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  • Where have you been? You've been gone forever, lol.

    This is SL from PSN btw.
    Was busy playing other stuff. And since SCV's comming out I though people would go back to IV for hype.

    Also Bubbles is staff now? When'd THAT happen?
    lol, a lot has changed since you've been gone.

    The mods you see in the top right are super mods, admins and SA mods. Bubbles mods the Raph and Algol SA's I think.
    I might be on tonight. Family's got an early birthday thing for today, but yeah, I need to get my ass online again, lol. Been having a character crisis recently, not sure who I enjoy playing the most anymore. I needz to experiment with the rest of the cast again.
    *shrugs* I always network error trying to connect with you. It'd be fun if we could connect.
    I just haven't been on psn at all for a while. I'm working pretty much full-time nights now, so when I get home in the morning, I usually pass out right away, lol. Most of my shifts are around the weekend too, which SUCKS :U
    I'mma make sure I get online more often though, I miss your crazy CaS characters and our fights T.T
    it's gilgamesh from fate stay night chibified. my name is from shining force III but tiamat is in a lot of RPGs
    Awww gomen that happened. Hey hopefully you will get new one then we can play but now that makes me worried about mine. The only thing about mine is it freezes alot if on the new and it has a hard time connecting to PSN but that could be because im on wireless.
    Hey there takosuke. I can't remeber excatly playing you but feel free add me and we can play anytime again.
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