...Has To Be Bogus...

I'm counting on at least $40 if it is mostly everything listed here. Sounds cool. And perhaps some balance fixes too. A demonic Algol? Sounds good to me because in Sophitia's ending, Algol became a big pansy.

Question though, do the other SC games have as much tracking moves as SC4? Because when I started getting into this game, reading stuff like A stops steppers, and B stops crouchers. Funny that lots of B's and moves track.
Didn't Bamco have an open forum for players to give feedback about the game, it's design and gameplay, not too long ago? Some of the key questions on their list would affect balance and properties of character's movesets.

If anything, we'll see another patch soon; like this past one, only a little more thought-out and complete (hopefully).
Apparently, and this was just some hearsay I caught wind of a while ago, this is to be an expansion with the name "Algol's Demon" or something of the sort, and includes:

2-3 New Characters
3 New Stages
Alternate story mode endings
Plenty of new Customization pieces
Some new music available

I can't vouch for any of this as much as the info already provided, but it's in the same vein as Dark Resurrection of Blood Line Rebellion for Tekken.
well it would definately be nice for some new characters beside SW and hilde >.> I never did like her >.< a spartan beside lizard man would be nice... and a fighting style with sword and shield thats a male would be a nice change from Sophi and cass >.>... but when you add everything up thats in this thread and tie all the loose ends up its easy to see they are planing it the question is when will they release it...


just remembered LM quest to get his soul back... maybe they will have his human form in an update? that would be hella nice
What else does NB have really in the pipeline? Seeing how popular SC4 is and how weak their other releases have been and that Tekken 6 won't be out until Fall 2009, it makes alot of sense to do an update which is great because the game does feel a bit incomplete.
This actually sounds pretty believable.

I'd definitely buy it if it really adds all of that content to the game.
Maybe they'll add that thing that SC1 had (Colliseum or something?) where you do things and unlock artwork. That was so much fun. Way better than the tedious ToLS.
Lol also sonic and tails are ultra secret characters in melee and you can get mew by using strength on that truck you can see from S.S.Anne. People can spread whatever rumors they like but without a source they are just blowing smoke.
Maybe if we post enough in this thread expressing how much we believe it they just might put all the stuff in the game. Just look at what happened with Sheng Long...kinda...¯\(°_o)/¯
i personally think the current dlc is a stitch overpriced. the items aren't that attractive for anything more than 100pts. i haven't paid for any dlc yet because i'm a cheap bastard. i'm waiting to see if it goes free (i'm hoping it does EVENTUALLY) because they are all items that are pretty lame looking that i don't NEED to have, imo. however if its a massive update i'd be more inclined to pay.... i don't see myself paying 60. mayyyybe 25. but i am cheap.

As a fellow so-called "cheap gamer" (I prefer frugal), I'd pay up to $30 for DLC this expansive. The only SCIV DLC I've bought so far is Vader, and he was worth every penny (I always wished 360 got Vader instead of Yoda).
honestly how many of you play so you can dress up your character differently? You know you could pay for a lunch with the price of some of these "awesome" costumes. Anything added except fuckin team battles (should have been there in the first place...assholes...), survival, a new mode, and new characters would just be Namco asking for people to pay a stupid tax (now if you REALLY like to dress up your little fighters than it might be a different story). I BUY the game for the CONTENT. the CHARACTERS. the MODES. Sexy santa, bitchy cat, or charlie brown curlie-cue hair changes might be "nice" but in no way would I pay for that unless it was a nice bonus for giving REAL characters. And a dark algol? Dark sword bitches? Dark Zas? (they'll call the character kunta kinte)... come on. Now thats not to say they won't do anything like this. I just forsee that if they do it will be a HORRIBLE ripe-off...might not even be DLC (hell...look at how originally it was said that the game was gonna have to be downloaded onto the HD for xbox to play but then somehow it didn't.....). They might just sell a new game add on to download onto your system or who knows what weird shit they'll pull out of their asses. But either way the cost will be an arm, a leg, and your left nut (they'll take ovaries too girls..don't worry..). I've never been one to trust Namco becuase they've fucked people on every game they could in ways that they probably only thought up while sipping gin and juice from a flexy straw upsi-fuckin-down. But to all those that are hopeful good luck to your dreams..you never know. Just prepare to have to turn a couple tricks on 31st on broadway to afford something that won't even be a "real" finished product (ohh shit guys.. did we forget to put the mode in that we promised?? are bad.. ... 10 more dollars pleaseeeeee).
Don't believe it. You are suggesting a DR-like patch, and something like that is going to be sold as its own game, meaning higher price.
When the first Gears of War was released people used to say shit like that all the time and that's all people would talk about.. aside from constantly talking shit about the other team of course...
i couldn't see this happening.. but if it did, I would probably buy it if there was as much content as stated in the OP