Anti Vader: WHat do you do vs 1ba spam?


[09] Warrior
sadly this is online play, but this move isn't like other mid/high strings....I can't EVER dodge the 2nd hit on time, and it's like Vaders almost + on block from this as well.....

This move alone is what's making good vaders whoop my ass right now and it's quite frustrating, it's like a panic button for vaders. What's the counter to it?

IT spins you around to your BT too, making it even more dangerous to me, what's Vader on block with 1ba? online it's like they still get a mid/throw mix up.

I've played vaders where I'll completely own them the first 2 rounds, and then they'll come back and 1ba spam their way to victory. It's so frustrating not being able to handle this move.....I really need help.
I love me some 1BA spam. Just try to space correctly, that's pretty much all you can do until you start ducking the A.
ya tryed out 2 B+k with cassandra out on the second hit?
Or im sure that 4B with raph should work agains the second hit...and if that is not workin,how about GI´? ;)
If you are online and not capable of ducking out of it then your connection is too bad and you should stop playing online.
If you are online and not capable of ducking out of it then your connection is too bad and you should stop playing online.

lol, no. <3 online

1b,a is something you'll get used to ducking, though I still don't do it everytime. it really sucks when they don't do the second part since i can't duck the move on reaction.

but if that is what's beating you from the vader's, start attacking after 1ba. sure they can auto-gi you but that's when you go for throws and such.

also, if you're lucky, you can actually step the 1b.
I guess i can help you on this one Beloved. Now seeing as you main Raphael, i can say that you have at least two options.

The first is to duck the second hit, which is a given, and punish accordingly, but since you said you have problems dodging it, i suggest you use the second option.

The second is to use your aGI attacks such as 8A+B as the second hit comes. Even if your opponent only uses 1B by itself, it should still be relatively safe to just throw out there to get some space.

I also have a third option for you, however this one is EXTREMELY risky. Now 1B by itself is -13 on block, which means you can interrupt him before the A connects with your 6BB and stop him dead in his tracks whether they actually use the second hit or not. Why i don't recommend this option is because online lag makes this VERY hard to pull off consistently. If your even 1 frame late in the interruption, you'll have a trade-off leaving you BT and Vader stunned only momentarily, which is bad since he can still follow up with another 1BA and you can't do a thing about it now that you're BT.

It's these reasons why i don't ever spam 1BA myself. Against most players online, it's practically a frame trap, however, it's the few that CAN punish you for these tactics even with lag is what truly scares me. I hope this helps you man ^_^
That's some solid advice Meggido, plus Osmosis Jones showed me how to duck it alot better earlier. Thanks to both of you and everyone else for the advice.

Raphael in particular has a gruesome high punisher in 4B, which leads to a 70+ damage prep combo everytime you punish a high or -20 or more move.

I'm going to try to duck this and punish alot more, because I'm really getting tired of vader players making this the same thing as Mitsu's 1A.

Have you tried to GI the 1b? They will usually do 1b after a certain move so just anticipate it if you can. That's the best input I can give you. I don't really know what to do against it since I rarely play any one who can use vader.

You cant compare Mitsu's 1a to vaders 1b. I mean its his fastest move if your in his face that's his best chance of getting you away aside from force impacts, but I understand you frustration with it
If your raph just use 4A+B after first hit. But its probably unsafe if they dont use 2nd hit, other than that. Learn to duck it, its pretty simple.
Stepping after getting hit by 1BA is a pretty good option. Throws will still get you, but at least you'd be able to punish most of his mids. In general though, try to keep him honest with your pokes after you block 1BA. The best option is to duck it of course, but since this is online, I can't really bank on there being enough time to react to anything.
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