[04/03/10] Phoenix Revival Monthly (Scarsdale, NY)

The chance to play top Mi-Na offline is too good to pass up. If you only get one person I'll give you the other 25.

And of course, I wouldn't want to pass up a chance to play top Tira offline either. I forgot to mention that Sporko already said he'd chip in for the room, so we're good to go no matter what. I'll make sure I book it tonight.
I'll go in on a room with you.

Edit: bah, I misread that last post and didn't see you mention me...oh well, point remains.
Also, I'm not insisting that it has to only be one person that gives $25, if a group of people together chip in $25 collectively, that works also.

Anyway, it's looking good so I'll go ahead and book the room.
K, if i make this all i pretty much need is a meeting time/location(hopefully @ Jays apartment or my place if possible), if departure is on Sat. I will meet you at your place if needed Jay, send me address via pm or aim if so.... i know its off main st in the center of town, but that's about it.

Suirad: it was def true however, it wasn't as good, it was a snickers bar and was all melted/crushed from sitting in a someones pocket for the duration of the tourney, so i think it just got tossed in the trash, lol

Edit: Ramon, i will see about bringing an extra PS3.
good luck to those attending Ramons tourney. ill gonna be a bitch and not go again cuz ill be finalizing my move out of framingham/workin all night sat and goin to church sun aka fenway park for opening night. GO SOX!
Yo!!.... lemme see how much i got in my pocket after trip expense's :)

oh and since you really want this for some reason, i am calling it now if i do this, my whoever vs your Amy $10 ft5... those are my terms if i can do this Rigel...

Edit: actually, i will see whats going on when i get there, and then i can determine whether i can do it or not after the tourney...cool?
Hey y'all,

Where are all the NYC folks? anybody heard from Serge or Shadowfox? Are there any others besides Ramon and Dreamkiller coming up from the city?
Ok heres the final count:

Myself, Ivan, Sim, Justkill and maybe Tocool.

Kikaleek will be coming on his own on his bike.

So rolling 5-6 from New England. Fuck anime boston.

I can bring my recording equipment. If there is wireless internet at the place, we might be able to work out a stream. My recording equipment is direct feed. I will also be bringing my PS3.

We should be set to arrive around 2:30-3ish (this is assuming there are fuckups along the way haha).

lol I was in Boston last night. I shoulda showed up for a free win.

I'm headed out the door to round up people. Be there around 2:30/3

Lol. whyd u go so early.
And isnt Ramon and co there by now?
Anywhos me nand miko are getting ready we should be there by 4. 4:30 the latest.
Ugh, i cant find wat to wear =/

PS - Greatone - most likely. There was talk about a stream. if anything miko also brought a camera.