Feeling Generous? In Desperate Need Of Sc Iv!

The game has finally arrived!


It's really good to have something to occupy myself with. My boyfriend dumped me on New Year's Eve (apparently, I'm too nerdy) and thinking about it makes me sick. We were together for 4 years so it's kinda hard... I hope SC IV will keep me busy so that I won't have to think about all the bad stuff.

Thanks again, Talim_JP!
No prob, enjoy and hope the PS3 holds up.

Maybe find a BF that loves SC?
There are many fish in the ocean.

In any case cheer up! : )
My PS3's fan is running on its top gear but the console seems to work all right (the game was being installed awfully long for just ~2.85GB, though).

I went online and got my ass kicked royally. I've even got my first hatemail (apparently, I suck so much that it generates pure hate, lol)! ^_^
PS3 has some slowdown but not that often.

Maybe you're in the process of fryin your vid chip (thus the fan is on overdrive)!
Bon appetite?!
I don't think so. There would be some artefacts. I think that the slowdowns are because of the game itself. They happen a lot on the pirate ship.
pirate ship and ice cave level both tend to slow down sometimes on the ps3 version.

the best way to get back at your boyfriend for dumping you on a holiday is by posting shirtless pictures of him for all of us.
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I still love him. I don't want to get any kind of revenge on him. He sure hates me, though. He even threatened to kill me, lol. It doesn't help that his family thinks that I've "turned him gay" and that I should burn in hell for it.

As for SC IV - the game is both far better and far worse than I thought. Some elements are great but others are below expectations. I still think it's way better than SC III, though.
Think you got it right (1st para). Be careful cause of his threat.

Yay for the 360 w/v. little slowdown (Mr. Gates holds out his hand for more mollah).
The slowdowns ain't that bad but yeah, back in 2008 multiplatforms were better on X360.

I don't regret having the PS3 version, though. The differences are minimal and the game itself is great. The only problem is that I'm two years too late to this party and people pw3n me all the time. Gotta train. :>

As for my ex - he's a great guy but his family is fucking up his mind. I don't blame him for it. Families can be really toxic and dangerous. Mothers and fathers can convince their children to make the worst life decisions by saying that it's for "the greater good"...
Prac will get ya up to the level of the others.

I need a few years to catch up too, haha.

Think you meant "Families can..."
No prob, same here.

I'm probably the one who edits my posts the most, haha.

At least we are able to concentrate on SC. ;)

BTW - I know that SC's story was always on the lame side but... GOD, SCIV'S IS SO RUBBISH THAT IT MAKES MY HEAD HURT! Also, the English translation is ATROCIOUS. Some chars' profiles are written so badly that it hurts, lol.
One thing I"m curious about- whatever happened to the Premium Edition DLC. Could Americans actually buy it on PS3?
I'm on 360 so don't know about PS3.

I don't pay attention to the story much.

My menus are set to English but I use the JP voices (can't stand the English ones).

Do think that the SW (Star Wars) charas English voices are better though (although I haven't really heard em, but don't like the JP voices for these charas).
English voiceovers are pathetic (except for SW chars), I can't stand them.

BTW - I knew that Hilde is broken before but when I was actually fighting against her in online mode... GOD! What was Namcock thinking? She's just crazy. The most broken char I've seen.