BOOOM Street Fighter V exclusive to PS4 & PC

So with Mika and Karin in the game, Alex and Urien are pretty much confirmed too since all four of those characters were leaked by the same source. Additionally, Rashid is in so we can assume the Bogard leak was right as well, meaning the two remaining slots are for new characters (Laura and Zen).

Kinda sucks for no Juri, Guile, Gief, Dhalsim, or Sakura. DLC perhaps?
DLC perhaps?
Imo, we're probably going to get 1-2 DLC characters announced right before the release of the game. Or as a Pre-order bonus w/the costume(s).
Juri: Definite possibility considering how popular she is. She'll probably be the first character to join from SFIV (and probably the last tbh. As much as i love Decapre, i don't think we'll see her. Nor Hakan..) .
Guile: Charlie is in, so why wouldn't Guile join? He's also one of the more icon characters. Which brings me to..
Dhalsim: Quite the iconic character as well. His fighting style will fit the new system well. My prediction is he'll be added within the first 1-3 patches of DLC characters.
Sakura: Idk much about her possibilities; but hey, Karin is in...

The two characters i want to see the most are Rose & Gen.
Rose has a solid chance as DLC, but Gen... doesn't seem likely. </3
In case you guys didn't see it. Tons of Necalli matches here:

Note that these were before Necalli was changed to a charge character.

After looking at a lot of Karin matches, it feels like she might be on the weak side when it comes to footsies and meaties. Characters like Ken, Bison, Necalli and Mika seem like they're going to be really strong right now thanks to great range and powerful hits. Karin seems to lack those, but the game is still in development and lots can change before release. What I'm kinda interested in, is whether the game will ultimately look more like SF3 or more like Alpha. Right now the game feels a lot like Alpha-pacing with SF3's rules. Abare into short bursts of combos really fits well with the mechanics, but like everything, it'll be up to the developers to make sure that challenge lies in fighting the player and not the system mechanics. I hope that, dealing with certain moves and performing combos is less an exercise of frustration unlike SF4.
first Vega mirror i see

#1 color Vega should have been with brown hair too imho, he look more unique in Blond Fighter V cast
Zangief only missed SF3's series. He's been in every game past and present.

I don't see why he wouldn't be in. Even Honda doesn't see as much love as Zangief does.
I see Zangief as an icon of the series.
Maybe not as iconic as Ryu, Chun Li, or Akuma. But he still has his shine.
I see him among characters like Dhalsim, Blanka, Vega, etc..
In the polls Gief ever resulted over other big guys like Hugo, Honda, T.Hawk, Sodom, Haggar etc

Also he just cover so many things that make him fit SFV cast

-Superpowerful/slow/huge grappler archetype, both Birdie (not pure grappler) R.Mika (not huge tank type) don't cover that
-SF2 icon and most requested big guy
-Russia representative
-strong R.Mika story link, she's linked only to him (and less with Karin)
-still 2 green (classic/SF2) slots

-They seem to reveal char on most fitting events: Ken comiccon, Karin TGS, Rashid Dubai, Laura(?) Brazil... fucking Russian event need the Gief

-after some whined about cast having to many aggressive rush down characters developers said the remaining characters will bring different types of gameplay(so make more likely usual archetypes that still lack... tank grappler, stretchy arms, defensive zoner, glass cannon etc)

-At this point SF3rs in start 16seem not likely, seem like they keep them out on purpose to bring forward (DLC) the story. SF3rs will probably arrive when SFV story get closer to SF3 in the timeline. Btw i still believe in Alex/Urien (in Karin stage, lol) will be DLC announced jan/feb

-wrestling match with DLC Alex is gonna be Rocky4 level epic :D

But most important Gief in -> i got my main Ryu-Dictator-Gief trio in the start 16 cast -> Gatsu happy as fuck