8WayRun Chat Logs

You know, I didn't know I had a big dick until other people told me, which was probably when I was around 15. I thought, surely I do not have a monster cock; it just has to be average. Just something I always found funny.
[02:30:15] <InsaneKhent> yo, is PMS clan relevant at all in any competetive game?
[02:30:22] <Rigil> Halo?
[02:30:26] <Rigil> tic tac toe?
[02:30:30] <DC> Halo
[02:30:35] <Drizzle> Sex?
[02:30:35] <DC> thats all i know of
[02:30:35] <TasteTheRainbow> let's do 1v1 instead of koth sporko
[02:30:39] <Rigil> Sex is legit
[03:42] <TagerXPlat> emo
[03:42] <TagerXPlat> was you cool in high school?
[03:42] <Destinizish> And now - whenever I look at that yearbook, I get reminded of the REAL awkward situation that arose there.
[03:42] <cc> what do you think
[03:42] <cc> i play video games
[03:43] <TagerXPlat> lol
[03:43] <cc> yes
[03:43] <TagerXPlat> i see
[03:43] <cc> i was the coolest person ever
[03:43] <TagerXPlat> where the problem lies.
[03:43] <TagerXPlat> oh i see it
[03:43] <TagerXPlat> it's clear as day.
[03:43] <TagerXPlat> i don't even to say it.
[03:43] <becky> i was cool
[03:43] * becky am cool
[03:43] <cc> oh please
[03:43] <cc> enlighten me with your great autistic wisdom
[03:43] <TagerXPlat> ok
[03:44] <TagerXPlat> now you're throwing that word around like it's nothing.
[03:44] <Destinizish> becky <3
[03:44] <TagerXPlat> cut that shit.
[03:44] <TagerXPlat> i don't like being called that.
[03:44] <Destinizish> Can we have bear love?
[03:44] * becky bear hug
[03:44] <cc> truth hurts?
[03:44] <TagerXPlat> besides my "autistism" is very mild.
[03:44] <TagerXPlat> so mild it's easy to control.
[03:44] <Dully199X> lol
[03:44] <cc> ok
[03:45] <cc> even though years of medical research says otherwise
[03:45] <Destinizish> I WANTED MORE THAN JUST A HUG :[
[03:45] <TagerXPlat> i'm serious.
[03:45] <cc> i'll believe you
[03:45] * becky o_o
[03:45] <TagerXPlat> dude
[03:45] <TagerXPlat> i got tested.
[03:45] |<-- Purist has left centaur.geekshed.net (Ping timeout)
[03:45] <TagerXPlat> i got mild PPD.
[03:45] <TagerXPlat> or assbungers
[03:45] |<-- Unidentified21421 has left centaur.geekshed.net (Client exited)
[03:45] <Destinizish> oooomfg
[03:45] <Dully199X> Assbungers
[03:45] * becky ....
[03:45] <DC> Cut that shit
[03:45] <TagerXPlat> i don't know how to spell it.
[03:46] <DC> its not funny guys
[03:46] <cc> ok that explains everything
[03:46] -->| Heaton (~rbitmtwlm@protectedhost-A6A372DF.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) has joined #8wayrun
[03:46] <cc> thanks CY
[03:46] <TagerXPlat> yo think i'm lying.
[03:46] <TagerXPlat> and what does it explain?
[03:46] <cc> why you act the way you do
[03:46] <Dully199X> No, it's pretty easy to believe that you have aspergers.
[03:46] <TagerXPlat> i'm shocked it's mild.
[03:46] <TagerXPlat> so i can control it.
[03:46] <DC> me too
[03:47] <Destinizish> assbungers was pretty awesome.
[03:47] <becky> omg
[03:47] <cc> cool
[03:47] <cc> I wish I had that much mental power
[03:47] <TagerXPlat> you guys are going to pick on me.
[03:47] <Heaton> What in the world are we talking about?
[03:47] <TagerXPlat> don't world pokemon man.
[03:47] <cc> Nah
[03:47] <DC> no CY we would never do that
[03:47] <becky> we love you cy
[03:47] <TagerXPlat> i'm serioous.
[03:47] <cc> I'm not gonna pick on you, now that I understand it all
[03:48] <TagerXPlat> i wouldn't be able to clam myself down, and deviler shit that is pretty high level.
[03:48] <TagerXPlat> what do you understand emo?
[03:49] <cc> again why you act the way you do etc
[03:49] <TagerXPlat> meaning?
[03:49] <DC> Why we couldn't understand your thoughts
[03:49] <Dully199X> CY, this could all have been avoided if you had simply filled Emo's comission like you were supposed to.
[03:49] <DC> too high class

[00:22:00] <IdleMind> also sidenote for everyone who was here earlier
[00:22:05] <IdleMind> i am infact, pissing green
[00:22:41] <IdleMind> interesting side effect of the pills
[00:22:45] <IdleMind> kind of awesome
[00:22:46] <IdleMind> kind of wierd
[00:22:47] <DC> gross
[00:22:56] <Flyful> was gonna ask about you that
[00:22:59] <IdleMind> apparently its a harmless side effect
[00:23:11] <WuHT> hmm could be high vegetable intake
[00:23:13] <IdleMind> but goddamn did these work some magic
[00:23:13] <Drizzle> You're like a lame version of Hulk.
[00:23:22] <IdleMind> shut up puny man
[00:23:40] <Flyful> does Hulk pee green?
[00:24:46] <IdleMind> only when he gamma waves
Idle needs to go to the doctor. That ain't normal. He might be a ninja turtle.
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