[Japan] All Visitors To Japan

SCVI- RE has been reworked for season 2 (out on Mon) & Hilde will be added.
I’ll take a look at the game & if I like what I see I may be back!

Have been playin CoD: MW w/a M91 LMG & havin fun although I see many people complaining about the game.

Preordered the Hori DIVA arcade controller for
PS4. When Project DIVA Mega39’s
is released for Switch 2/13 they wil add some new songs to the PS4 Project DIVA & I will play that. Not plannin on buyin the Switch version although I have my son’s Switch (which I don’t use).
Well happy 2020 to all!
A fresh decade (& the Olympics (big in Tokyo/Japan)) is comin.

Here’s what’s happenin lately.
I liked the Season 2 SCVI update more but don’t have/want to take the time to learn a new game (I skipped SCV so SCVI is a lot different than SCIV or SCII). So although many of my friends are playin SC unfortunately I think I’m done with FGs. Of course I’ll always support SC, I volunteered for JP EVO although cause I work & didn’t take time off I can only do the midnight/late night shift for the final 2 dayz (I work Sat so couldn’t volunteer for that day although I really wish I could help w/the SC comp).

I’m playin CoD: MW a lot & havin fun. I use my M91 LMG only (slow but powerful) & although it’s not a winning formula that’s all I’m gonna use so I do what I can w/it (stubbornness continues, haha).

Will play more DIVA next year after the new game & controller hits. Did order the Switch version but only cause I want the CDs, may not play it much (although we have a (unused) Switch).

Will prob buy both next gen consoles. W/Halo Infinite announced I will buy the MS one (if only for that game cause me & my son love Halo).

Goin to lotsa concerts (JP group I like, Miku & 80s groups), still learning drums & hittin the gym 2x a week. Found Date A Live Kurumi, LS Type Vtuber Miku & am trying to figure out what to do w/my growing Miku figure collection (no space & would like to get them out in public so others can see & enjoy them too).

What will a new decade bring?...
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Work all this week so won’t be at JP EVO.
Did volunteer for the late night shift (7PM-12AM) Sat & Sun nights.

Still havin fun on CoD: MW w/my M91 LMG.
Also catch Netflix (& 4K ones!) movies.
Got a drum recital comin up so gotta prac.
Also still hittin the gym (usually 2x/week).
Anybody still active here? Japan/Korea/Southeast Asia area playets that can do a couple of matches lol. Most people in the Discord servers are in the US or Europe.

The COVID-19 lockdown heavily affected our internet traffic which made rank almost impossible to play.
I don’t play the game anymore (CoD:MW & Miku music gamez) but I’m sure they’re still playing online.

Haven’t heard of any offline events for awhile.
Long time no hear!
How you be?

SCVI didn’t agree w/me (am really glad Talim was in though, thanks Namco).
I stopped playing gamez altogether.
Played a little COD: MW but now am into music & watching Netflix & Amazon Prime.
Will def buy the new XBX & be on the new Halo (after Dec).

They used to have SC nights at Red Bull Gaming Sphere Tokyo (in Nakano) but then COVID hit.
Sure someone’s still playing but prob mostly online now cause of COVID. Japan is just starting to open up again so things (like offline events & comps) will prob come back.
Hey man yeah its been awhile. Wow i thought for sure you were gonna come back to the SC world when Talim made here aperance
Sorry double post well I guess when this covid thing blows over and Japan opens up again we can grab a bite at that burger place in Aki like old times. Just let me know if anything pops up on the SC scene. Now im in a 2 week quarantine so im stuck in my place in Toko lol. Take care!
I did go back & try SC.
The supers (most FGs have them now) & built in quick events that you have to watch didn’t agree w/me. I like the smooth, uninterrupted flow of the older SCs.

Tokorozawa in Saitama?

Still lovin burgers, that hasn’t changed.
I did go back & try SC.
The supers (most FGs have them now) & built in quick events that you have to watch didn’t agree w/me. I like the smooth, uninterrupted flow of the older SCs.

Tokorozawa in Saitama?

Still lovin burgers, that hasn’t changed.
No I'm in your neck of the woods now. Koiwa 5 stops from Aki.
Been a long time-
Now for some news!

I’m back to playin PS3 SCIIHD Online. Try to get online & play w/buds on Sun afternoons/evenings.

There was a SCIIIAE comp near Fuji 3/9.
Here’s the vid of the comp (& free play after).
Many (old) playas went (Dekka Cho, Sarusabe, Arutenight, Kita Senri, etc).

There will be SCVI side comp at EVO Japan 4/28.
I plan to go & help out w/the comp.
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