Elder Scrolls: Oblivion


another thing not to overlook is the range of the weapon you are using. it goes like this from shortest range to longest range. this is also coincidentally the same for slowest to fastest weapon:

-short swords/war axes
-war hammers
-ranged weapons/spells

use the weapon suitable for you. anything longsword/mace or longer will allow you to keep your opponent at a distance by striking with the tip of your blade. also just from personal experience it seems that occasionally you can avoid recoiling off of some1's shield when you strike witht he tip of your weapon.

as for skills, i will not interfere here. it is up to you how you play.

instead of using torches, use the spells starlight and night eye to see in the dark(especailly night eye since it has infinite range and other enemies still cant see u)

for attributes just remember their main functions:

STRENGTH - deal more damage, carry more shit
WILLPOWER - more fatigue, faster magika regen
INTELLIGENCE - more magika, increased spell damage
SPEED - you move faster
AGILITY - affects how often you stagger while blocking or being hit. this is almost manditory, and needs to be 90+ at higher levels or you will constantly die from stunlock
PERSONALITY - this one isnt really manditory but it levels up itself once you stop using torches and start using starlight and night eye instead. basically just makes people like u better, and isnt manditory for survival like agility is.
LUCK - again not really manditory. it affects the game and the way it is played yes(i wont get into detail unless u ask) but it does nothing for your survival.

JOIN AND COMPLETE DARK BROTHERHOOD FIRST. that way when you finish all its quests, you dont get kicked out of any of your guilds for killing members of your guild(this is especially problematic with the mages guild)

JOIN THE MAGES GUILD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. the ability to enchant your own items is more valuble than just about anything else in the game. if u cant go do something by yourself, go to the mages guidl, whore out your equipment with enchantments and then go back to what u were doing, you will surely succeed. also the sooner you join the mages guild the easier it is to get into the mages guild because of the way everything in the game levels with you(just for test of knowledge, i believe all guards are approximately 7 levels higher than you)

WHORE OUT THE FIGHTERS GUILD FOR INCOME. its another good way to get paid besides oblivion gates and exploring random dungeons.

it is best to also complete all of the daedra shrines as soon as possible as some glitches prevent some from being completed. this happens randomly, although only with 1 particular shrine(cant remember what its called)

for combat, 1st off, no matter what class you are, or what style, it helps to have a touch style magic attack since it go's through shields and gives your stamina a quick rest, and it helps when you get surrounded by enemies and you find even while ur landing an attack on your opponent, it hits him but also hits his buddies shield beside him. 2nd dont underestimate the power of blocking as stated above u can get 2 free shots, sometimes even 3 with smaller weapons, and at later levels, u sometimes get an automatic recoil attack from blocking that often staggers opponents, and can potentially disarm. not to mention your shield will NEVER break at higher levels, so an enchanted shield that gives extra armor can be the most important piece of equipment in your inventory. also, rely on rings, spells and natural abilities to raise your defense. IMO just adding more armor enchantments to even just clothing is more important, especially since the main barrage of attacks you will encounter are physical. increasing your armor class even on clothes alone reduces the damage you recieve, and with high enough armor class you are almost impervious to physical attacks, even at level 50+.(fully enchanted highest level heavy armor with all 10% shield enchantments still has AC of 60 + shield AC if you've journeyman in blocking, at max block giving you practically max *displayed* AC with broken equipment) there will be magic yes, but that is what higher level items such as the flame ring(100% resist fire) are for. always keep your alchemy and armorer skills up, since u need to carry around as many healing and magic potions as possible at any given time and you need to AT least keep your weapon and shield in good repair. if you ever do get alchemy maxed, you can make especially damaging poisons out of rare ingredients, some of which can flat out kill humanoid enemies such as bandits a few seconds after aplication. eventually you will also be able to make more powerful healing potions than you could ever buy which is important because u can drink them instantly, where as healing spells take time to cast. magic weapons can turn the tide of battle if used at the right time since certain enchantments can effectively double the damage your weapon does.

if you are just starting out, i highly reccomend heavy armor, as it provides much better protection than light armor for most of the game(light armor at master level has equal AC to heavy armor at master level because u get an AC bonus that is not marked on the item. consider it a passive ability almost) and in the end both pieces of armor do not encumber you anyways.

because of the way i play, i reccomend the longer weapons. no there is nothing wrong with using a 2 handed weapon at times, especially when you want to keep your opponent at bay(at times this can work better than what black dog listed above, which i like to call shield wall tactics) you can even win fights without a scratch if u use the length of your weapon to judge how far away they are from you and you keep stepping backwards.

when fighting in groups always use shorter weapons, as it will severely reduce the risk that you hit friendlies(that means daggers and shortswords are good for that situation as well)

therefore on my character i always carry 1 of each type of weapon, short, single handed long, and 2 handed long. they all come in handy for certain situations.

*max displayed AC is 85, however boosting AC above this does still benefit you, at least on the PS3 version(yes i own both PS3 and PC =P). therefore you can theoretically boost your AC well over 200 at higher levels. or you can wear lower level armor if you prefer for appearance effect and still be viable in combat situations(i prefer ebony to be honest. it looks really cool)

*at max level mastery both light and heavy armor STILL reduce your magic spell effectiveness by 5%(ie you will only get 95% of the spells effect) although this is hardly noticable(if ur OCD, wear enchanted clothing for amror)

for ranged attacks i actually reccomend using magic attacks, and depending on your potions for healing unless its an emergancy. whipping out a bow means u cant block with your shield. eventually unless you are centered around magic attacks you will not even require a ranged attack except for certain things like shooting items down from high places.

*bonus - to gain a really effective magic attack for early on in the game go to the mages guild in skingrad and do the quest required to join, but remember to ask the guild leader for assistance before you leave. she will teach you the weak fireball spell which requires less energy to cast than flare yet does more damage. very efficient to learn and well worth it.

as for vampirism i am indifferent. just remember that beggars are a good, free way to feed at night if u need to remain stage 1. and if you ever want to free yourself of vampirism, SAVE THE GAME before you start the quest as the quest does have a very rare bug in it that can prevent you from completing it.

also just take my word for it and dont do the following:

-do not go through the game as a level 1 character
-do not ever enchant armor with the chameleon spell
-do not look up how to exploit glitches for this game

all of this will ruin the game for you.

as for PC vs PS3, yea the PC has expansions, but i wouldnt even care about them until you've done absolutely everything in the PS3 version. PS3 still has knights of the nine and Shivering isles, and that is plenty already. as for mods im also indifferent. there are many ways to exploit glitches to break the balance for this game, but if u remain ignorant to that the game will remain balanced for you. the frame rate is still fine as long as you dont dump ur shit on the floor in your houses. empty out and use a chest in your house instead and use it for storage(i have over 1000 items in a chest in my house in skingrad because im trying to get a complete catalogue of every item in the game for no apparent reason other than im OCD.) note however the game will lag when you open a chest that has that many items in it, but its still possible to browse the items. also u can use display cases to show off your favorite weapons and armor. yea PS3 has SLIGHT framerate problems, but most of the time its not even noticable(i mean come on! a high end computer can run oblivion at over 100fps! be grateful of your 55-60fps) and yes 360 has more DLC than PS3. really ur only missing out on having a tower and getting a dagger that kills people. play on/with whatever you bought 1st, or are comfortable with. once thats all done just hop straight for the PC version(=/ my damn PC makes me play the game in low quality settings WHILE OVERCLOCKED...i need a new CPU)

oh yea NEVER drop more than 2 sigil stones in the same room. dropping like 5 is really loud and 10+ will blow your speakers. trust me from personal experience TT-TT

also my final tip, is that every time you save your game, save it to a seperate save file. that way if something like one of these glitches ever happens you dont lose hours upon hours of work(yes it affects your autosaves too). you only need i'd say about 2-5 save files per character. however if you want to be real crazy about it, or if u play on PC just make a new save every time.

if you ever need to know something but dont feel like reading, ask me. im basically a walking encyclopedia on oblivion. its safe to say i know as much about it as i do about Siegfried. ask me on here in PM, in this thread, or even on PSN.

if you guys want we can start an official oblivion chatroom on PSN and play together. i would thoroughly enjoy that, and i think some of you guys would too.

EDIT: it took me 2 hours to type all this! TT-TT
Dam you slay for making me read all that, ill ask your ass on psn for stuff later. Oh I figured out that o can leave some crap in a chest in the mages guild so I don't worry about being over burdened! Is it a good idea to keep fighting In the arena before helping The orc? Or should I do his quest first?
i think the moral of this thread is that you worry too much. as john pointed out we all play completely different. he thinks being a vampire sucks...i think it allowed me to jump over houses and kill anything in the game just by standing close to it. i had to drink blood maybe a dozen times TOTAL to do quests, but other than that it didn't effect me negatively at all.

big difference.

just play the game. don't listen to anybody. find the shit on your own, it is highly more enjoyable i promise.
Dam you slay for making me read all that, ill ask your ass on psn for stuff later. Oh I figured out that o can leave some crap in a chest in the mages guild so I don't worry about being over burdened! Is it a good idea to keep fighting In the arena before helping The orc? Or should I do his quest first?
this is the last thing i will give you a tip on. u can complete some of the arena, but its best to do the orcs quest as early as possible. now its time for you to play the game on your own like lobo says. however if you have any technical problems or questions about builds and such THEN i am the person to ask. =) i was happy i was able to help you juece. i'll be on PSN later tonight. for now im goin to faust_the_8th's place to play some final fight and maybe MvC3 and SCIV offline if he wills it.
I did the vampire cure quest, it was pretty long, def one of the most interesting quests in the game.

yea PS3 has SLIGHT framerate problems, but most of the time its not even noticable(i mean come on! a high end computer can run oblivion at over 100fps! be grateful of your 55-60fps) and yes 360 has more DLC than PS3. really ur only missing out on having a tower and getting a dagger that kills people. play on/with whatever you bought 1st, or are comfortable with. once thats all done just hop straight for the PC version(=/ my damn PC makes me play the game in low quality settings WHILE OVERCLOCKED...i need a new CPU)

Actually, PS3/X360 version run bearly in 30fps and can drop below 10fps in any Oblivion plane or just when there are too many characters on the screen. I wouldn't call it a slight problem because sometimes it makes the game unplayable. I died many times during Battle for castle kvatch quest because the game run at 5 fps all the time when the entire town swarming with deadra, lol. On PC it's somewhat better but Oblivion unfortunately is a poorly optimised game, it uses only one CPU core, so no matter how many cores you have it will run like crap...

As for the DLC, the dagger that instantly kills isn't really worth imo because it's either almost useless (2% of chance to kill your opponnent with 50 luck) or game breaking (11% at 100 luck) The Orrery is interesting, because upon completing it you get special powers from it which unlock "drain attribute" spell in the Altar... it's a little overpowered imo, just like Drain Health effect.

I used to exploit some glitches on PS3 because there was no other way of getting (spoiler alert ->) the necromancer's amulet, which is pretty well balanced. That's why I always hated the mages guild, and Mannimarco was only the icing on top of my hate due to being ridiculously easy. Fortunately on PC with OOO it's completely different. First time I tried to beat him it took me about 30min of running in circles and doing quicksave each time I succesfully avoided his magic xD he is crazy strong there and looks badass.
Frack I was playing it yesterday and I seriously spent like 2 or 3 hours on one freaking quest, the whole painted world fucked me up. Those ogres are fast as shit and they damage me like I'm an infant, I had to run to a rock and just spam arrows and flare till they died. When I killed 5 ogres I had no arrows my armor was destroyed and my weapons were also destroyed. I had to out run the last ogre and just make a detour to finish the dam quest........ shit was intense. Now this begs the question are all ogres like that?

Oh I know you guys said I should just play the game but there is one quest I seriously cant do, its the one where the guy in chorrol tells you to get rid of ogres in weatherley. I go there but there are no ogres at all I looked around the area but I only found a wolf. What should I do?
Frack I was playing it yesterday and I seriously spent like 2 or 3 hours on one freaking quest, the whole painted world fucked me up. Those ogres are fast as shit and they damage me like I'm an infant, I had to run to a rock and just spam arrows and flare till they died. When I killed 5 ogres I had no arrows my armor was destroyed and my weapons were also destroyed. I had to out run the last ogre and just make a detour to finish the dam quest........ shit was intense. Now this begs the question are all ogres like that?

Oh I know you guys said I should just play the game but there is one quest I seriously cant do, its the one where the guy in chorrol tells you to get rid of ogres in weatherley. I go there but there are no ogres at all I looked around the area but I only found a wolf. What should I do?

Ogres are pretty annoying, they're as fast as a slow horse and their hits can juggle you. The painted ogres are particularly strong I hear, but I walloped them like nobody's business because my sword at the time did fire damage. All ogres are weak to fire (I guess it's all the hair) and painted ogres are all oil and canvas so they are even more so. There's supposed to be some turpentine to help you out against them too.

If the quest you're talking about is one involving twins then if memory serves me you have to go into a cave. They send you to get a sword or a dagger or something right? There's like 20 ogres in that cave. There's multiple entrances to the cave though and one is really close to your objective. GL on that man. You gotta find a cave entrance.
No, he probably means the one where you must defeat the ogres near the house. If they are not there then it's a bug (they wandered off) and you must find them on your own or you won't be able to finish this quest.
Ring is right, usually, the ogres are super easy to find (behind the house of Weatherley).
If you want to get a nice shield as a reward, I advise you to do this mission when you are at least level 25.
So they wandered off? That freaking blows cause I walked all over the place and couldn't find them at all. I'm pretty much going to have to skip that quest then.........
The only option I can think of is a powerfull Life Detection spell that will show you any living beings in the surrounding area. Then you just follow it and kill them all and you might get lucky.
Hmm I'll try that I suppose, oh I've been doing the mage's guild stuff lately to try and get into the arcane university and I was wondering should I be trying to get into the university at my lv? Currently lv 8 or should I wait till I'm a higher lv to focus on magic and stuff?
Do it as soon as possible. After you get into the university, you will have immidiate access to spell making and enchanting altars. Unlike other factions, the mages guild quests don't really offer you many valuable leveled items for completing the quests. You will have a short time access to one of the most powerfull amulets in the game, though (you will be able to keep it by either exploiting a glitch or just not completing the guild questline)

One of the most useful things you will get is a unique mage's staff. This will be the only chance in the game to get a staff with a paralyze effect, which is normally most expensive spell in the game (also one of the best). The staff has 40 charges! Note that this effects is also disabled for weapon enchanting.

There are grat spells in every school of magic but they are mostly useful at expert to master levels.
find an alteration spell that you can cast over and over and level quickly and then make a lvl 100 lock picking spell and enjoy free access to everything for the rest of the game.
I completed the arena! i made that orc mah bitch once I gave him the diary. I beat him to death with my fist and now I'm wondering if lv up the fist stat is worth it? I'm a monk but I didn't know what I was doing when I made myself a monk class so is it work it to lv up fist, i mean I don't really go around punching people if they have swords.
Oblivion sucks on consoles. No such thing as Uber loot when everyone and their grandmother levels up at the same time as you. Play it on PC and get the balance mod. You will thank me later.

and Btw Morrowind is better! Much better.
I did the vampire cure quest, it was pretty long, def one of the most interesting quests in the game.

Actually, PS3/X360 version run bearly in 30fps and can drop below 10fps in any Oblivion plane or just when there are too many characters on the screen. I wouldn't call it a slight problem because sometimes it makes the game unplayable. I died many times during Battle for castle kvatch quest because the game run at 5 fps all the time when the entire town swarming with deadra, lol. On PC it's somewhat better but Oblivion unfortunately is a poorly optimised game, it uses only one CPU core, so no matter how many cores you have it will run like crap...
i really have to disagree with you here ring. i got an original PS3 right back from where they 1st came out, and i've never had any framerate problems as severe as this, and i've beaten the game(all quests included) maybe 20 or so times by now. infact the only 2 times i've ever had frame rate problems is when trying to kill every1 in every single twn, and when heavily glitching the game to do things i wasnt supposed to(like filling up a portion of the waterfront with nothing but black horse courier...)

Oblivion sucks on consoles. No such thing as Uber loot when everyone and their grandmother levels up at the same time as you. Play it on PC and get the balance mod. You will thank me later.

and Btw Morrowind is better! Much better.
meh i stick to my point that the game really only gets unbalanced if u dont crank up the difficulty or if u do things you're not supposed to do. oblivion is fine w/o rebalancing IMO. but once u've got everything done having all of that extra content is really nice. and certain user made ad-ons are really nice as well.

morrowind is indeed a solid game.
I played the game first on PS3 and I still remember having terrible framerate problems. I think it's mostly related to characters, they slow down the game considerably, more than anything else. The more of them on the screen, the worst framerate. I did battle for castle kvatch quest at level 20+ with all that big ass daedra and it literally run at 5 fps, Ive never seen anything like that on any console/game.

I agree with Engared, I actually thought that Oblivion was awesome the first time I played it, but then it became boring and easy. The balance mods on PC change the game so that it's much more enjoyable. The enemies dont level up with you and they are fixed so most of them will kick your butt at the beginning and you will have to level up before you can match them. And also the new super bosses, they kind of seem like Final Fantasy optional bosses. I still havent been able to beat some of them, most notably Umbra, who is also present in un-modded version of the game and known as one of the toughest opponents. I die in 1-2 hits all the time.

I tried playing Morrowind but.. not to sound like a graphic whore, the character animation is like the worst I have ever seen in a video game. It's just repulsive, I cant play at 3rd person view with it, it's too distracting for me. Even old PSX games had motion capture done, I dont understand why they didnt do that for morrowind.... and if they did, they did it wrong.
=P graphics smaphics. THESE are good graphics:
(FFII for the famicom. i played and beat this, very good game IMO)
and heres an example of what i call high definition graphics:
(Diablo1 FTW!)(i still play if any1 is interested)
classic video games FTW!!! ^_^ they dont make things the way they did in the good old days...*sigh* TT-TT

oh and u shud see how "high def" oblivion looks with mods running on my pentium 4 1GB ram computer with cheap graphics card, especially if i try to run the game at 60fps =P
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