Is this game worth buying a PSP for?

thi game is definently worth buyin, my second favorite fighting game for my psps (right under tekken 6)
Any word on if that means a price drop on PSN as well? Sold my Go so I can get a 3000. Just debating on a 16 or 32GB memory card.
It is if you want to play SC on the go, but otherwise the game is way to difficult at times, and Kratos moves are too slow. And the Damippre guy he is cool but creepy. The Glaulet mode is worth it, its a funny altertive to the SC world.
If you need to play it on the go its nice during those boring moments,like getting your oil changed where there are 30 ppl there and they are on the 2nd person. I own it and I have to admit it is nice to have when you are bored or are waiting for something. The whole purpose of having a portable gaming console. But if you don't want to buy it, you wont be missing much besides the two new characters in the game. Kratos(sp?) and that one strange guy can't really remember his name. Along with a few new stages.
Not many people play BD so if you want lots of competition then no it's not. But if u want calibur on-the-go or to have the latest game then yes. I've discussed the overall rebalance in other threads.
I heard the AI is better than SC4 though. Is that true?
Yes. In quick match mode, they have a few quality Ai's based on players (like Kayane) that do some interesting stuff. (Still prone to eating delay attacks tho.)

They also have a lot of quirky AI's that are just stupid too tho. (Like Terror Bites, the Maxi that bases his entire offense around 66K)

The AI in the other modes can be ok, but it'll do stuff like always tech which can encourage bad habits in your offense.