agA Discussion

The old threads felt a bit disorganized, so I made this.

To get the discussion going again: I stole ShenYuan's technique and adapted it for Hitbox, and I have what's probably the most consistent iagA I've ever gotten. It goes like this:

  1. Tape your fingers. This is the most important step.
  2. With your right index finger, slide from square to cross.
  3. Hit square with your left index finger.
+ Extremely consistent iagA
+ Absolutely no chance of getting A+B
+ Use of both hands lessens chance of overexertion of one hand

It's not hard to do at all now, but the thought of doing it this way hadn't occurred until I saw ShenYuan's taped hands at EVO and asked about it.

What's your way?
I use stick and this method is similar to how I input iaga. Top 2 buttons on right side of stick are set too A & G. Just slide across them and tap regular A button with left hand. I'm easily 90% with iaga. Very simple method once you practice for awhile it becomes muscle memory.

For regular aga I just use right thumb and index finger. Laying index finger on A button, thumb on G and rock back and forth.
Dollar store winter gloves, the fabric ones work really well too. I used to use them when I first started doing agA in SCIV. Also helped for IMCF.
They are plasters, not tapes. Yuan put in alot of effort into doing it. He basically bled from all the skin loss from practising agA JF.
Just dip the tip of thumb in cooking oil. Only needs a little bit and rub Down the buttons. I do this if the buttons are feeling sticky. works great
I have L1 as A and I did that as I don't want any unfortunate situations after it (plus I dont need shoulder buttons for A+B, or any other bind like that (B+K, Throws) I do them all manually by pressing two buttons always, at least that's how I got used to doing them).
So what I do is have already my thumb quite bent over A and G when it comes to iagA, and press A with the tip then quickly stretch my thumb, so that the upper side seems bent and during that, a part of the bone which comes out hits G. Then I quickly press L1 with my left hand's index.
When I was first learning iagA I couldn't do it at all, then I did it once, then twice and now in SCV (after 2 years of iagA-ing) I think I'm doing this with a lot of concistensy and TBH I had no problems doing iagA when I first played SCV.
I only find difficult doing this after a specific combo online though. I think I'm doing it too fast because of the tension and because the timing is quite strict, I mess it up more so nothing happens or I get A or a throw.
As for any kinds of pain, yes I do have. If I do iagA a lot my thumb hurts and if I play for too long my wrist husts a bit...

As for Slayer, some time ago he told me that he bought an arcade stick and doing iagA there was easier for him as all he had to do was to slide his finger through 3 buttons. I guess he must have registerd on his stick A G A, so that he would get to slide his finger on a staight line. He also said that he was feeling some short of pain while doing this and he'd probably need bandages or gloves, I dunno...
My ghetto solution:

I still don't know how you can tell you've managed to do iagA rather than just agA... maybe I've never successfully done it yet. -_-
Thanks! I don't remember ever seeing any white flashes (or bacon), so I'll keep working at it till I do.
What method do you use? I could try to help you get it if you're ever on XBL since your state is actually somewhat close to mine and not on the coast.
What method do you use? I could try to help you get it if you're ever on XBL since your state is actually somewhat close to mine and not on the coast.
I try to do like in Nightblade's video where you hit A and then G and then immediately hit A again while holding down G. Honestly, in the heat of battle I have trouble even getting plain agA to execute sometimes.

I'll go ahead and add you on XBL - I guess it's not likely to work if there's even the slightest bit of lag?
I try to do like in Nightblade's video where you hit A and then G and then immediately hit A again while holding down G. Honestly, in the heat of battle I have trouble even getting plain agA to execute sometimes.

I'll go ahead and add you on XBL - I guess it's not likely to work if there's even the slightest bit of lag?
So you use a stick, I can't help with a stick. =(
You can add me anyways though. Another note, iagA will work if you do the correct input for it no matter how laggy.
So you use a stick, I can't help with a stick. =(
You can add me anyways though. Another note, iagA will work if you do the correct input for it no matter how laggy.
I think the controllers have the upper hand in a lot of ways, it's just really hard for me to input accurately with them. I know I'd get better with practice but the stick is a lot more natural for me since that's what it was when I first started playing Soul Edge in arcades. Good to know, anyway! Definitely a move I need to get down consistently so I can use it in online matches, then.
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