Jrasta's Sketches

Seems as it happens today is World Poetry Day so what better time to share some of my pictures I mentioned earlier. I threw these together quite quickly for twitter to give me something to do during the lockdown as I said and also to share with others dealing with the situation if only to perhaps provide them some small inspiration in a time that seems hopeless for them. For me? Par for the course... Without further ado then.


Until next time...
Been experimenting with some 'water' oil pastels which is why some distortion of the paper can be seen in some of these... Here I had my first go at a self-portrait wearing some costume style items I got online...
I've always wanted to own a top hat... Couldn't explain it if I tried but now I do... Stupid amazon.
Noticed the picture in the background today and as it happens I got some new 'iridescent' oil pastels today as well as some more water soluble ones to play with... Let's just say I was inspired.
Included a couple WIP as my GIFs are far too large to attach here as well as the finished one under the normal white light but you get the general idea.
@Jrasta111 Why were the last 2 arts you made covered in red color? What does it mean?
It's just my lamps. I discovered RGB LED bulbs. It has a little remote control to switch the colours and when I make the GIFs I like to have them a bit speedy so I take several pictures when it's done and cycle through all the colour settings so it stays on the screen longer as well as some angled ones with the red and green which as you may notice in numerous examples of my work in assorted places are the colours I'm most fond of displaying. Along with yellow they also comprise the colours in the Ethiopian flag which is the traditional 'rasta' flag so to speak. Also Christmas.

But mostly I just like them for some reason... Who can say? You can see in the thumbnails below the last one the last picture is the plain white light as opposed to the coloured ones.

Sometimes my art loses some effect in still images sadly even if the RGB lighting does produce some interesting effects in person especially in the case of the last one but taking photos and making GIFs is a lot easier than making full motion video which still isn't quite the same as real-life anyway. It also involves hours of encoding and editing. Something of a greater endeavour but if anyone would actually like to see more of that I certainly can see what I can arrange.
While I'm talking about the lamps here's the video I made to test the first bulb I got... Got several more since then, different kinds though, this is the brightest one in the existing stuff and the main one for now as the other two are much dimmer and the ceiling ones won't come into their own until I change position in the room into a spot right underneath with an easel or something... But anyway this is the one I mentioned and showed a photo of before on the first page.

It's just my lamps. I discovered RGB LED bulbs. It has a little remote control to switch the colours and when I make the GIFs I like to have them a bit speedy so I take several pictures when it's done and cycle through all the colour settings so it stays on the screen longer as well as some angled ones with the red and green which as you may notice in numerous examples of my work in assorted places are the colours I'm most fond of displaying. Along with yellow they also comprise the colours in the Ethiopian flag which is the traditional 'rasta' flag so to speak. Also Christmas.

But mostly I just like them for some reason... Who can say? You can see in the thumbnails below the last one the last picture is the plain white light as opposed to the coloured ones.

Sometimes my art loses some effect in still images sadly even if the RGB lighting does produce some interesting effects in person especially in the case of the last one but taking photos and making GIFs is a lot easier than making full motion video which still isn't quite the same as real-life anyway. It also involves hours of encoding and editing. Something of a greater endeavour but if anyone would actually like to see more of that I certainly can see what I can arrange.
Oh, yeah, at first I thought you were shading it with a different color each time after taking a shot of it. But is it even possible? Sorry (noob in this kind of arts)
Oh, yeah, at first I thought you were shading it with a different color each time after taking a shot of it. But is it even possible? Sorry (noob in this kind of arts)
Well I'm actually kind of new at this stuff here honestly. Don't often use wet media mainly because it's fiddly and little issues like distortion of the paper can suddenly become an issue. I'm getting a little better fairly quickly though which is nice.

Mostly I stick to dry media because it is fairly easy to go over things again and again if necessary although ideally I prefer to go through it quickly but mistakes are more easily and swiftly corrected for instance. If you wanted you could do that but for me I find in the past I'd agonise over how nothing ever seems finished so to speak which may well be true of most things so I tend to go through it quickly and then move on to the next thing these days without thinking about it too much.

I hear people say the hardest part is starting but I don't think that's accurate. The hardest part is knowing when it's done which ironically is probably why they say that and why so many talk about trouble starting but it's not actually about that at all I think. When you consider what you're going to do in your head you make a plan, plot a course so to speak, if you can't figure out where it ends how can you even know how to begin? Philosophical perhaps but nonetheless true I find.

Here's a little something I did last night. Been doing some screens from the Simpsons as of late after someone absentmindedly suggested such a thing about a particular scene that picture seen at the top of this page on a Simpsons quotes twitter account... 'Hey, Homer, you're missing out on some fun...'
Well I'm actually kind of new at this stuff here honestly. Don't often use wet media mainly because it's fiddly and little issues like distortion of the paper can suddenly become an issue. I'm getting a little better fairly quickly though which is nice.

Mostly I stick to dry media because it is fairly easy to go over things again and again if necessary although ideally I prefer to go through it quickly but mistakes are more easily and swiftly corrected for instance. If you wanted you could do that but for me I find in the past I'd agonise over how nothing ever seems finished so to speak which may well be true of most things so I tend to go through it quickly and then move on to the next thing these days without thinking about it too much.

I hear people say the hardest part is starting but I don't think that's accurate. The hardest part is knowing when it's done which ironically is probably why they say that and why so many talk about trouble starting but it's not actually about that at all I think. When you consider what you're going to do in your head you make a plan, plot a course so to speak, if you can't figure out where it ends how can you even know how to begin? Philosophical perhaps but nonetheless true I find.

Here's a little something I did last night. Been doing some screens from the Simpsons as of late after someone absentmindedly suggested such a thing about a particular scene that picture seen at the top of this page on a Simpsons quotes twitter account... 'Hey, Homer, you're missing out on some fun...'
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Compared to me, you're doing real good to be a newbie. :/ Don't mind me though, just enjoy your God's given gift hehe.
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