[Arizona] AZ and friends!

Sao is coming and will stream, I assume he'll have King Hippo and maybe Morty and Detroit with him. I talked to SPQR and kPc, they're both in. Normac might be able to make it. Makaveli messed up his wrist and elbow last week, but if he can play by Saturday he'll probably make it.

AilCross, does your PS3 have SC5 save data?
I'll show up, but I won't be able to get there until about 3:30 or so since I get off of work at 3 PM. I probably won't be able to play in the tournament; hopefully can get some casuals in at least (to the point where I'll bring a setup to make that happen, if needed).
Ill try and make it, if I do, i can bring a PS3 with unlocks and an asus monitor. my elbow may be fractured, and my wrist is jacked up as well, I am currently unable to play, but my healing factor is wolverine like, so im hoping to be semi healed by saturday. my wrist is holding me back more than my elbow, and my thumb is sprained as well lol
Okay guys. Ive been talking with Hazam (team Hazmat) He wants to run Ranbats for SCV and for KOF. Right now the new season starts this saturday for sfxt, mvc3, and AE. He was thinking of starting on saturdays around noon. Now he was thinking of running SCV and KOF on Sundays. I think he should run the whole ranbat on Saturdays, so people who play capcom games and others don't have to be there the entire weekend.

Since he wants to start the event at 12 noon. I was thinking KOF and SC can be ran on the stream and finished up between 4-5. After that capcom would take over but we would still have room for casuals. What works best for you guys though? Please let me know ASAP. Either on here or hit me up on my cell (716) 361-5219
^I agree that this is a really good idea for AZ SCV.

Having said that, I know a lot of us are a good 40 minutes from Haz'z, so...carpool anyone? Text me if something is being put together 602-399-2983
Where is it at?

It's in Laveen, about the same distance from you as UAT, but not quite in the same direction. If people are going, they should definitely carpool.

Unfortunately, the distance/time may prevent Jimmy and his crew from making it. I think it starts too early for Dipstick to make it, and I'm not sure what SPQR's normal Sat schedule is (I know it was changed last Sat, which is why he made the UAT tournament). It would also be a really far drive for Wolf, so not sure how feasible that would be. Cory and I are busy every Sunday with DEV stuff, so I don't know if he'd want to take up several hours of his Saturday as well.

Again, with carpooling it may work out better. Perhaps the east side people could pick up Jimmy's family if he's not able to make it himself? Maybe Wolf could make the shorter drive to a west side player's house, then ride with him?
If SC5 starts at 2:30, there's no way I'm going to be able to make it -- so personally, I would much rather see a Sunday start. In regards to people having to be there both days, how many people really play both Capcom fighters and SC5/XIII? To ask the question differently, how many entrants would each game lose if it was run separate from the Capcom games? I don't think it would be much, since from my experience most players tend to stick to their game (or "group" of games, in a looser sense).

The sad thing is, it's probably about as much of a trip for the people in Tempe/Mesa as it is for the people coming from north Phoenix. Carpooling would definitely be a good idea.
it actually closer to me. Count me in, I need to practice. If wolf wants to he can ride with me.
I have to work this weekend but get off @ 2:30. Might not be able to make in time for the tourney but might see if I can get some casuals in. Either way, I'll do my best to make it. :)
If SC5 starts at 2:30, there's no way I'm going to be able to make it -- so personally, I would much rather see a Sunday start. In regards to people having to be there both days, how many people really play both Capcom fighters and SC5/XIII? To ask the question differently, how many entrants would each game lose if it was run separate from the Capcom games? I don't think it would be much, since from my experience most players tend to stick to their game (or "group" of games, in a looser sense).

The sad thing is, it's probably about as much of a trip for the people in Tempe/Mesa as it is for the people coming from north Phoenix. Carpooling would definitely be a good idea.

They ain't going to run sundays that's why everything starts early. The thing is its a good thing Haz is running this for KOF & SC but as for Ranbats. Team Hazmat is well known for its STREAMING and EVENTS capcom games (SF & MVC ). The original plan was Haz wants to do a local monthly major (NO Ranbats) for 8 Games (Sat & Sun) which is fine. In out of nowhere it was switich to Ranbats because of wait on responds on venue. The Dates is where the problem is (My only Beef) because May 19th is ranbats also Local Major for SC/MK .
It really sucks that some of you guys can't make it. I want you all to post times and i will see what i can do. As for you wolf. I can hold off your match as long as possible, and if worse comes to worse i can put you in the losers bracket. I'm also going to try to pick some people up. I'm kind of re learning how to drive right now. I just bought my first car like a week ago. So i can give some ppl a ride, but i won't be doing any freeway driving. So Just txt me if you need a ride and i'll see what i can do. Or try to find ppl in your area to carpool with. Also we need ps3 setups. I will be bring my complete setup, and KPC can bring his ps3. Please post up if you can provide anything, games, ps3s, tv ect.
It really sucks that some of you guys can't make it. I want you all to post times and i will see what i can do.

Check the event page. The SRK guys are being their normal selves and asking for SC5 to run before KoF. I assume this is because they could care less about 3D fighters and don't want to have to show up early for KoF, then watch all of SC5 before another tournament they want to enter starts.. If Haz agrees, that would have SC5 starting at 1pm instead of 2:30. Going by the responses, the earlier it is, the fewer people who can make it out.

Also, we need to decide what happens on May 19 when the Euphoria tournament is taking place. I refuse to participate in anything at Haz's place, but I also don't want to be the only person at Euphoria's tournament.
Check the event page. The SRK guys are being their normal selves and asking for SC5 to run before KoF. I assume this is because they could care less about 3D fighters and don't want to have to show up early for KoF, then watch all of SC5 before another tournament they want to enter starts.. If Haz agrees, that would have SC5 starting at 1pm instead of 2:30. Going by the responses, the earlier it is, the fewer people who can make it out.

Also, we need to decide what happens on May 19 when the Euphoria tournament is taking place. I refuse to participate in anything at Haz's place, but I also don't want to be the only person at Euphoria's tournament.

I don't think the time is going to to at all man. I think your putting to much of a negative spin on this. The only person who wanted KOF later was Armando. As far as the euphoria tournament goes. I think Jon (tsumujis ) idea is really good. Just make it so Keith tournament has ranbat points. I don't see this as an issue at all. I will be talking to Haz about this as well, and keep you guys posted.