Good Games Thread

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Hella GFG's to Biohazardblood. Never in my entire career (thats right i said career) have I EVER had a DOUBLE ring out the ended in a fuckin DRAW!! I love online!! The other matches we had we just fun as fuck to! Best stuff Ive played in awhile!!

Really they both praise me for being good then I get booted. Im like, ok call me me good for blocking your Asta 1A's and Algol 11A's and punishing, w/e. It was stupid on-line nonsense.

Anyway, GGs to Omnis again and to crazy amount of randoms.. on-line is lulz.
Damn ggs to Mr Potatooes and Kingwalker. A good non-cheap Nightmare and a good non-cheap Tira. Best games Ive had in a while.
rofl GGs to racism.

anyway GGs to signia and sephalump. good shit from both. sorry i had to ragequit. :P
GGs to SlayerX_64, ShinjiUrahara, Zone_||IN||_Out, Signia, xxNOVASTARxx and alot more people I have played in the past week.

BGs to Rage quitters vs Turtle Ivy on ranked.
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