my own laptop.
    Having trouble with my computer lately, I'll be in touch whenever possible.
    Oh. Well that sucks. Hope you'll fix your computer.
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