Jrasta's Sketches


[11] Champion
Well... Been a while. I'm not sure I've ever seen the place deader and I was here before SCV... Tis a shame what with SCVI long being a thing at this point and although I have yet to play this what is no doubt a masterpiece of game engineering notwithstanding I've decided to make this little thread back on good old 8wayrun.

Over the last couple years I've done many quick sketches, some live, some from photography, some big, some small but all relatively fast. Recently I've picked up Control from Remedy Games, it's a rare time to find me playing any games at the moment incidentally which has a rather stunning setting to go with it's photo mode, so I've been taking advantage of that as of late... Also with the recent death of long time player and long time friend of many here 'Mick' given the tragic and horrific apparent nature of the death I've found myself needing to express that also some of which I may share here as well.

But for now I shall leave you with what anyone who knows me here knows me best for... A video. This picture is from my animal sketchbook and begins with a look at the other sketches in the book initially. Seems most appropriate to begin here. Hope it's enjoyable for everyone... Peace.

Looks like they collared the guy...

Won't bring him back but hopefully at least it means this one won't be able to hurt anyone else. I like to think Mick wouldn't even wish harm on him. Sounds like he was always trying to do what was right by everyone. Let's follow that example.
Moving on swiftly, just a few small ones to test what I can do here, seems to be a fairly harsh file size limit on attachments so I can't attach any of my original images at all and everything needs to be resized as such. These are a few various places I've been in a slow GIF so they're a bit clearer. If anyone is indeed curious about the places I can recall some details but these were all referenced later from photography in any case.
Going to try a mixture with some thumbnails now. See how that goes. I won't be doing anymore of these particular sketches as I suspect I've done all I can here. I didn't know Mick myself and it was a little surprising just how hard this hit mainly because it was such unexpected news to receive I guess. I just want to do my part here to ensure he's not forgotten for who he truly was. He was clearly one of the best of us and deserved far better but this is the best I've got sadly. Spent the last couple of weeks contemplating and wondering... Could it have been different? It could've been anyone of us... But I realise that all that matters now is that we hold on to the best, the good times we shared, be the best we can be. It's what he would've wanted I think and we can never go back. All we can do is honour him now and forevermore.


Dedicated to the memory of Marquette Yarbrough.

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Let's try it with a GIF while I'm here... Few self-portraits this time... I like to do something for Halloween like the video above I made a couple years back on the Day of the Dead or All Souls Day and one of these here is from last year's All Saints Day. Another I made specifically for a little verse I wrote last year which was something I hadn't actually done before though I've got a few sketches I used with them as it happened during last year's 'lockdown' nonsense some of which I may share here at some point. The last one I did to test a new pad and the GIF is a very small one I did to test out my RGB light when I first got it... Also videoed that one along with the first one but perhaps another time.


Few more as I'm bored and I have quite a few at this point. Might do another right now real quick before bed.


Back to the real world a few spots around where I live I did recently.

Here's a couple further afield from older photos.


Today we're going to have something we're all sure exists, have no doubt spent a fair amount of time upon yet have somehow, seemingly... Forgotten. Like a memory of reality within a dream... But, like waking up back to reality, suddenly we remember just as quickly as the dream is forgotten... Holidays.


So this is a little place opposite where I'm from called Devon on the South West coast of England from whence one bright shiny 17th century morn a little ship called the Mayflower departed across the merciless waters of the Atlantic to faraway shores... Of course, this is England, we all know it far more likely actually was a damp, dark and miserable afternoon and they'd just had enough... Pussies.

But I digress... The first two thumbnails are the coast around an aquatic nature reserve zoo in the city of Torquay with free-roaming penguins and the other two is the largest waterfall in England... Which ironically had to be man-made... By a woman... Who no doubt had many men do it for her... As is natural... We're not particularly good at waterfalls either but this one was relatively impressive. One is of the stream at the bottom and the other is my dear sister looking up to the top. We didn't walk all the way up as the path was not suitable for wheelchairs and we didn't want to leave my dad out.

The last one there I did in the evening while fighting off a horde of tiny insects at our little inn where we stayed. What dreams may come?
Few more real quick, same theme, this time however we have somewhere on the other end of the country closer to me called Norfolk and this is the north-west coast at a place called Hunstanton. You may remember the lighthouse in the GIF above also known as Old Hunstanton Lighthouse as well as the brick building known as Norfolk Lavender which is a small lavender farm and garden centre type store. The other two are one of the rarer times I broke out the oil pastel for a tiny painting. It later became a gift for a friend in the frame there...
Next time we're going to do my favourite thing. Trains. I mean I'm going to draw some for some cards but I have one or two from nearby the beach there in North Wales. A small village on the west coast called Twynn that is also the terminus for the Talyllyn narrow gauge Railway moderately famous by association with a series of books featuring among others a certain tank engine. More later...
OK, sticking with holidays for the moment we're going to mix it up with some small trains, although I have yet to get to any cards sadly. Other, baffling, bewildering things so the usual but that's another story...

These are some of my earliest small sketches so perhaps a bit rough around the edges but above we have the Vale of Rheidol Railway No. 8 at Devil's Bridge Station. Running from here back to Aberystwyth though North Wales. Some fantastic views along this line by the way. The second is Duncan at the aforementioned Twynn Station on the Talyllyn Railway also presenting some very nice North Wales views. Below we have the peak of Snowdon which is the highest peak in the Welsh Highlands indeed in all of Wales. You may notice there is no train in this one but let's just say I didn't walk up this mountain.
That's it for the holidays at least I think. At least for now anyway. Perhaps we'll come back closer to home next time though.
Happy Mother's Day.

Don't worry Americans, or indeed anyone outside the UK and Ireland, for everyone else Mother's Day falls on different days of the year... Also Deepest condolences @Pocky-Yoshi no disrespect intended. I would in fact like to extend utmost blessing to you and your family. May your fine attitude and generous spirit long continue and endure every tragedy old-friend.
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