Arcana Heart 3: Coming to US on PSN

How is the execution compared to Arcsys games? I'm on the fence about this- and I hate high-execution fighters. I like KOF98 though.
Easy once you get used to it, definitely moreso than AHF. IAD combos aren't necessary anymore and the game is definitely easy enough to play on pad if you want to.
Yes. this game is very VERY good. I already own it.(imported back in Jan)

I wanted the game for my NA 360, but that wasn't included in the announcement. However, anyone with a PS3 should definitely plunker down the 30 bones for the download when it comes out.
Check homing cancel. It has its own youtube channel as well.

@Mizu: If they're still asking what you and others want, then there's your answer lol.
I tried getting away from the aesthetics, I really did. I went to GU and played for like 4 hours the other day.
What it comes down to is the rule of cool: I can't play something I don't think has some cool aesthetic value in some way.
On top of that; most of the people I was playing with were downright weird. This is a personal thing; half the fun of fighting games is the social interaction. I don't imagine I have much in common with people who love shota/lolicon who are 10 years younger than me.

I'll give it hefty points for design prowess, I rate it below Guilty and above BlazBlue in technical depth based on what I've played/seen/read.

lol it's always good to see somebody at least give the game a fair shake. Sorry the people who play it near you are apparently creepers instead of FG players.
I'm going to hit a local tourney this Sat- people play AH3 here, so I could get an eye on it and see if I'd like it.

I tend to prefer low-execution, spacing-based fighters (like Soul calibur) over combofests. That said, I can still see the influence of SamSho Special in AH through youtube vids. (The AH team also made the last SamSho games- which were really good)

FG players can be creeps just as much if not moreso then anyone else.
To be honest, this game IS a combo fest and while proper spacing and timing is key against better players it takes a little while to get past the "press homing, do combo" barrier. Also, don't expect a significant ground game lol.

I'd like to avoid going into social aspect though, beyond saying that many folks who take this game seriously are people you wouldn't mind just hanging out with.

I like how I'm responsible for half the posts in this thread. Don't care though, this is the first legitimate quality FG released on consoles in a while that isn't completely dead on arrival.
Maybe I'll have more hours played on this by the time the US release comes out. Whatever, importing is cool, right?
To be honest, this game IS a combo fest and while proper spacing and timing is key against better players it takes a little while to get past the "press homing, do combo" barrier. Also, don't expect a significant ground game lol.

I'd like to avoid going into social aspect though, beyond saying that many folks who take this game seriously are people you wouldn't mind just hanging out with.

I like how I'm responsible for half the posts in this thread. Don't care though, this is the first legitimate quality FG released on consoles in a while that isn't completely dead on arrival.

When you say combofest, is it easy combos like KOF, or hard like Arc games? I remember playing AH1 in a tourney where I had to play random games as a 2 on 2 team, doesn't that Miko girl have a ground game? (that's who I picked). That was a funny tourney just for some of the games played and the fact people had to improvise.
Most standard stuff is easy once you get used to it. There's more difficult combos but they aren't usually "necessary."The miko character is relatively difficult, but that's more because of having to be able to hitconfirm off of any single hit and just requiring you to be solid all around. Very good at zoning though, and she does have a stronger ground game than most of the cast lol. The game is VERY different from previous entries though.
@Mizu: If they're still asking what you and others want, then there's your answer lol.

um.... Yes? they ARE doing a physical copy? Just seems kinda outa no where since the game is coming out in spring (Which isn't far away) and they have only mentions a digital copy.... It would be cool to get an LE of Arcana Heart 3 though

Anyway, Characters I'm looking forward to playing as:

Kamui and Mei-Fang - I played as both of em' in AH1 and they still look great!

Clarice - She is such a cool looking character to me. I love her quick "Slashing attacks." I think I might use the wind arcana with her.

Petra - Honestly. She looks kinda broken to me, but I like the way she shoots her funny looking guns so I can't help my self! ^.^V

I'm not sure what arcana I want to use with Petra, but I think I remember seeing some use the flower arcana with her in S!AH2, and she was such a cool turtling machine. She planted the flowers, fired her bouncing bullets, and reaped the flowers benefits.
lol no, my point is that if they're stating the possibility of an LE disk release then you should make it apparent to them (In their forum or w/e) that you want it to happen.

And actually, Kamui and Mei Fang are two borderline bad characters in this game. Still plenty usable since they're capable of killing you in 3 BnBs just like everybody else + good setups with the right arcana, but they received some awkward changes and some system changes didn't benefit them (Especially Kamui). Just expect to put more work in to receive similar rewards to "better" characters.

Clarice is solid but somewhat high execution (For this game) and Petra is just solid all around + pretty easy. Flower works almost stupidly well for Petra, not for getting seed perks as much as using the super to cover her reloading + getting a significant amount of bursts compared to every other arcana, which works well since she doesn't really need EF for combos or pressure.
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