Algol/Hilde (Let's try one more time)

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[10] Knight
What dictates a thread lock.

With the recent lock of the thread Algol/Hilde (Serious thread) that was created by me with the purpose of getting insight from the Soul Calibur community about the effect that Hilde and Algol are having on us it makes you wonder is their actually any room to discuss anything on this sight.

Does the trolling of 3-4 people all ironically Hilde players dictate a reasonable discussion on the matter especially when they ignored the main point it was trying to make. Less about a ban and more about the effect on the community such as boycotting and quitting.

It is a serious issue and should not be ignored at all. If mods can't see that then it says alot about who they are.

Since people are so damn blind and biased and try to stray away from the point I will address the real issue again.

This thread is not about ban specifically it is about addressing the issue of the effect that Hilde and Algol are having on the community.

I was told ahead of time that the last result would happen and their is no point and it was proven but i'm not gonna let that negate the issue.

If there is a mod who can understand this point of view without believing that their reasoning is the be all end all for what constitutes closing a thread can u kindly erase stupid posts which will inherently come from Ceirnian and his followers.
I think that Hilde and Algol do not have a significant negative affect on the community. If those characters would be so good that they would be consistently winning tournaments, regardless of the player's own skill, then yes, I could see people being greatly turned off because that consistency would be good enough evidence to show that they just can not be dealt with.

From what I see it seems like a lot of people just don't want to adjust and train themselves to better fight these characters, so they go for the easy route of saying that it's 'broken' or 'unbeatable' when there is clearly no evidence of that. I don't know, that's just what it seems like to me.

What does have a big negative impact on the community though, are the ban discussion threads. People will always be split because at the end of the day, it's all opinion. And with that people end up getting emotional, and start leaving or boycotting. And the bickering and complaining usually only happens within these types of threads. I hardly see it as much anywhere else.

Lets just play the game, okay?
I do think something should be done but I know that it won't be done until after nationals because you can't change something like that when people have already qualified. I'm hoping the majority of people stick it out and wait for change to come.

But don't get me wrong not changing things could create a problem. If a lot of good players get wrecked by Hilde/Algol at Evo it could kill the scene. I mean the hardcore people will stick around but I'd like to see the communtiy grow. Even if a patch comes in, an experience like that can turn people off a game for good. People will bitch about how they don't want to play a game that allows such bullsh**.
I think that Hilde and Algol do not have a significant negative affect on the community. If those characters would be so good that they would be consistently winning tournaments, regardless of the player's own skill, then yes, I could see people being greatly turned off because that consistency would be good enough evidence to show that they just can not be dealt with.

From what I see it seems like a lot of people just don't want to adjust and train themselves to better fight these characters, so they go for the easy route of saying that it's 'broken' or 'unbeatable' when there is clearly no evidence of that. I don't know, that's just what it seems like to me.

What does have a big negative impact on the community though, are the ban discussion threads. People will always be split because at the end of the day, it's all opinion. And with that people end up getting emotional, and start leaving or boycotting. And the bickering and complaining usually only happens within these types of threads. I hardly see it as much anywhere else.

Lets just play the game, okay?

I do think something should be done but I know that it won't be done until after nationals because you can't change something like that when people have already qualified. I'm hoping the majority of people stick it out and wait for change to come.

But don't get me wrong not changing things could create a problem. If a lot of good players get wrecked by Hilde/Algol at Evo it could kill the scene. Even if a patch comes in, an experience like that can turn people off a game for good. People will bitch about how they don't want to play a game that allows such bullsh**.

Thank u to both of you. This is the actual responses that should be in threads like this. That's all i'm sayin and it would be nice to understand where people are comin from rationally.
I agree completely. No fighting game that I have ever played lacked utterly dominant characters. How can you run to SF4 after complaining about Hilde? Headlong into Sagat.

Its pathetic that so many people quit. Especially after X in SC3.
SU you are a whiny bitch

Ou closed your old thread he said:

no ban talk until after nats

stop bitching this is counter productive in my eyes

you say this is for the good of the community

but all your bitching is doing is making troll bait threads
Its pathetic that so many people quit.
Really? So many people quit? You mean aside from casual online players who moved onto other games in general and people who were only playing SC4 because they were waiting for SF4 right?

Because this is news to me... the only person that I ever heard of 'quitting' SC4 because of a character or rule was Aris... and even he didn't really quit because he competed in the regional and qualified for Nats.

So I don't really know where people are getting this "so many people quit SC4 because of so-and-so" stuff... =\
Unfortunately OOF, I dont think Algol needs to be winning tournaments. Whether or not he is winning tournaments, he is still having a negative effect on the community. And I do think however, that Hilde IS consistantly winning tournaments.
OOF pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter.
However, trying endlessly to share those thoughts are pointless, people are too obsessed about their own opinion.
Obsessed enough to the point where if they think a character is overpowered or broken, without even stopping and thinking about the situation.. They just try to enforce their point.
Leaving us with very fruitless argument that even the most neutral parties find distasteful.

Thus the so called "Rule"
A rule I am proud to enforce, despite how unpopular it has made me.
Yet I've yet to have any top player, or any placers for that matter disagree with this rule.

"Until the end of the US Nationals AND/OR Evolution 2009 (Whichever ends later), there will be no ban/legality discussions or ruling discussions.. As well as no discussions about the "State of the Game" that include or enforce considerations to CHANGE RULINGS of the way the game is played"

When those 2 major events have passed and I'm sure something will be done to consolidate the feedback of the players and the fans of the game in order to come up with a decision that will ensure the longevity for the game. In fact, I think it'll be wise if we were to start up a board of players to make ruling decisions Post-EVO/NATS.

In the meantime, thread closed.
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