214B Just input help


[08] Mercenary
I can't seem to pull off this just input very well, especially online. It's where he does that insanely fast forward dash. I'm actually not so great at just inputs int he first place, so can anyone offer any advice as to how the timing should go with them? I know so many good combos but I need to pull that off first before I can get it started. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
especially online.

Well that alone will cause problems, Soul Calibur was not designed to be played with any lag, no fighting game is (outside of DOA, which suffers because of these design choices.)

As far as the 214:b it's just fastest input, so try hitting the B earlier. Some people have success with 21B4. Just try hitting it earlier, if you get 1b you're too early but on the right track.
iGDR most likely. I can do it pretty consistently. Try going 214+b...like right as you hit back hit b at the same time.
I'm... not quite sure what iGDR haha but I was referring to the fast forward teleport where Cervantes screams 'AH HA'
iGDR= Instant deo da ray, which is the teleport to drill thing. Or no teleport and INSTANT drill
I'm... not quite sure what iGDR haha but I was referring to the fast forward teleport where Cervantes screams 'AH HA'
iGDR = Geo De Ray. The distance is shorter and he flashes white. This move is used to punish lots of stuff, master it

iTP = 214:6. That's the one you are referring to where he teleports forward, doesn't attack and says "AH HA". No big secret about it, just do 214, then 6 as fast as possible. Eventually, you will get it and as corny as it sounds, keep practicing different techniques until you find the one you like. What works for me might not work for you, etc.
214:6 is impossible for me so far. I can do 214:B sometimes but that teleport is much more difficult. Last night, i talked to a guy that says he uses both the pad and analog at the same time in order for it to work. I'm not going to feel comfortable taking my thumb so far away from the buttons just to do 214:6. So i would like to know what some of you do in order to make it work. Do you use the analog, pad or both?
214:6 is impossible for me so far. I can do 214:B sometimes but that teleport is much more difficult. Last night, i talked to a guy that says he uses both the pad and analog at the same time in order for it to work. I'm not going to feel comfortable taking my thumb so far away from the buttons just to do 214:6. So i would like to know what some of you do in order to make it work. Do you use the analog, pad or both?

I used to try it on the pad, good luck with that. Even after doing the sand paper and plastic trick, i can only do it about 5/10 on the pad. That's just on the left side of the screen. I can hardly do it on the right side using the pad. On the analog, I can get it pretty much everytime. It takes some getting used to, but it feels more fluid.

It used to be hard for me to play on analog, because I just never used it for fighting games. Now I'm at the point where I use both during a match, just depending on what I want to do. I think an arcade stick is in my foreseeable future lol.
214:6 is impossible for me so far. I can do 214:B sometimes but that teleport is much more difficult. Last night, i talked to a guy that says he uses both the pad and analog at the same time in order for it to work. I'm not going to feel comfortable taking my thumb so far away from the buttons just to do 214:6. So i would like to know what some of you do in order to make it work. Do you use the analog, pad or both?

input the 214 with the stick and the 6 with the d-pad....will work
Well my main problem is that I noticed I kept getting 1B, so I just made sure to have my finger end up being on the left button.
same here and also 4B, 7_9B and GDR. Nonetheless I can execute iGDR well enough but not as good as I did in SC3.

I can iGDR online, but IMO it won't push you that far.
214:6 is impossible for me so far. I can do 214:B sometimes but that teleport is much more difficult. Last night, i talked to a guy that says he uses both the pad and analog at the same time in order for it to work. I'm not going to feel comfortable taking my thumb so far away from the buttons just to do 214:6. So i would like to know what some of you do in order to make it work. Do you use the analog, pad or both?

Like Berni said, 214 with the pad and 6 with the analog. I works pretty well..on the left side. On the right side..well, don't do it :)
Anyways, this move is screwed. You are not invisible when you execute it like B+K, you get hit most of time.
You teleport in the back of your opponent only if he attacks or he is on the ground, else in front, even if you kiss him. And when you succeed, the opponent is too far for the BT B+K...due to its previous move..