EVO2K12 Results & Shoutouts

I hope it wasn't jam packed. Being at Thursday Runback with like a sea of people with no AC in the middle of summer made me delirious. It'd prob be the opposite during winter.
It WAS actually in the winter but it was in a garage with a ton of people in it... so not only did it smell, but it was humid in there. <_<
I remember Evo 2009 when nationals was a week after and Belial was so sick he couldn't even make it on a plane there. I was sick as a dog too with a bad flu and chills. Was like wtf??
Damien: Somehow, EVO virus got past me this time. Almost everyone I hanged out with got sick this time, so yeah, EVO is always a risk xD

Got some epic photos from Singaporeans at FB

Decopon and Shen Chan! xD

Really cool shot! Singapore and Japanese team rooting for their favorites. Somehow I got in front raw too :)
How many days did it take for the ear aches to go away? Also, my eyes are doing a number on me. They get really dry and red. This is the first time I ever had to actually use eye drops for something like this.

The entire first week after EVO. Wasn't til that next weekend it started feeling any better.