Good Games Thread

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GG's to
Inksplatter, BlackRoseVale, Luff_The_Talim2, MilliardoPcraft, and whatever.

Bad games to Successful_Loser. There were no games because of your gay ass connection.
fag. :D
Good Fuckin Games (GFGs) to SL, HRD, Koomp, Slayer_X64, VeronicaVirus, ArcticKomodo and that guy who got really mad when I beat his ass.

Also GGs to it raining in Canada in January.
Jhannux always boots me. i beat him one time with nothing but BB and throw and he sends me a message, "go back to ranked, online scrub."

sorry, j, but i'm content at level 20.

anyway very good games last night to megiddo, signia, and wuht. we'll have to session more often!
Good games that superpro Posydon.

Man, I just love his Prep K:K JFS and his 6K-blocked frame traps. Oh, and of course those pesky Prep A's that always seem to go unpunished. Oh, and his darn sidestepping after a -12 BB. Darn, he's so pro.
DeathInMyEyes: Despite all that stuff you mentioned, I think Posydon is pretty good. In my games with him he seemed to make some pretty good decisions and had good defense. We all get away with some BS online, that's why I always curse it. Hell, if I can go on win streaks with Maxi of all shitty characters, you know I'm getting away with some BS.
Yeah, I thought the same thing at first. I remember first fighting his Apprentice, and thinking "holy shit." Even when he 44K'd me, I figured it was because I used Voldo's BS 1A. But eventually, he switched to Maxi and Raphael. That's when my opinion of him turned a 180. Seriously, when I 2A after a blocked Prep A and a 2K interrupts me, I start to get a lil' frustrated.

I'm not saying he isn't a good player, but he does use lag to his advantage. Most likely, he just doesn't know about it.
GGs to Tsubasa28 and Kvalsternacka. It's been a while =) After a break from SC I feel like I lost my old patterns and my game is more "fresh" now.
Jhannux always boots me. i beat him one time with nothing but BB and throw and he sends me a message, "go back to ranked, online scrub."

sorry, j, but i'm content at level 20.

anyway very good games last night to megiddo, signia, and wuht. we'll have to session more often!

weird, I'm very good friends with Jhannux, and never heard of anything like this before.
oh, and don't try to sugar coat those matches! I was getting wrecked from 3 sides cause of you guys lol That's what happens when you go on a SC hiatus for months on end i guess
GG's (I use that term loosly) to the infamous Mr. Enkindu. Went 30 something rounds and I dont think I won 1 fuckin time. Im back to scrub status.

And if that wasnt bad enough.....

GFG's to Thegrandbeeking (Andur) After getting my ass beat, I thought Id get some cassy lessons. Turns out that would end up in a massacre to!! But learned a hella lot.

New years ended up not being the best weekend for SC. I figure I took my beatings and for the next few weeks Ill be untouchable.

GG's Guys

weird, I'm very good friends with Jhannux, and never heard of anything like this before.
oh, and don't try to sugar coat those matches! I was getting wrecked from 3 sides cause of you guys lol That's what happens when you go on a SC hiatus for months on end i guess

Jhannux always rages and starts 1Aing me if I RO, grab or land any move more than once against him. Then he'll send "sorry got tired of the (insert here) spam"
GGs HRD. You're not a scrub for not being able to beat me. I am a lag master, and you upset me by calling me a chump. ;[

GGs HRD, ArcticToilet, SuccessfulLoser, and the randoms that joined (and quit). Love you guys!
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i'm gonna take a guess...he was beating you but getting r@ped by me and NDK.

we all know: winning = spam
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