Break Counters?


[09] Warrior
I've been searching about 'break counters' for sometime now and i didn't get any info about it, unless I've missed something. Can anyone explain how they work exactly?
Yeah, I think you're having trouble finding info on them because they don't exist.

You must be mixing up terms in some way. Can you describe what you think "break counters" actually are?
A "Break Counter" is when one move breaks THROUGH another move... in SC2, it was programmed so that if a vertical and a horizontal move clashed, instead of both players being given clash frames, the vertical breaks through the horizontal, and that player gets the advantage... I believe they took this out of SC3...

In SC4, Break Counters are back... however, they are not as fleshed out as they were in SC2. I have seen it where a Vertical breaks through another Vertical... which really doesnt make sense to me. If you download 2008-SEP-06 W1 SEB VS Jaxel.mkv from last week's tournament, you will see a Break Counter at 0:34... My 4BB (vertical) break counters Taki's vertical (dont know what input it was).
I noticed this as well. SC IV is still fun, but to me it's just not the same game anymore. Give me SC2 with updated graphics and solid online play and I'll be happy. I was hoping for that in SC IV.

The priority of moves just don't make any sense anymore.
A "Break Counter" is when one move breaks THROUGH another move... in SC2, it was programmed so that if a vertical and a horizontal move clashed, instead of both players being given clash frames, the vertical breaks through the horizontal, and that player gets the advantage... I believe they took this out of SC3...

In SC4, Break Counters are back... however, they are not as fleshed out as they were in SC2. I have seen it where a Vertical breaks through another Vertical... which really doesnt make sense to me. If you download 2008-SEP-06 W1 SEB VS Jaxel.mkv from last week's tournament, you will see a Break Counter at 0:34... My 4BB (vertical) break counters Taki's vertical (dont know what input it was).

You could be referring to the new clash system?

A)Weapon based moves of the same type (high, horizontal,etc.) that hit each other at the same time will clash
B)Moves that clash that are apart of a string can keep going despite the clash.