BlazBlue - GuiltyGear's next gen cousin

so I think this thread died the day astralheat went up, but I don't see where the discussion there is lol
Reviving this thread since Astral Heat is getting shut down.

lol @ Dustloop administration raging at Astral Heat being mentioned on their site. The very site who's memebers shit on this game wants to be this games #1 source of info. Makes perfect sense amirite?

Be sure to just browse character specific forums. Otherwise, you'll run into the "BB isn't GG" whambulance that site is full of.

On topic: When the hell is the extra colors DLC coming to PSN damnit.
It's too bad that AstralHeat is being shut down. I only joined that website a few days ago but it was a really nice forum, in more ways then one. It had the info that Dustloop had but with much nicer members.
It's too bad that AstralHeat is being shut down. I only joined that website a few days ago but it was a really nice forum, in more ways then one. It had the info that Dustloop had but with much nicer members.

I guess I really don't read forums much anymore lol, I haven't had any trouble with people at Dustloop, but I've pretty much ONLY been in the Bang section.
I guess I really don't read forums much anymore lol, I haven't had any trouble with people at Dustloop, but I've pretty much ONLY been in the Bang section.

And that's exactly why you haven't been hearing the "GG isn't BB" whambulance.

The character specific forums are pretty much free of the GG whambulance because its full of players who play and enjoy the game. BB general on the other hand is free game to them.
Now I have to see for myself just how bad this is. I too mainly frequent either the Noel forum or Match Finder so I guess I miss out on a lot.
At least people post on Dustloop. The Rachel section at ah hasn't had any serious discussion other than what is your favorite color since launch.
I don't think that people didn't want to end up having/taking part in good discussions, as most of us are very new to the game. Whereas they have been talking about it on Dustloop for a long time, and you get flamed hard for asking questions that you might honestly need answered.
Now I have to see for myself just how bad this is. I too mainly frequent either the Noel forum or Match Finder so I guess I miss out on a lot.

Perfect example of the idiocy that is the GG whambulance. That thread single-handedly made me compare the GG community to the Smash community.

As for people posting on Dustloop, the activity on the Noel forums is pretty bare and if there is a post, it's hardly ever worth reading (similar to Astral Heat).
Perfect example of the idiocy that is the GG whambulance. That thread single-handedly made me compare the GG community to the Smash community.

As for people posting on Dustloop, the activity on the Noel forums is pretty bare and if there is a post, it's hardly ever worth reading (similar to Astral Heat).

That thread was basically a ban list and people ripping on BB because it destroyed GG OMG OMG OMG i hadnt heard of GG till someone told me about BB hmm how does that work?
Yea the Noel forums are kind of lacking. I guess if you want info, you could go pique HeartNana's brain.

EDIT: Oh man is it bad. Yes I know Nu is stupid good but yeesh. I love the fact that they say Josh Ballard is a troll, among other things. I think I'll go back to the character forums and Match Maker forum.
Best argument ever "I hate BB cause it makes people not want to play GG" wow i love it I wonder what will happen when a new SC comes out "I hate SC5 cause it isnt SC4"
Um. Hate to break it to you but we already went through that with SC2, 3 and 4.


Indeed it did and all I did was laugh while it happened. I've been seeing a trend here unfortunately. Upon every release of every new installment or franchise, there will be bitching. SRK bitched when SFIV was released. CF bitched when SCIV was released. DL bitched (and still bitch) when BB was released (despite it being another series).

It's a rather annoying trend and you'd think some people were more grown up in terms of handling change, but they aren't.

However, I will say of all the sites that bitched, DL's bitching is the most illogical considering it's not even a part of the same series of games nor was it intended to be. I could slightly understand had BB actually been GGXXX...but it isn't. :/