BlazBlue - GuiltyGear's next gen cousin

uh no iKotomi, her rush down and Drives, gets her passed Nu and Ara to get in their faces so they can't keep away, Rachel is a tad different but any run away Rachel won't be able too.
uh no iKotomi, her rush down and Drives, gets her passed Nu and Ara to get in their faces so they can't keep away, Rachel is a tad different but any run away Rachel won't be able too.

But Ara and Nu have answers to Tao's drives, so they can play the zoning game. Ara can guard break like nobody's business, and Nu can do the same thing just by making Tao block more swords. Most Rachel's worth their salt won't be zoning anyways, and Rachel's rushdown > Tao's rushdown, merely because Rachel can afford to block and take some hits while Tao can't.
I need to learn me some Arakune. I need a clutch top tier to whip out in tournies for when low tier Bang can't do the job.
But Ara and Nu have answers to Tao's drives, so they can play the zoning game. Ara can guard break like nobody's business, and Nu can do the same thing just by making Tao block more swords. Most Rachel's worth their salt won't be zoning anyways, and Rachel's rushdown > Tao's rushdown, merely because Rachel can afford to block and take some hits while Tao can't.

I dont know who is telling you that Nu is at advantage but they are lying to you Nu can't use her swords against tao because Nu had to be really precise with the swords to hit and even then tao can just drive through them. Meaning Nu has to fight up close and that already leaves her at disadvantage. The arakune match up though I don't know to much about
I dont know who is telling you that Nu is at advantage but they are lying to you Nu can't use her swords against tao because Nu had to be really precise with the swords to hit and even then tao can just drive through them. Meaning Nu has to fight up close and that already leaves her at disadvantage. The arakune match up though I don't know to much about

Good players are precise with their swords? Just because you can't zone stupidly like every other matchup doesn't mean that you can't zone at all. If Nu understands the optimal spacings against Tao, and knows when to backdash and when to close in, the game is very much in Nu's favor, and at worst even. If you don't know how to use swords against tao, yes, you will be in a disadvantage.
No point debating with you because apparently your know Nu better than me and I main her.
No point debating with you because apparently your know Nu better than me and I main her.

I can't believe that just because you've played Nu for a few months that you feel you're the only person entitled to have an opinion of her. You have to be blind if you can't see the role that swords are playing in pretty much any high level video. You also clearly don't understand the concept of zoning. Spoken like a true scrub.
No point debating with you because apparently your know Nu better than me and I main her.

I main Bang, doesn't mean I know everything about him. Just because a bunch of new American Nu bandwagoners are having problems dealing with Tao, doesn't mean it's in Tao's favor. This is like people trying to argue that Tager isn't bottom tier when the game came out, lol.
I can't believe that just because you've played Nu for a few months that you feel you're the only person entitled to have an opinion of her. You have to be blind if you can't see the role that swords are playing in pretty much any high level video. You also clearly don't understand the concept of zoning. Spoken like a true scrub.

I'm not going to say anything because I don't feel like saying anything over the net Mr.Pro. Also where do I say I am the only person entitled to an opinion on Nu you know what screw it I wont debate this shit its not worth it, even if I win I will feel like an idiot for debating
Yo Kow since you play bang whats his learning curve I'm interested in pickin him up he seems like a bastard and I'm a bastard so we match up
Man I can handle the learning curve but odds are I'm gonna play Hakumen cause dude is badass the only reason I will play him
Tager is a pain in the ass to play, every time I try to do the 720 I end up jumping and looking stupid
I'm not going to say anything because I don't feel like saying anything over the net Mr.Pro. Also where do I say I am the only person entitled to an opinion on Nu you know what screw it I wont debate this shit its not worth it, even if I win I will feel like an idiot for debating

If you're not going to defend your viewpoint with any other evidence other than "you're lying" don't even bother bringing up asinine viewpoints like "Tao only does good against the top 3" when Tao has clearly bad matchups against 2 of them, and at best an even matchup favoring Nu, while she has good and even matchups against the rest of the cast bar Jin. All you did was whine that Nu can't use her swords against Tao, when Nu's swords are integral to the matchup, and when I told you that you just needed to understand optimal ranges, you just dismissed it saying that you main Nu and I don't.

To anyone else interested,
and the rest of the set by the same players pretty much shows how the matchup should swing.

You should notice that there is a particular zone that Nu fights for where her anti-air swords are much more effective against Tao than Tao's ability to avoid them, especially if she sets up a gravity field. Closer than that, and Tao will beat Nu's swords cleanly with several options. After a knockdown in this range, Nu only backdashes if she is able to get to her optimal range before Tao's recovery, otherwise she will rush in, since her close range game is more effective than any of her options at the sub-optimal spacing, while an attempt to backdash will typically fail if she can't immediately secure her comfort zone, because Nu needs to set up either a field or a sword as soon as possible to prevent Tao from closing in.

The matchup is pretty much even, since Nu's close range damage output is no joke, allowing her to keep up with Tao in terms of health if she can't zone her completely, and Tao is pretty much always fighting against her low guard meter, a pain when space control is of the utmost importance in the matchup.

Anyways, that's just my opinion based off of what I've seen while studying Tao. In general, when Nu can't effectively control that zone, Tao wins.
Oh, hello everyone. I´ve been playing this for about 3 weeks and got a copy of my own today. I main Litchi and hate Jin. I looked at 5 or 6 forums today and they were all having fights about Nu being cheap. So tell me about Litchi.