Dark Souls

I see you guys like these struggle vids. :) Well if you got the time... You will enjoy

James' visit to Sen's fortress.
The entire walkthrough is filled with comedy...but this particular level to the top of sen's fortress is unforgettable. This attempt starts at part 60 ends at 65.
This is literally the BEST GAME IVE PLAYED IN YEARS this game is better than Soul Calibur 5.....I even bought a fabric poster......... skyrim is crap compared to this awsome piece of work, this game is a masterpiece!!!
This is literally the BEST GAME IVE PLAYED IN YEARS this game is better than Soul Calibur 5.....I even bought a fabric poster......... skyrim is crap compared to this awsome piece of work, this game is a masterpiece!!!
Comparing skyrim and Dark souls is like comparing apples with strawberries. They are different beasts with unique qualities. I could not choose one over the other because the fact is they are both amazing works of game design. Even comparing with soul calibur is a might silly. That is not even an rpg of any kind.
Comparing skyrim and Dark souls is like comparing apples with strawberries. They are different beasts with unique qualities. I could not choose one over the other because the fact is they are both amazing works of game design. Even comparing with soul calibur is a might silly. That is not even an rpg of any kind.
well it can be compared to soul calibur 5 in terms of completion of content, Dark Souls is defenetly a finished game unlike SC5, and not only that, Dark Souls is actually getting REAL USEFUL DLC SUPPORT! ohh and btw its from namco, thats the irony, now for skyrim, i have that game installed in my pc since january and only played it for about 6 to 5 hours, its boring and the gameplay is terible, the sword play dosent take any real skill, you pretty much button mash to win, and if your character is weaker then you pretty much screwed. maybe its to early to judge the game from only 5 hourss of play, but then aggain it shouldnt take more than that to figure out that you dont like a game and to figure out that its complete overated crap, I let myself get influenced by all the fanboism and Game of the year awards and all that crap, anyway i sure learned my lesson. i mean, call of duty mdw3 was shooter of the year, and believe me....it sucks, this is all just my opinion, dont get ofended or anything if you like skyrim
Dark Souls was created by FromSoftware...Namco just publishes it. Which is actually a bad thing IMO.
They get points for releasing it on PC, even though the community had to beg for it.

I say Demon's Souls is actually better than Dark Souls, if you don't own a PS3 you missed out.

For me Demon's Souls is the best game I have played this console generation.
That has got to be one of the worst ways to compare different games of different varieties. You can like and dislike things all you want (it is only your opinion), but comparing ones and saying one is better than another in different genres is just a fool's errand.

Besides, game of the year means nothing. I myself love skyrim and it is a really good game. Does it have faults? Of course it does, all games do, period. But I do not need to defend a game, nor is this the place to argue weather one game is better than another, because, again, they are no where near the same. The end.
Dark Souls was created by FromSoftware...Namco just publishes it. Which is actually a bad thing IMO.
They get points for releasing it on PC, even though the community had to beg for it.

I say Demon's Souls is actually better than Dark Souls, if you don't own a PS3 you missed out.

For me Demon's Souls is the best game I have played this console generation.
well when i never got to play demon souls cuz when i heard about it and was about to buy it, i heard that dark souls was coming out, but ill maybe buy it some time...
well when i never got to play demon souls cuz when i heard about it and was about to buy it, i heard that dark souls was coming out, but ill maybe buy it some time...
I would highly suggest you do so. The only thing to be warry of is that there are more limitations to demons souls than there is dark souls. For example: weight limit is a huge factor in the game. Do not carry more than bare essentials.
Oh demons souls is a much harder game than dark souls so watch out for that. Nothing wrong with dark souls though as it is a fantastic game.