Game of Thrones Discussion Thread (Books and Show)

We'll just have to wait and see what they do. Hopefully, they make the right decision. They could easily stretch out Brienne's story just like they did with the Hound and Arya.
I think they're going to do Brienne vs. The Hound based on the trailer and other people's theories. Oathkeeper would probably be the song they use for that fight. Hopefully they stop Brienne's story there after she *kills* Sandor, but I can easily see them keep going. It seems like I'm saying hopefully too much. :| I think I'm done speculating about this, or else I'll drive myself insane. As long as Stoneheart appears, I think I'll be happy. Maybe.

I am highly disappointed. Okay, first, no Stoneheart. WTF? I was so positive that she would be in. Even Lena Headey instagramed a picture of stones in a heart shape with the caption: my stone heart. DAMN YOU CERSEI. DAMN. YOU. Do you know how beast it would have been to show Stoneheart at the end of the finale? I was so prepared to fangasm all over the place. But no.

Oh, and then Jojen dies! Well, I guess he's not important in the books anymore! @Le_Bello that part was just cruel and gratuitous, just like Grenn and Pyp's death.

Brienne vs. The Hound was pretty beast. But since Book 3 is over, I guess they're skipping Merret Frey. I see no reason to do this. I will be extremely disappointed again if they do not show her early on in Season 5, so at the end of Season 5 she can hang Brienne. Asdfghjkl.

Edit: and yes, I know the book and the show are two completely different animals, but it's just why NOT put Stoneheart in? It would literally be the biggest mindfuck and best cliffhanger of all history. And actor availability... well, it's not like she'd be doing a lot (pulling down a hood for like 20 seconds at most) but I don't know much about acting, so take that with a grain of salt.
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I'm beyond disappointed, I am LIVID.

I've been really disappointed with the show this season and the excessively gratuitous manner in which changes are made. I understand changes like Asha to Yara, and giving some characters more screentime who don't appear very much, BUT IF YOU DO THAT THE CHARACTER SHOULD HAVE SOME CONSISTENCY WITH THEIR CANON PERSONALITY. Tyrion's morally wrong actions are basically gone (bar Shae's murder), Jaime is now a rapist who despises rape, Cersei is by turns sympathetic, jaded, utterly insane, and not!Cersei, Arya is obsessed with killing because "it makes her feel good;" I could go on about this for hours. If this AU fanfiction of A Song of Ice and Fire is going to keep sucking, I won't be here for it.

Also, I read details of a casting call for Obara Sand that essentially said Jaime is going to Dorne. Goodbye Catelyn Stark, and fuck you D&D for turning a major character into a background prop.
Hey, just wondering, do you guys spoil stuff from the books here (and I can't check for that same reason)? Cuz I wanna vent my rage over S4 finale. TWO of my fav chars died last night. The Hound was starting to pull a Scrooge/Silas Marner. One promising character off to the dustbin. Then Tywin, the second wittiest character in the series and main villain of the show written off (though the death scene was superb - tragic, comic, and inevitable all at once). Overall, I loved season 4, but it looks like the series is gon be all downhill from here. Most of the key players in the actual "game of thrones" are dead now. Even Danny's proly gon be stuck paying off grieving farmers/fathers for a couple years. The political drama, the backstabbing, and epic rhetoric which really carried GoT, will peter out, replaced by talking birds, vague-ass old men, and hordes of undead. GRRM's got his job cut out for him. Cuz right now, GoT ain't lookin so pretty.
Hey, just wondering, do you guys spoil stuff from the books here (and I can't check for that same reason)? Cuz I wanna vent my rage over S4 finale. TWO of my fav chars died last night. The Hound was starting to pull a Scrooge/Silas Marner. One promising character off to the dustbin. Then Tywin, the second wittiest character in the series and main villain of the show written off (though the death scene was superb - tragic, comic, and inevitable all at once). Overall, I loved season 4, but it looks like the series is gon be all downhill from here. Most of the key players in the actual "game of thrones" are dead now. Even Danny's proly gon be stuck paying off grieving farmers/fathers for a couple years. The political drama, the backstabbing, and epic rhetoric which really carried GoT, will peter out, replaced by talking birds, vague-ass old men, and hordes of undead. GRRM's got his job cut out for him. Cuz right now, GoT ain't lookin so pretty.
Lol you should leave, this is a very dangerous place. Yes, we mainly discuss the books, how they compare to the show, and what things we want to see in the future.

Also, never give up on Game of Thrones. :) when you think it gets boring it just gets so much better. Oh, and don't read past this line for spoilers.


His exact reaction to the show is the exact reason why they should've had Stoneheart, because instead of only seeing the death of two of his fav characters, he could've been literally mindfucked.

I'm beyond disappointed, I am LIVID.

I've been really disappointed with the show this season and the excessively gratuitous manner in which changes are made. I understand changes like Asha to Yara, and giving some characters more screentime who don't appear very much, BUT IF YOU DO THAT THE CHARACTER SHOULD HAVE SOME CONSISTENCY WITH THEIR CANON PERSONALITY. Tyrion's morally wrong actions are basically gone (bar Shae's murder), Jaime is now a rapist who despises rape, Cersei is by turns sympathetic, jaded, utterly insane, and not!Cersei, Arya is obsessed with killing because "it makes her feel good;" I could go on about this for hours. If this AU fanfiction of A Song of Ice and Fire is going to keep sucking, I won't be here for it.

Also, I read details of a casting call for Obara Sand that essentially said Jaime is going to Dorne. Goodbye Catelyn Stark, and fuck you D&D for turning a major character into a background prop.
Eh, I'm okay about some of those details about personality because in the long run they'll still usually do the same actions as their book counterpart. But the omission of Stoneheart and Jojen's death are driving me nuts. I'm clawing my face to keep myself from rage.
Well I really don't mind, não tem problema.

Anyways, the season finale made me want more hehe.

But honestly....Danny is getting so boring.....Not that I like her for a while now.
Seen 4x10

Oh God
Hound vs Brienne

HBO GGRM is just the ultimate troll :D
He know how much fans are into X vs Y trying to apply every story detail to create elaborate theories about why one will "surely"win, even that short exchange of Eddard vs Jamie causd massive shitstorm even without have a clear result/winner and being very short
"NOOOOOO muh book Jamie will have decapitated Ned at 2nd attack! GRRM said he's teh awesome shit with a talent level 9000 when eddard is average wtf lulz eh!!1 "

I've even liked that Ned vs Jaime scene. There you see what imho a lot of fans/readers don't get: there is no dragon ball z power levels in GRRM world, there's not absolute invincible hewillwin10out10 best (aside maybe Arthur Dayne wich is is part of the past, so he can be the iconic legend without disturb to much the story being an actual character).
Ned was fucking war veteran who fought many battles, killed many men and he is (was) still there, he was just the most humble dude of that universe, ever ready to say how everyone else is awesome compared to himself, if he was allowed to change Stak motto he will switch from "winter is coming" to "hi, i'm Ned and i'm average at best" :D
Meanwhile Jamie wa the rich, goodlooking, Lannister only true lion ever into tourneys and jousters who fucking love the spotlight and brag about "Arthur Dayne teach me Shoryuken".
Don't misunderstand, Jamie had his battles and was truly that good, but give a sword to two very skilled and experienced warriors and there is not "100% sure" about who will be the one to last standing... for a "draw" after a short study exchange the shitstorm was priceless :D

But man, dat Hound vs Brienne
GRRM (hbo will not do shit without his approval) took th ultimate terminator alpha revenge badass "fuck water fuck the king" and make him lose a duel to Brienne
Not even a duel
An ultimate berserk brawl survival fistfight duel
They made her "win" fair
Then let him trick his way to round 2 when she was'nt in the mood to do a fatality
Let him go full mount with a 150kg of man+armor unleashing an almost Fedor-approved ground and pound, punching and headbutting without get teh KO, TKO, doctor stoppage or even causing visible face damage

Then she recover Rocky style and goes for total asura's wrath destruction, just to remember tha she want be Arya's babysitter when the hound is still rolling down the mountan :D

Now it's the time of the "but she had a rock!" and "but he got that infected bite wound" and "100% healthy Hound win it in 10 secondz"

Deal with it, you got trolled

Even with my jimmies still rustled i applaud you, Mr. Martin
Seen 4x10

Oh God
Hound vs Brienne

HBO GGRM is just the ultimate troll :D
He know how much fans are into X vs Y trying to apply every story detail to create elaborate theories about why one will "surely"win, even that short exchange of Eddard vs Jamie causd massive shitstorm even without have a clear result/winner and being very short
"NOOOOOO muh book Jamie will have decapitated Ned at 2nd attack! GRRM said he's teh awesome shit with a talent level 9000 when eddard is average wtf lulz eh!!1 "

I've even liked that Ned vs Jaime scene. There you see what imho a lot of fans/readers don't get: there is no dragon ball z power levels in GRRM world, there's not absolute invincible hewillwin10out10 best (aside maybe Arthur Dayne wich is is part of the past, so he can be the iconic legend without disturb to much the story being an actual character).
Ned was fucking war veteran who fought many battles, killed many men and he is (was) still there, he was just the most humble dude of that universe, ever ready to say how everyone else is awesome compared to himself, if he was allowed to change Stak motto he will switch from "winter is coming" to "hi, i'm Ned and i'm average at best" :D
Meanwhile Jamie wa the rich, goodlooking, Lannister only true lion ever into tourneys and jousters who fucking love the spotlight and brag about "Arthur Dayne teach me Shoryuken".
Don't misunderstand, Jamie had his battles and was truly that good, but give a sword to two very skilled and experienced warriors and there is not "100% sure" about who will be the one to last standing... for a "draw" after a short study exchange the shitstorm was priceless :D

But man, dat Hound vs Brienne
GRRM (hbo will not do shit without his approval) took th ultimate terminator alpha revenge badass "fuck water fuck the king" and make him lose a duel to Brienne
Not even a duel
An ultimate berserk brawl survival fistfight duel
They made her "win" fair
Then let him trick his way to round 2 when she was'nt in the mood to do a fatality
Let him go full mount with a 150kg of man+armor unleashing an almost Fedor-approved ground and pound, punching and headbutting without get teh KO, TKO, doctor stoppage or even causing visible face damage

Then she recover Rocky style and goes for total asura's wrath destruction, just to remember tha she want be Arya's babysitter when the hound is still rolling down the mountan :D

Now it's the time of the "but she had a rock!" and "but he got that infected bite wound" and "100% healthy Hound win it in 10 secondz"

Deal with it, you got trolled

Even with my jimmies still rustled i applaud you, Mr. Martin
Good point about the realism. Very few supah powah in GoT. Couple exceptions though.
1. Barristan Selmy. Haven't read the book or anything but he's supposed to be god-like. That episode when he drew his sword in the throne room. Lannister & Co. all had genuine looks of concern on their faces lol. OP status unverified, but dat's how you quit like a bauss.
2. Serio Forel. 5 or so killing spree wit wooden sword? Dat's pretty OP.
3. Jaqen H'ghar. Maybe he's got some Navy SEALS and Green Berets on his payroll. Either way the stuff he does (too fast, too stealthy) would be impossible IRL.

On the subject of fights. Bronn vs. Ser Vardis was classic Dark Souls PVP. Hit, run, flask, troll, Praise the Sun. Heard the book version was more equal tho.

Edit: On that note, why the fuck didn't Serio pick up one of dem real swords? He definitely fast enough.
Barristan is confirmed #2 ever
Basically Arthur Dayne and Barristan were more or less equal, but Arthur got some awesome DS style +10 sword.
But again during GOT show we have already old as fuck Barristan, wich is chuck norris level badass but also chuck norris level old

Syrio? I'm italian, i MUST root for Team Bravos :D
I can ever tell you that i will put money on Syrio over any other character in a 1vs1 not-armored duel :D
Still GRRM chose to have him -appearently- killed by Merin fucking Trant, because he was too awesome and George think was good idea send him with his pratice stick in suicide sacrifice mission against random number of full armored douchebags

Jaqen, or the man who call himself Jaqen, IS awesome, but is probably more the type of dude that wait you go out to do your knighty stuff, then sneak in your home and put poison over your toothbrush

Seriously it's time to accept the bigger picture, GOT is Martin personal crusade against alphaness :D

Robert, cuckolded by his brother in law, killed by a pig
Ned, killed by a Joffry's tantrum for the lulz
Drogo, killed by infected booboo
Syrio, supposed killed by Merin Fucking Trant. A season after a dude that get beated up by women lulz at him
Jorah, eternal friendzoned. Caught betray. Fired. Only dude IN THE UNIVERSE that can't even stay in friendzone
Robb, look like a noob end up he's like the next Alexander the Great. Killed like a noob by an old fart during a party
Bronn, caught on youtube doing this
Jamie, end up in Guantanamo for months, beated up by Brienne, fap-hand cut. Get bitchslapped by his own new hand
Tywin, killed by a dwarf, while shitting
Theon, not even badass but brag about fucking bitches and have big dick. Get tortured, dick cut and become a dog
Daario, played in first season by Barbie
Stannis, get treated like a McDonald employee by random bank guys
The Mountain, totally destroyed by a McDojo Inigo Montoya, win by plot twist, end up poisoned anyway

At this point you must imagine GRRM read his own books
"AH AH AH all of them... ALL!"
Read on teh internet some kid say "well, IF the hound is'nt dead, badassery has still hope :) !"
GRRM "NEVER! I still have teh tv show!"

The Hound, lose an ultimate bigger dick contest. With a woman.


Sounds like someone is forgetting the fuck out of Strong Belwas and Victarion Dargonfucker Greyjoy.
Strong Belwas is a supah obese dude that passed most of his life as a slave and got banana and nuts cut before we even see him. Is not what you will call a lucky guy :D

Victarion is a good call.
Do your pirate shit in full plate armor because you don't fear drowning, In GRRM universe?
He's not alive for badassery, is just that George have not think a lulz enough way to drown him. It's matter of WHEN :D
The oly true Alpha is Tyrion
-charismatic over 9000
-fucked countless whores
-pisses off The Wall just for the lulz
-bitchslapped Joffrey, multiple times <-------- Legendary status already aquired here
-the red hooker was impressed by his banana
-won an Emmy and a Golden Globe
-won his first fight killing his opponent with a shield
-survived i can't remember how many deadly situations, including attempts from Joffrey(current King) and Cersei(current Queen)
-he's friend of Shagga
-throw green napalm at peoples, win the war, save he Kingdom
-framed in murder trial, death sentence, escape
-kill the whore, then pick up the closest thing to a shotgun you can find GOT universe, and in mafia movie style scene kill his own asshole father, who was like the most feared man of the seven kingdoms
-jump in a box to be send somewhere just because seriously fuck this place
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