After SCV is released, will anyone still play SCIV?

SCIV will just rest in my CD case next to SCV and SCIII. SCV will most likely be the only one that's taken out unless someone complains about how SCIV is somehow better and how they don't like SCV. lol
Unless I start missing epic infinite guard impact battles.... le sob. Oh well guess Ill have to settle for shit hot graphics and weird ass play mechanics.

Who is going to be screaming from 1 frame start up Critical Edges soon? Well besides everyone, I am and I am going to be very happy about it.
I think after the hype dies down and people are well within playing SCV in a few years, there will be fond memories of SCIV and some will still be appreciating the intricate mechanics of it. To what degree will probably depend on if we see console refresh soon. Despite SCIII being a great game, graphically it was a bit harder to "go back to" after playing SCIV on new hardware. But of course, dedicated fans will always go back to even Soul Edge for kicks...
Well I gave this much thought recently and I think that I won't be playing it once 5 is out. I'm so stoked for SC5 and I just know it's going to be an awesome and fun game and for me, make up for 4. Don't get me wrong, I had a nice time with 4 but I already got my fill of the game all last year and the year it came out. I'm now bored of the game and I think I might sell it. It's strange because at times I still find myself playing SCII & SCIII and those games are still fun to me and I don't plan on letting go of those two but for 4, while it was enjoyable in the beginning, it wasn't all that great like it's predecessors. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion.

All in all, I can't really say 100% till I play SCV and see how it is but I have a feeling it's going to be well worth the wait.
I think after the hype dies down and people are well within playing SCV in a few years, there will be fond memories of SCIV and some will still be appreciating the intricate mechanics of it. To what degree will probably depend on if we see console refresh soon. Despite SCIII being a great game, graphically it was a bit harder to "go back to" after playing SCIV on new hardware. But of course, dedicated fans will always go back to even Soul Edge for kicks...
Agreed here though it wasn't hard for me to go back to playing SCIII even if the graphics had the standard PS2 graphics though that may be because I'm not much of a graphic whore. I still play PS2 games and unless the graphics are like horrendously bad, I still play the game lol.
Hell, I'd even play Soul Edge if I had it but that might be because I never got to play that game lol. All in all, I agree with the general idea of your post.
I replay all my SoulCalibur games from time to time. Even if those times are over a year apart, it will eventually get played again. From time to time, I will pull out SC3 again and play Chronicles for hours on end.
I am sure I will play. With SC IV I have a lot of positive memories ^ ^Although it probably would have already absorbed most of the game in SC V..
For me it really all depends on whether sc5 lives up to all the hype.

I mean seriously, almost everyone on 8wr is praising a game that hasn't even come out yet. Even for those who HAVE played it, I'm positive that you didn't play it long enough to learn balance issues, quirks, etc.

People assume sc5 will be awesome, but no one really knows for sure.

What do I think? IMHO, some of the changes are so horrific that it's very possible that sc5 will be garbage. But again, no one knows for sure.

I'll give the game a solid week of game play. If it doesn't impress me by then, I'm sticking with sc4.

PS: I hate the concept of "super" moves. It's brainless, universal input, and may be quite broken when connected at the end of a combo. Call me crazy, but weren't most characters already capable of high damage combos??

I didn't even particularly like the SG concept from sc4, mostly because some characters had WAY more SG damage than others, *cough Sieg Ivy Voldo :). Given that, the chances of me liking even more "fluff" in the new game is slim to none.

Making SC more like other FG was a mistake in my eyes. The last thing I want are all those SF and MK chumps playing my game! Let them keep their retarded FG's.

I realize that last bit may offend some people, but I am really quite past caring at this point. That's right, I said it, SF and MK are retarded. U mad??
the usual nonsense

Why are you so bad at not coming off like an uneducated forum scrub? At the point where you are unwilling to accept that you have something to learn, you also forfeit my civility, so don't bother resorting to telling me how insulting I'm being, because I am being insulting, on purpose, because you spread ignorance constantly with posts like these where you try to be controversial and opinionated and just come off like an oaf. You are likely so bad at the game judging from every post you've made that I wonder how you can take yourself seriously when you pass judgement.

That felt good.
You idle, am not wasting my time over.

The only person I really listen to is Hates. That guy knows what he's talking about.