Halo 4

Wow its been awhile since people replied to this thread lol playing the campaign on legendary difficulty is such a pain in the ass *sigh* Good thing I played alot of dark souls so i don't get frustrated too much with my many deaths.....
Everything else is nice but a couple of things I dislike...Im sure this has been an every halo game and its where you're always constantly scavenging the battlefield looking for new weapons simply because you never find enough ammo for your current weapon. Personally im use to this but no a fan of this really, there are many times I wanna hold on to my BR or DMR but simply can't because ammo is so scarce.

Final thing is the storm rifle...my god its pure shit to me. It never seems to hit anything, always so inaccurate and what I dont get is when you press the zoom feature on it and shoot well it doesn't STAY in that zoom feature and goes back to first person, view um what is up with that? If the DMR and BR stay in zoom why can't the storm rifle can? well I guess it wouldn't really matter anyway since that gun has shitty aiming.
Finally beat the campaign today on legendary difficulty.....such a pain in the ass. Glad i got that lone wolf legend achievement out the way, Promethean knight are the worst ever take so long to kill especially the commanders with that damn Incineration cannon.....
Finally beat the campaign today on legendary difficulty.....such a pain in the ass. Glad i got that lone wolf legend achievement out the way, Promethean knight are the worst ever take so long to kill especially the commanders with that damn Incineration cannon.....
Sweet now get the co-op one! I haven't played co-op or spartan ops yet.
I didn't have that much trouble with the game on Legendary. Maybe because I played it all the way through on Heroic first and got used to the game before tackling Legendary.
Honestly, Solo legendary isnt that hard. Even more so, if you have 3 other people with you, you can literally AR storm the rooms and still kill everything on time haha.
My first halo game btw guys so...yeah ofc i struggled on legendary lol It wasn't too hard...over exaggerated there a bit. But the only parts that really gave me trouble were a few parts on the forerunner missions especially with the damn wraiths and then the last part on midnight where on the second tower you have to come and defeat a total of 6 knights. The commander with the incineration cannon kept killing me....i passed it eventually by kept shooting them with my light rifle at a distance lol
Gotta use those armor abilities man. Send out a hologram to trick him into shooting it and then run up while he is reloading the cannon and give him a scattershot to the face.
This game seriously let me down compared to past Halos. I had a bad feeling that 343 would ruin everything Bungie worked so hard to create ever since they rebalanced Halo Reach, and now my fears have been realized. To me it feels like they just slapped some Call of Duty elements on it and removed all the substance that made Halo so great in the first place.
Tried getting back into the game the other night but couldn't connect to any matches, just stayed in the "finding players" screen with no matches at all coming up. Did the same with SO and WG matches. My NAT type was open so I'm not sure what is wrong.

The pic is just another joke about the constant sequels out there vs. original games. I guess I just posted it here cuz it had MC in it. I dunno. It's late, I'm tired, and I don't really care.